Class LRUItemStateCache

  extended byorg.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.LRUItemStateCache
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LRUItemStateCache
extends Object
implements ItemStateCache

An ItemStateCache implementation that internally uses a LRUMap to maintain a cache of ItemState objects.

Field Summary
          default maximum size of this cache
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new, empty ItemStateCache with a maximum size of 1000.
LRUItemStateCache(int maxSize)
          Constructs a new, empty ItemStateCache with the specified maximum size.
Method Summary
 void cache(ItemState state)
          Stores the specified ItemState object in the map using its ItemId as the key.
 void dispose()
          Informs the cache that it is no longer in use.
 void evict(ItemId id)
          Removes the ItemState object with the specified id from this cache if it is present.
 void evictAll()
          Clears all entries from this cache.
 boolean isCached(ItemId id)
          Returns true if this cache contains an ItemState object with the specified id.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Returns true if this cache contains no entries.
 Set keySet()
          Returns an unmodifiable set view of the keys (i.e. ItemId objects) of the cached entries.
 ItemState retrieve(ItemId id)
          Returns the ItemState object with the specified id if it is present or null if no entry exists with that id.
 int size()
          Returns the number of entries in this cache.
 void update(ItemId id)
          Informs the cache that the item was modified and the cache might need to recalc the items caching weight.
 Collection values()
          Returns an unmodifiable collection view of the values (i.e. ItemState objects) contained in this cache.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE
default maximum size of this cache

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public LRUItemStateCache()
Constructs a new, empty ItemStateCache with a maximum size of 1000.


public LRUItemStateCache(int maxSize)
Constructs a new, empty ItemStateCache with the specified maximum size.

maxSize - the maximum size of the cache, -1 for no limit,
Method Detail


public boolean isCached(ItemId id)
Returns true if this cache contains an ItemState object with the specified id.

Specified by:
isCached in interface ItemStateCache
id - id of ItemState object whose presence should be tested.
true if there's a corresponding cache entry, otherwise false.


public ItemState retrieve(ItemId id)
Returns the ItemState object with the specified id if it is present or null if no entry exists with that id.

Specified by:
retrieve in interface ItemStateCache
id - the id of the ItemState object to be returned.
the ItemState object with the specified id or or null if no entry exists with that id


public void cache(ItemState state)
Stores the specified ItemState object in the map using its ItemId as the key.

Specified by:
cache in interface ItemStateCache
state - the ItemState object to cache


public void evict(ItemId id)
Removes the ItemState object with the specified id from this cache if it is present.

Specified by:
evict in interface ItemStateCache
id - the id of the ItemState object which should be removed from this cache.


public void evictAll()
Clears all entries from this cache.

Specified by:
evictAll in interface ItemStateCache


public void update(ItemId id)
Informs the cache that the item was modified and the cache might need to recalc the items caching weight.

Specified by:
update in interface ItemStateCache
id - the id of the item that was modified.


public boolean isEmpty()
Returns true if this cache contains no entries.

Specified by:
isEmpty in interface ItemStateCache
true if this cache contains no entries.


public int size()
Returns the number of entries in this cache.

Specified by:
size in interface ItemStateCache
number of entries in this cache.


public Set keySet()
Returns an unmodifiable set view of the keys (i.e. ItemId objects) of the cached entries.

Specified by:
keySet in interface ItemStateCache
a set view of the keys of the cached entries.


public Collection values()
Returns an unmodifiable collection view of the values (i.e. ItemState objects) contained in this cache.

Specified by:
values in interface ItemStateCache
a collection view of the values contained in this cache.


public void dispose()
Informs the cache that it is no longer in use.

Specified by:
dispose in interface ItemStateCache

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