Interface QueryOperations

All Known Subinterfaces:
Query, StoreQuery
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractStoreQuery, DelegatingQuery, DistributedQueryImpl, ExpressionStoreQuery, JDBCStoreQuery, MethodStoreQuery, PreparedSQLStoreQuery, QueryCacheStoreQuery, QueryImpl, SQLStoreQuery

public interface QueryOperations

Query operation constants.


Field Summary
static int OP_DELETE
          Symbolic constant that indicates that this query will be performing a delete operation.
static int OP_SELECT
          Symbolic constant that indicates that this query will be performing a select operation.
static int OP_UPDATE
          Symbolic constant that indicates that this query will be performing a update operation.

Field Detail


static final int OP_SELECT
Symbolic constant that indicates that this query will be performing a select operation.

See Also:
QueryContext.getOperation(), Constant Field Values


static final int OP_DELETE
Symbolic constant that indicates that this query will be performing a delete operation.

See Also:
QueryContext.getOperation(), Constant Field Values


static final int OP_UPDATE
Symbolic constant that indicates that this query will be performing a update operation.

See Also:
QueryContext.getOperation(), Constant Field Values

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