Uses of Interface

Packages that use BeginTransactionListener
org.apache.openjpa.event OpenJPA Events This package provides some interfaces and useful implementations for OpenJPA's event notification framework. 
org.apache.openjpa.kernel OpenJPA Runtime Kernel This package provides a common OpenJPA runtime environment that can be adapted for use with various data store mechanisms. 

Uses of BeginTransactionListener in org.apache.openjpa.event

Subinterfaces of BeginTransactionListener in org.apache.openjpa.event
 interface TransactionListener
          Interface for listening to all TransactionEvents.

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.event that implement BeginTransactionListener
 class AbstractTransactionListener
          Abstract implementation of the TransactionListener interface that provides no-op implementations of all methods.

Uses of BeginTransactionListener in org.apache.openjpa.kernel

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.kernel that implement BeginTransactionListener
 class AuditManager
          Controller for audit facility.

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