Class ExpressionStoreQuery.AbstractExpressionExecutor

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.kernel.AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.kernel.ExpressionStoreQuery.AbstractExpressionExecutor
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ExpressionStoreQuery.DataStoreExecutor, ExpressionStoreQuery.InMemoryExecutor, PreparedSQLStoreQuery.PreparedSQLExecutor
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class ExpressionStoreQuery.AbstractExpressionExecutor
extends AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor
implements StoreQuery.Executor

Provides support for queries that hold query information in a QueryExpressions instance.

Marc Prud'hommeaux

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void assertNotContainer(Value val, StoreQuery q)
          Throw proper exception if given value is a collection/map/array.
 ClassMetaData[] getAccessPathMetaDatas(StoreQuery q)
          Return an array of all persistent classes used in this query, or empty array if unknown.
 String getAlias(StoreQuery q)
          If this is not a projection but the candidate results are placed into a result class with an alias, return that alias.
 boolean[] getAscending(StoreQuery q)
          Return the ordering direction for all ordering clauses, or empty array if none.
 int getOperation(StoreQuery q)
          Returns the operation this executor is meant to execute.
 OrderedMap<Object,Class<?>> getOrderedParameterTypes(StoreQuery q)
          Return a map of parameter names to types.
 String[] getProjectionAliases(StoreQuery q)
          Return the alias for each projection element, or empty array if not a projection.
 Class<?>[] getProjectionTypes(StoreQuery q)
          Return the expected types of the projections used by this query, or an empty array if not a projection.
 void getRange(StoreQuery q, Object[] params, StoreQuery.Range range)
          Mutate the given range to set any range information stored in the query string and/or parameters.
 Class<?> getResultClass(StoreQuery q)
          Returns the result class, if any.
 ResultShape<?> getResultShape(StoreQuery q)
 Map getUpdates(StoreQuery q)
          Return a map of FieldMetaData to update Constants, in cases where this query is for a bulk update.
 boolean hasGrouping(StoreQuery q)
          Whether the compiled query has grouping.
 boolean isAggregate(StoreQuery q)
          Return true if the compiled query is an aggregate.
 boolean isDistinct(StoreQuery q)
 boolean isPacking(StoreQuery q)
          Return true if this executor packs projections into the result class itself.
 Object[] toParameterArray(StoreQuery q, Map<?,?> userParams)
          Creates a Object[] from the values of the given user parameters.
 void validate(StoreQuery q)
          Validate components of query.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.kernel.AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor
executeDelete, executeUpdate, getDataStoreActions, getOrderingValue, getParameterTypes, getQueryExpressions
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.kernel.StoreQuery.Executor
executeDelete, executeQuery, executeUpdate, getDataStoreActions, getOrderingValue, getParameterTypes, getQueryExpressions

Constructor Detail


public ExpressionStoreQuery.AbstractExpressionExecutor()
Method Detail


protected void assertNotContainer(Value val,
                                  StoreQuery q)
Throw proper exception if given value is a collection/map/array.


public final void validate(StoreQuery q)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
Validate components of query.

Specified by:
validate in interface StoreQuery.Executor
validate in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public void getRange(StoreQuery q,
                     Object[] params,
                     StoreQuery.Range range)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
Mutate the given range to set any range information stored in the query string and/or parameters.

Specified by:
getRange in interface StoreQuery.Executor
getRange in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public final Class<?> getResultClass(StoreQuery q)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
Returns the result class, if any.

Specified by:
getResultClass in interface StoreQuery.Executor
getResultClass in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public final ResultShape<?> getResultShape(StoreQuery q)
Specified by:
getResultShape in interface StoreQuery.Executor
getResultShape in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public final boolean[] getAscending(StoreQuery q)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
Return the ordering direction for all ordering clauses, or empty array if none.

Specified by:
getAscending in interface StoreQuery.Executor
getAscending in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public final String getAlias(StoreQuery q)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
If this is not a projection but the candidate results are placed into a result class with an alias, return that alias.

Specified by:
getAlias in interface StoreQuery.Executor
getAlias in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public final String[] getProjectionAliases(StoreQuery q)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
Return the alias for each projection element, or empty array if not a projection.

Specified by:
getProjectionAliases in interface StoreQuery.Executor
getProjectionAliases in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public Class<?>[] getProjectionTypes(StoreQuery q)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
Return the expected types of the projections used by this query, or an empty array if not a projection.

Specified by:
getProjectionTypes in interface StoreQuery.Executor
getProjectionTypes in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public final int getOperation(StoreQuery q)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
Returns the operation this executor is meant to execute.

Specified by:
getOperation in interface StoreQuery.Executor
getOperation in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor
See Also:


public final boolean isAggregate(StoreQuery q)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
Return true if the compiled query is an aggregate.

Specified by:
isAggregate in interface StoreQuery.Executor
isAggregate in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public final boolean isDistinct(StoreQuery q)
Specified by:
isDistinct in interface StoreQuery.Executor
isDistinct in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public final boolean hasGrouping(StoreQuery q)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
Whether the compiled query has grouping.

Specified by:
hasGrouping in interface StoreQuery.Executor
hasGrouping in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public final OrderedMap<Object,Class<?>> getOrderedParameterTypes(StoreQuery q)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
Return a map of parameter names to types. The returned Map.entrySet()'s Iterator must return values in the order in which they were declared or used.

Specified by:
getOrderedParameterTypes in interface StoreQuery.Executor
getOrderedParameterTypes in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public Object[] toParameterArray(StoreQuery q,
                                 Map<?,?> userParams)
Creates a Object[] from the values of the given user parameters.

Specified by:
toParameterArray in interface StoreQuery.Executor
array with parameter values ordered in the same way as this receiver's executeXXX() method expects.


public final Map getUpdates(StoreQuery q)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
Return a map of FieldMetaData to update Constants, in cases where this query is for a bulk update.

Specified by:
getUpdates in interface StoreQuery.Executor
getUpdates in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public final ClassMetaData[] getAccessPathMetaDatas(StoreQuery q)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
Return an array of all persistent classes used in this query, or empty array if unknown.

Specified by:
getAccessPathMetaDatas in interface StoreQuery.Executor
getAccessPathMetaDatas in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor


public boolean isPacking(StoreQuery q)
Description copied from interface: StoreQuery.Executor
Return true if this executor packs projections into the result class itself. Executors for query languages that allow projections without result clauses must return true and perform the result packing themselves.

Specified by:
isPacking in interface StoreQuery.Executor
isPacking in class AbstractStoreQuery.AbstractExecutor

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