Class AbstractManagedType<X>

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.AbstractManagedType<X>
Type Parameters:
X - the
All Implemented Interfaces:
ManagedType<X>, Type<X>
Direct Known Subclasses:
Types.Embeddable, Types.Identifiable, Types.PseudoEntity

public abstract class AbstractManagedType<X>
extends Object
implements ManagedType<X>

Implements the managed persistent type and its attributes. Provides identity and version attribute facilities for Identifiable type but does not implement it.

Pinaki Poddar

Nested Class Summary
static class AbstractManagedType.AttributeNameFilter<X>
static class AbstractManagedType.AttributeTypeFilter<X,Y>
          Selects if the attribute type matches the given Java class.
static class AbstractManagedType.DeclaredAttributeFilter<X>
static class AbstractManagedType.ElementTypeFilter<X,E>
          Selects plural attribute of given element type.
static class AbstractManagedType.EntryTypeFilter<X,K,V>
static interface AbstractManagedType.Filter<T>
          Affirms if a given element satisfy a condition.
static class AbstractManagedType.IdAttributeFilter<X>
static class AbstractManagedType.PluralCategoryFilter<X>
static class AbstractManagedType.SingularAttributeFilter<X>
          Affirms if the given attribute is a Singular attribute.
static class AbstractManagedType.VersionAttributeFilter<X>
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface javax.persistence.metamodel.Type
Field Summary
 Class<X> cls
 ClassMetaData meta
 MetamodelImpl model
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractManagedType(Class<X> cls, MetamodelImpl model)
          A protected constructor for creating psudo-managed types.
  AbstractManagedType(ClassMetaData meta, MetamodelImpl model)
          Construct a managed type.
Method Summary
<T,C extends Collection<E>,E>
filter(Collection<T> original, C result, AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f1, AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f2, AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f3, AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f4)
          Applies chain of filters ANDed on the given collection to populate the given result.
 Attribute<? super X,?> getAttribute(String name)
          Returns the attribute of the given name of any type.
<Y> Attribute<? super X,Y>
getAttribute(String name, Class<Y> type)
          Returns the attribute of the given name and Java type.
 Set<Attribute<? super X,?>> getAttributes()
          Returns all the attributes of the managed type including attributes of the super type.
 CollectionAttribute<? super X,?> getCollection(String name)
          Returns the attribute of the given name and of type java.util.Collection.
<E> CollectionAttribute<? super X,E>
getCollection(String name, Class<E> elementType)
          Returns the attribute of the given name, of type java.util.Collection and contains the given element type.
 Attribute<X,?> getDeclaredAttribute(String name)
          Returns the declared attribute of the given name of any type.
<Y> Attribute<X,Y>
getDeclaredAttribute(String name, Class<Y> type)
          Returns the declared attribute of the given name and Java type.
 Set<Attribute<X,?>> getDeclaredAttributes()
          Returns all the attributes declared by this managed type only.
 CollectionAttribute<X,?> getDeclaredCollection(String name)
          Returns the declared attribute of the given name and of type java.util.Collection.
<E> CollectionAttribute<X,E>
getDeclaredCollection(String name, Class<E> elementType)
          Returns the declared attribute of the given name, of type java.util.Collection and contains the given element type.
<Y> SingularAttribute<X,Y>
getDeclaredId(Class<Y> type)
          Returns the declared attribute of given type that corresponds to the id attribute of this identifiable managed type.
 ListAttribute<X,?> getDeclaredList(String name)
          Returns the declared attribute of the given name and of type java.util.List.
<E> ListAttribute<X,E>
getDeclaredList(String name, Class<E> elementType)
          Returns the declared attribute of the given name, of type java.util.List and contains the given element type.
 MapAttribute<X,?,?> getDeclaredMap(String name)
          Returns the declared attribute of the given name and of type java.util.Map.
<K,V> MapAttribute<X,K,V>
getDeclaredMap(String name, Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType)
          Returns the declared attribute of the given name, of type java.util.Map and contains the given key/value type.
 Set<PluralAttribute<X,?,?>> getDeclaredPluralAttributes()
          Return all collection-valued attributes declared by the managed type.
 SetAttribute<X,?> getDeclaredSet(String name)
          Returns the declared attribute of the given name and of type java.util.Set.
<E> SetAttribute<X,E>
getDeclaredSet(String name, Class<E> elementType)
          Returns the declared attribute of the given name, of type java.util.Set and contains the given element type.
 SingularAttribute<X,?> getDeclaredSingularAttribute(String name)
          Returns the declared, single-valued attribute of the given name of any type.
<Y> SingularAttribute<X,Y>
getDeclaredSingularAttribute(String name, Class<Y> type)
          Returns the declared single-valued attribute of the given name and Java type.
 Set<SingularAttribute<X,?>> getDeclaredSingularAttributes()
          Returns the single-valued attributes declared by the managed type.
<Y> SingularAttribute<X,Y>
getDeclaredVersion(Class<Y> type)
          Returns the declared attribute of given type that corresponds to the version attribute of this managed type.
<Y> SingularAttribute<? super X,Y>
getId(Class<Y> type)
          Returns the attribute of given type that corresponds to the id attribute of this identifiable managed type.
 Set<SingularAttribute<? super X,?>> getIdClassAttributes()
          Returns the attributes corresponding to the id class of the identifiable type.
 Class<X> getJavaType()
 ListAttribute<? super X,?> getList(String name)
          Returns the attribute of the given name and of type java.util.List.
<E> ListAttribute<? super X,E>
getList(String name, Class<E> elementType)
          Returns the attribute of the given name, of type java.util.List and contains the given element type.
 MapAttribute<? super X,?,?> getMap(String name)
          Returns the attribute of the given name and of type java.util.Map.
<K,V> MapAttribute<? super X,K,V>
getMap(String name, Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType)
          Returns the attribute of the given name, of type java.util.Map and contains the given key/value type.
 Set<PluralAttribute<? super X,?,?>> getPluralAttributes()
          Returns all collection-valued attributes of the managed type.
 SetAttribute<? super X,?> getSet(String name)
          Returns the attribute of the given name and of type java.util.Set.
<E> SetAttribute<? super X,E>
getSet(String name, Class<E> elementType)
          Returns the attribute of the given name, of type java.util.Set and contains the given element type.
 SingularAttribute<? super X,?> getSingularAttribute(String name)
          Returns the single-valued attribute of the given name of any type.
<Y> SingularAttribute<? super X,Y>
getSingularAttribute(String name, Class<Y> type)
          Returns the single-valued attribute of the given name and Java type.
 Set<SingularAttribute<? super X,?>> getSingularAttributes()
          Returns the single-valued attributes of the managed type.
<Y> SingularAttribute<? super X,Y>
getVersion(Class<Y> type)
          Returns the attribute of given type that corresponds to the version attribute of this managed type.
<T> T
pick(Collection<T> original, AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f1, AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f2, AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f3, AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f4)
          Applies chain of filters ANDed on the given collection to pick a single element.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.persistence.metamodel.Type
getJavaType, getPersistenceType

Field Detail


public final MetamodelImpl model


public final ClassMetaData meta


public final Class<X> cls
Constructor Detail


protected AbstractManagedType(Class<X> cls,
                              MetamodelImpl model)
A protected constructor for creating psudo-managed types.


public AbstractManagedType(ClassMetaData meta,
                           MetamodelImpl model)
Construct a managed type. The supplied metadata must be resolved i.e. all its fields populated. Because this receiver will populate its attributes corresponding to the available fields of the metadata.

Method Detail


public Set<Attribute<? super X,?>> getAttributes()
Returns all the attributes of the managed type including attributes of the super type.

Specified by:
getAttributes in interface ManagedType<X>


public Set<Attribute<X,?>> getDeclaredAttributes()
Returns all the attributes declared by this managed type only.

Specified by:
getDeclaredAttributes in interface ManagedType<X>


public Set<SingularAttribute<? super X,?>> getSingularAttributes()
Returns the single-valued attributes of the managed type.

Specified by:
getSingularAttributes in interface ManagedType<X>


public Set<SingularAttribute<X,?>> getDeclaredSingularAttributes()
Returns the single-valued attributes declared by the managed type.

Specified by:
getDeclaredSingularAttributes in interface ManagedType<X>


public <Y> Attribute<? super X,Y> getAttribute(String name,
                                               Class<Y> type)
Returns the attribute of the given name and Java type.

IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public <Y> SingularAttribute<? super X,Y> getSingularAttribute(String name,
                                                               Class<Y> type)
Returns the single-valued attribute of the given name and Java type.

Specified by:
getSingularAttribute in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public <Y> Attribute<X,Y> getDeclaredAttribute(String name,
                                               Class<Y> type)
Returns the declared attribute of the given name and Java type.

IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public <Y> SingularAttribute<X,Y> getDeclaredSingularAttribute(String name,
                                                               Class<Y> type)
Returns the declared single-valued attribute of the given name and Java type.

Specified by:
getDeclaredSingularAttribute in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public Set<PluralAttribute<? super X,?,?>> getPluralAttributes()
Returns all collection-valued attributes of the managed type.

Specified by:
getPluralAttributes in interface ManagedType<X>


public Set<PluralAttribute<X,?,?>> getDeclaredPluralAttributes()
Return all collection-valued attributes declared by the managed type.

Specified by:
getDeclaredPluralAttributes in interface ManagedType<X>


public <E> CollectionAttribute<? super X,E> getCollection(String name,
                                                          Class<E> elementType)
Returns the attribute of the given name, of type java.util.Collection and contains the given element type.

Specified by:
getCollection in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public <E> SetAttribute<? super X,E> getSet(String name,
                                            Class<E> elementType)
Returns the attribute of the given name, of type java.util.Set and contains the given element type.

Specified by:
getSet in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public <E> ListAttribute<? super X,E> getList(String name,
                                              Class<E> elementType)
Returns the attribute of the given name, of type java.util.List and contains the given element type.

Specified by:
getList in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public <K,V> MapAttribute<? super X,K,V> getMap(String name,
                                                Class<K> keyType,
                                                Class<V> valueType)
Returns the attribute of the given name, of type java.util.Map and contains the given key/value type.

Specified by:
getMap in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public <E> CollectionAttribute<X,E> getDeclaredCollection(String name,
                                                          Class<E> elementType)
Returns the declared attribute of the given name, of type java.util.Collection and contains the given element type.

Specified by:
getDeclaredCollection in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public <E> SetAttribute<X,E> getDeclaredSet(String name,
                                            Class<E> elementType)
Returns the declared attribute of the given name, of type java.util.Set and contains the given element type.

Specified by:
getDeclaredSet in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public <E> ListAttribute<X,E> getDeclaredList(String name,
                                              Class<E> elementType)
Returns the declared attribute of the given name, of type java.util.List and contains the given element type.

Specified by:
getDeclaredList in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public <K,V> MapAttribute<X,K,V> getDeclaredMap(String name,
                                                Class<K> keyType,
                                                Class<V> valueType)
Returns the declared attribute of the given name, of type java.util.Map and contains the given key/value type.

Specified by:
getDeclaredMap in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public Attribute<? super X,?> getAttribute(String name)
Returns the attribute of the given name of any type.

Specified by:
getAttribute in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public Attribute<X,?> getDeclaredAttribute(String name)
Returns the declared attribute of the given name of any type.

Specified by:
getDeclaredAttribute in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public SingularAttribute<? super X,?> getSingularAttribute(String name)
Returns the single-valued attribute of the given name of any type.

Specified by:
getSingularAttribute in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public SingularAttribute<X,?> getDeclaredSingularAttribute(String name)
Returns the declared, single-valued attribute of the given name of any type.

Specified by:
getDeclaredSingularAttribute in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public CollectionAttribute<? super X,?> getCollection(String name)
Returns the attribute of the given name and of type java.util.Collection.

Specified by:
getCollection in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public SetAttribute<? super X,?> getSet(String name)
Returns the attribute of the given name and of type java.util.Set.

Specified by:
getSet in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public ListAttribute<? super X,?> getList(String name)
Returns the attribute of the given name and of type java.util.List.

Specified by:
getList in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public MapAttribute<? super X,?,?> getMap(String name)
Returns the attribute of the given name and of type java.util.Map.

Specified by:
getMap in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public CollectionAttribute<X,?> getDeclaredCollection(String name)
Returns the declared attribute of the given name and of type java.util.Collection.

Specified by:
getDeclaredCollection in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public SetAttribute<X,?> getDeclaredSet(String name)
Returns the declared attribute of the given name and of type java.util.Set.

Specified by:
getDeclaredSet in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public ListAttribute<X,?> getDeclaredList(String name)
Returns the declared attribute of the given name and of type java.util.List.

Specified by:
getDeclaredList in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public MapAttribute<X,?,?> getDeclaredMap(String name)
Returns the declared attribute of the given name and of type java.util.Map.

Specified by:
getDeclaredMap in interface ManagedType<X>
IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public final Set<SingularAttribute<? super X,?>> getIdClassAttributes()
Returns the attributes corresponding to the id class of the identifiable type.

IllegalArgumentException - if the this type is not using an id class


public final <Y> SingularAttribute<? super X,Y> getId(Class<Y> type)
Returns the attribute of given type that corresponds to the id attribute of this identifiable managed type.

IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public final <Y> SingularAttribute<X,Y> getDeclaredId(Class<Y> type)
Returns the declared attribute of given type that corresponds to the id attribute of this identifiable managed type.

IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public <Y> SingularAttribute<? super X,Y> getVersion(Class<Y> type)
Returns the attribute of given type that corresponds to the version attribute of this managed type.

IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public <Y> SingularAttribute<X,Y> getDeclaredVersion(Class<Y> type)
Returns the declared attribute of given type that corresponds to the version attribute of this managed type.

IllegalArgumentException - if no such attribute exists


public static <T,C extends Collection<E>,E> C filter(Collection<T> original,
                                                     C result,
                                                     AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f1,
                                                     AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f2,
                                                     AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f3,
                                                     AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f4)
Applies chain of filters ANDed on the given collection to populate the given result. A null filter evaluates always TRUE. The arguments are not passed as variable argument list to suppress warnings in in the caller for generic varargs array construction.


public static <T> T pick(Collection<T> original,
                         AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f1,
                         AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f2,
                         AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f3,
                         AbstractManagedType.Filter<T> f4)
Applies chain of filters ANDed on the given collection to pick a single element. A null filter evaluates always TRUE. The arguments are not passed as variable argument list to suppress warnings in in the caller for generic varargs array construction.


public final Class<X> getJavaType()
Specified by:
getJavaType in interface Type<X>


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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