Package org.apache.maven.surefire.its

Class Summary
AbstractSurefireIntegrationTestClass Base class of all integration test cases.
AbstractTestCaseIT Test files with "Abstract" in their name that aren't really abstract, and abstract classes that don't say "Abstract" in their name
AbstractTestSingleMethod Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
AdditionalClasspathIT Test additionalClasspathElements
AggregateReportIT Test report aggregation
ArgLineIT Test passing an argLine parameter
AsbtractTestMethodPattern Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
CheckSingleTestIT Test running a single test with -Dtest=BasicTest
CheckTestFailIfNoTestsForkModeIT Test failIfNoTests with various forkModes.
CheckTestFailIfNoTestsIT Test failIfNoTests
CheckTestNgBeforeMethodFailureIT Test failures in @BeforeMethod annotation on TestNg suite
CheckTestNgBeforeMethodIT Test @BeforeMethod annotation on TestNg suite
CheckTestNgExecuteErrorIT Test for checking that the output from a forked suite is properly captured even if the suite encounters a severe error.
CheckTestNgGroupThreadParallelIT Test TestNG groups, together with TestNG parallelism
CheckTestNgJdk14IT Test TestNG running in the JDK 1.4 JavaDoc style
CheckTestNgListenerReporterIT Test simple TestNG listener and reporter
CheckTestNgPathWithSpacesIT Test TestNG test in a directory with spaces
CheckTestNgReportTestIT Test surefire-report on TestNG test
CheckTestNgSuiteXmlIT Test simple TestNG suite XML file
CheckTestNgSuiteXmlSingleIT Use -Dtest to run a single TestNG test, overriding the suite XML parameter.
CheckTestNgVersionsIT Basic suite test using all known versions of TestNG.
ClasspathFilteringIT Test additionalClasspathElements
ClassPathOrderIT Test for checking the order of class path elements
ClasspathScopeFilteringIT Test additionalClasspathElements
DefaultConfigurationIT Test basic default configuration, runs the JUnit 3 test in the src/test directory.
EnvironmentVariableIT Test basic default configuration, runs the JUnit 3 test in the src/test directory.
ForkConsoleOutputIT Asserts proper behaviour of console output when forking SUREFIRE-639 SUREFIRE-651
ForkConsoleOutputWithErrorsIT Asserts proper behaviour of console output when forking SUREFIRE-639 SUREFIRE-651
ForkModeIT Test forkMode
ForkModeTestNGIT Test forkMode
IncludesExcludesIT Test include/exclude patterns.
JUnit44HamcrestIT Test project using JUnit4.4 (including Hamcrest extensions)
JUnit44TestMethodPatternIT Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
JUnit44TestSingleMethodIT Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
Junit47concurrencyIT Basic suite test using all known versions of JUnit 4.x
JUnit48TestMethodPatternIT Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
JUnit48TestSingleMethodIT Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
JUnit4ForkAlwaysStaticInitPollutionIT Test JUnit 4 tests marked with "Ignore" attribute
Junit4IgnoreIT Test JUnit 4 tests marked with "Ignore" attribute
JUnit4RunListenerIT JUnit4 RunListener Integration Test.
Junit4VersionsIT Basic suite test using all known versions of JUnit 4.x
JUnitDepIT Test project using JUnit4.4 -dep.
NoRunnableTestsInClassIT SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
PlainOldJavaClasspathIT Test useManifestOnlyJar option
PlexusConflictIT Test library using a conflicting version of plexus-utils
PojoSimpleIT Test support for POJO tests.
ReportersIT Asserts proper behaviour of console output when forking SUREFIRE-679
ResultCountingIT Verifies that the providers get the result summary at the bottom of the run correctly, in different forkmodes SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
RunOrderIT Verifies the runOrder setting and its effect
SiblingAggregatorIT Test aggregator as a sibling to child modules; invokes modules as "../child"
Surefire141PluggableProvidersIT SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
Surefire146ForkPerTestNoSetupIT Test Surefire-146 (forkMode=pertest fails to call setUp)
Surefire162CharsetProviderIT Test charset provider (SUREFIRE-162)
Surefire224WellFormedXmlFailuresIT Test Surefire-224 (XML test reports are not well-formed when failure message contains quotes)
Surefire257NotRerunningTestsIT Test Surefire-257 Verifies that surefire does not re-run tests in site build
Surefire260TestWithIdenticalNamesIT Test Surefire-570 Multiple report directories
Surefire34SecurityManagerIT SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
Surefire376TestNgAfterSuiteFailure Test Surefire-376 (TestNG @AfterSuite failures are ignored)
Surefire377TestNgAndJUnitTogetherIT SUREFIRE-377 (When JUnit and TestNG tests are in same project, only one set gets run).
Surefire408ManualProviderSelectionIT SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
Surefire42NotExtendingTestCaseIT Test JUnit test that contains inner classes
Surefire44InnerClassTestIT Test JUnit test that contains inner classes
Surefire500PuzzlingErrorIT SUREFIRE-500 Asserts correct error handling for the "odd" surefire-500 (and 625) issues.
Surefire510TestClassPathForkModesIT SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
Surefire570MultipleReportDirectoriesIT Test Surefire-570 Multiple report directories
Surefire613TestCountInParallelIT SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
Surefire621TestCountingJunit3InParallelIT SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
Surefire628ConsoleOutputBeforeAndAfterClassIT Asserts that console output always goes somewhere ;)
Surefire634UnsettableSystemPropertiesWarningIT SUREFIRE-634 Verifies error message on unsettable system properties
Surefire673MockitoIT SUREFIRE-673 Asserts that a given mockito build works as it should (classloader problem in 2.7)
Surefire674BuildFailingWhenErrorsIT SUREFIRE-674 Asserts that the build fails when tests have errors
Surefire674BuildFailingWhenFailsafeErrorsIT SUREFIRE-674 Asserts that the build fails when tests have errors
Surefire685CommaSeparatedIncludesIT SUREFIRE-685 Asserts that only the specified tests are run with comma separated includes
Surefire697NiceSummaryIT SUREFIRE-697 Asserts proper truncation of long exception messages Some say testing this is a bit over the top.
Surefire705ParallelForkTimeoutIT Test
SurefireVerifierTestClass Contains commonly used featurtes for most tests, encapsulating common use cases.
SystemPropertiesTestIT Test system properties
TestNgParallelWithAnnotations Test that TestNG's @Test(threadPoolSize = n, invocationCount=n) causes tests to be run in parallel.
TestNgTestMethodPatternAfterIT Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod*
TestNgTestMethodPatternBeforeIT Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod*
TestNgTestMethodPatternIT Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod*
TestNgTestSingleMethod5149IT Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
TestNgTestSingleMethodIT Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
TimeoutForkedTestIT Test
TwoTestCasesIT Test running two test cases; confirms reporting works correctly
UmlautDirIT Test a directory with an umlaut
UseIsolatedClassLoaderIT Test useSystemClassLoader option
WorkingDirectoryIsInvalidPropertyIT Test when the configured working directory is an invalid property, SUREFIRE-715
WorkingDirectoryIT Test working directory configuration, SUREFIRE-416
WorkingDirectoryMissingIT Test when the configured working directory does not exist, SUREFIRE-607

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