Class Types.Identifiable<X>

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.AbstractManagedType<X>
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.Types.Identifiable<X>
Type Parameters:
X -
All Implemented Interfaces:
IdentifiableType<X>, ManagedType<X>, Type<X>
Direct Known Subclasses:
Types.Entity, Types.MappedSuper
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class Types.Identifiable<X>
extends AbstractManagedType<X>
implements IdentifiableType<X>

Represents an abstract persistent type that has a persistent identity.

Pinaki Poddar

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.AbstractManagedType
AbstractManagedType.AttributeNameFilter<X>, AbstractManagedType.AttributeTypeFilter<X,Y>, AbstractManagedType.DeclaredAttributeFilter<X>, AbstractManagedType.ElementTypeFilter<X,E>, AbstractManagedType.EntryTypeFilter<X,K,V>, AbstractManagedType.Filter<T>, AbstractManagedType.IdAttributeFilter<X>, AbstractManagedType.PluralCategoryFilter<X>, AbstractManagedType.SingularAttributeFilter<X>, AbstractManagedType.VersionAttributeFilter<X>
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface javax.persistence.metamodel.Type
Field Summary
 Class<X> cls
Fields inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.AbstractManagedType
meta, model
Constructor Summary
Types.Identifiable(ClassMetaData meta, MetamodelImpl model)
Method Summary
 Type<?> getIdType()
          Return the type that represents the type of the id.
 Class<X> getJavaType()
 IdentifiableType<? super X> getSupertype()
          Return the identifiable type that corresponds to the most specific mapped superclass or entity extended by the entity or mapped superclass.
 boolean hasIdAttribute()
 boolean hasSingleIdAttribute()
          Whether or not the identifiable type uses an attribute to represents its persistent identity.
 boolean hasVersionAttribute()
          Whether or not the identifiable type has a version attribute.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.AbstractManagedType
filter, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttributes, getCollection, getCollection, getDeclaredAttribute, getDeclaredAttribute, getDeclaredAttributes, getDeclaredCollection, getDeclaredCollection, getDeclaredId, getDeclaredList, getDeclaredList, getDeclaredMap, getDeclaredMap, getDeclaredPluralAttributes, getDeclaredSet, getDeclaredSet, getDeclaredSingularAttribute, getDeclaredSingularAttribute, getDeclaredSingularAttributes, getDeclaredVersion, getId, getIdClassAttributes, getList, getList, getMap, getMap, getPluralAttributes, getSet, getSet, getSingularAttribute, getSingularAttribute, getSingularAttributes, getVersion, pick
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.persistence.metamodel.IdentifiableType
getDeclaredId, getDeclaredVersion, getId, getIdClassAttributes, getVersion
Methods inherited from interface javax.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType
getAttribute, getAttributes, getCollection, getCollection, getDeclaredAttribute, getDeclaredAttributes, getDeclaredCollection, getDeclaredCollection, getDeclaredList, getDeclaredList, getDeclaredMap, getDeclaredMap, getDeclaredPluralAttributes, getDeclaredSet, getDeclaredSet, getDeclaredSingularAttribute, getDeclaredSingularAttribute, getDeclaredSingularAttributes, getList, getList, getMap, getMap, getPluralAttributes, getSet, getSet, getSingularAttribute, getSingularAttribute, getSingularAttributes
Methods inherited from interface javax.persistence.metamodel.Type
getJavaType, getPersistenceType

Field Detail


public final Class<X> cls
Constructor Detail


public Types.Identifiable(ClassMetaData meta,
                          MetamodelImpl model)
Method Detail


public boolean hasVersionAttribute()
Whether or not the identifiable type has a version attribute.

Specified by:
hasVersionAttribute in interface IdentifiableType<X>
boolean indicating whether or not the identifiable type has a version attribute


public IdentifiableType<? super X> getSupertype()
Return the identifiable type that corresponds to the most specific mapped superclass or entity extended by the entity or mapped superclass.

Specified by:
getSupertype in interface IdentifiableType<X>
super type of identifiable type or null if no such super type


public boolean hasIdAttribute()


public boolean hasSingleIdAttribute()
Whether or not the identifiable type uses an attribute to represents its persistent identity. Returns true for a simple or embedded identifier. Returns false for an classes that use separate identifier class for its persistent identity.

Specified by:
hasSingleIdAttribute in interface IdentifiableType<X>
boolean indicating whether or not the identifiable type represents its persistent identity via a single identifier attribute.


public Type<?> getIdType()
Return the type that represents the type of the id.

Specified by:
getIdType in interface IdentifiableType<X>
type of identifier


public final Class<X> getJavaType()
Specified by:
getJavaType in interface Type<X>


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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