Uses of Class

Packages that use SurefireVerifierTestClass

Uses of SurefireVerifierTestClass in org.apache.maven.surefire.its

Subclasses of SurefireVerifierTestClass in org.apache.maven.surefire.its
 class AbstractTestSingleMethod
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class AsbtractTestMethodPattern
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class CheckTestNgReportTestIT
          Test surefire-report on TestNG test
 class CheckTestNgSuiteXmlSingleIT
          Use -Dtest to run a single TestNG test, overriding the suite XML parameter.
 class DefaultConfigurationIT
          Test basic default configuration, runs the JUnit 3 test in the src/test directory.
 class ForkConsoleOutputIT
          Asserts proper behaviour of console output when forking SUREFIRE-639 SUREFIRE-651
 class ForkConsoleOutputWithErrorsIT
          Asserts proper behaviour of console output when forking SUREFIRE-639 SUREFIRE-651
 class IncludesExcludesIT
          Test include/exclude patterns.
 class JUnit44HamcrestIT
          Test project using JUnit4.4 (including Hamcrest extensions)
 class JUnit44TestMethodPatternIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class JUnit44TestSingleMethodIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class Junit47concurrencyIT
          Basic suite test using all known versions of JUnit 4.x
 class JUnit47RedirectOutputIT
 class JUnit48TestMethodPatternIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class JUnit48TestSingleMethodIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class JUnit4ForkAlwaysStaticInitPollutionIT
          Test JUnit 4 tests marked with "Ignore" attribute
 class Junit4IgnoreIT
          Test JUnit 4 tests marked with "Ignore" attribute
 class JUnit4RunListenerIT
          JUnit4 RunListener Integration Test.
 class Junit4VersionsIT
          Basic suite test using all known versions of JUnit 4.x
 class JUnitDepIT
          Test project using JUnit4.4 -dep.
 class NoRunnableTestsInClassIT
          SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
 class PlainOldJavaClasspathIT
          Test useManifestOnlyJar option
 class ReportersIT
          Asserts proper behaviour of console output when forking SUREFIRE-679
 class Surefire146ForkPerTestNoSetupIT
          Test Surefire-146 (forkMode=pertest fails to call setUp)
 class Surefire162CharsetProviderIT
          Test charset provider (SUREFIRE-162)
 class Surefire224WellFormedXmlFailuresIT
          Test Surefire-224 (XML test reports are not well-formed when failure message contains quotes)
 class Surefire257NotRerunningTestsIT
          Test Surefire-257 Verifies that surefire does not re-run tests in site build
 class Surefire260TestWithIdenticalNamesIT
          Test Surefire-570 Multiple report directories
 class Surefire34SecurityManagerIT
          SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
 class Surefire376TestNgAfterSuiteFailure
          Test Surefire-376 (TestNG @AfterSuite failures are ignored)
 class Surefire377TestNgAndJUnitTogetherIT
          SUREFIRE-377 (When JUnit and TestNG tests are in same project, only one set gets run).
 class Surefire408ManualProviderSelectionIT
          SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
 class Surefire42NotExtendingTestCaseIT
          Test JUnit test that contains inner classes
 class Surefire44InnerClassTestIT
          Test JUnit test that contains inner classes
 class Surefire500PuzzlingErrorIT
          SUREFIRE-500 Asserts correct error handling for the "odd" surefire-500 (and 625) issues.
 class Surefire510TestClassPathForkModesIT
          SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
 class Surefire570MultipleReportDirectoriesIT
          Test Surefire-570 Multiple report directories
 class Surefire613TestCountInParallelIT
          SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
 class Surefire621TestCountingJunit3InParallelIT
          SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
 class Surefire628ConsoleOutputBeforeAndAfterClassIT
          Asserts that console output always goes somewhere ;)
 class Surefire634UnsettableSystemPropertiesWarningIT
          SUREFIRE-634 Verifies error message on unsettable system properties
 class Surefire673MockitoIT
          SUREFIRE-673 Asserts that a given mockito build works as it should (classloader problem in 2.7)
 class Surefire674BuildFailingWhenErrorsIT
          SUREFIRE-674 Asserts that the build fails when tests have errors
 class Surefire674BuildFailingWhenFailsafeErrorsIT
          SUREFIRE-674 Asserts that the build fails when tests have errors
 class Surefire685CommaSeparatedIncludesIT
          SUREFIRE-685 Asserts that only the specified tests are run with comma separated includes
 class Surefire697NiceSummaryIT
          SUREFIRE-697 Asserts proper truncation of long exception messages Some say testing this is a bit over the top.
 class Surefire705ParallelForkTimeoutIT
 class Surefire733AllOverrridesCapturedIT
 class Surefire735ForkFailWithRedirectConsoleOutputIT
 class SystemPropertiesTestIT
          Test system properties
 class TestNgParallelWithAnnotations
          Test that TestNG's @Test(threadPoolSize = n, invocationCount=n) causes tests to be run in parallel.
 class TestNgTestMethodPatternAfterIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod*
 class TestNgTestMethodPatternBeforeIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod*
 class TestNgTestMethodPatternIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod*
 class TestNgTestSingleMethod5149IT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class TestNgTestSingleMethodIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class TimeoutForkedTestIT
 class UseIsolatedClassLoaderIT
          Test useSystemClassLoader option

Methods in org.apache.maven.surefire.its that return SurefireVerifierTestClass
protected  SurefireVerifierTestClass SurefireVerifierTestClass.addGoal(String goal)

Uses of SurefireVerifierTestClass in org.apache.maven.surefire.its.misc

Subclasses of SurefireVerifierTestClass in org.apache.maven.surefire.its.misc
 class Surefire740TruncatedCommaIT
          Test Surefire-740 Truncated comma with non us locale
 class Surefire763EnvironmentForkMode
          SUREFIRE-674 Asserts that the build fails when tests have errors

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