Uses of Interface

Packages that use LifecycleCallbacks
org.apache.openjpa.event OpenJPA Events This package provides some interfaces and useful implementations for OpenJPA's event notification framework. 
org.apache.openjpa.meta OpenJPA Metadata This package provides an extendable framework for parsing and caching persistence metadata. 

Uses of LifecycleCallbacks in org.apache.openjpa.event

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.event that implement LifecycleCallbacks
 class BeanLifecycleCallbacks
          Performs a callback method on a cached bean instance.
 class MethodLifecycleCallbacks
          Callback adapter that invokes a callback method via reflection.

Uses of LifecycleCallbacks in org.apache.openjpa.meta

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.meta that return LifecycleCallbacks
 LifecycleCallbacks[] LifecycleMetaData.getCallbacks(int eventType)
          Return all callbacks for the given event type, including superclass callbacks if appropriate.
 LifecycleCallbacks[] LifecycleMetaData.getDeclaredCallbacks(int eventType)
          Return the declared callbacks for the given event type.
 LifecycleCallbacks[] LifecycleMetaData.getNonPCSuperclassCallbacks(int eventType)
          Return the callbacks for the non-PC superclass.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.meta with parameters of type LifecycleCallbacks
 void LifecycleMetaData.setDeclaredCallbacks(int eventType, LifecycleCallbacks[] callbacks, int highPriority)
          Set the callbacks for the given event type.
 void LifecycleMetaData.setNonPCSuperclassCallbacks(int eventType, LifecycleCallbacks[] callbacks, int highPriority)
          Set the callbacks for the given event type for non-persistent superclass.

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