Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractSurefireIntegrationTestClass

Uses of AbstractSurefireIntegrationTestClass in org.apache.maven.surefire.its

Subclasses of AbstractSurefireIntegrationTestClass in org.apache.maven.surefire.its
 class AbstractTestCaseIT
          Test files with "Abstract" in their name that aren't really abstract, and abstract classes that don't say "Abstract" in their name
 class AdditionalClasspathIT
          Test additionalClasspathElements
 class AggregateReportIT
          Test report aggregation
 class ArgLineIT
          Test passing an argLine parameter
 class CheckSingleTestIT
          Test running a single test with -Dtest=BasicTest
 class CheckTestFailIfNoTestsForkModeIT
          Test failIfNoTests with various forkModes.
 class CheckTestFailIfNoTestsIT
          Test failIfNoTests
 class CheckTestNgBeforeMethodFailureIT
          Test failures in @BeforeMethod annotation on TestNg suite
 class CheckTestNgBeforeMethodIT
          Test @BeforeMethod annotation on TestNg suite
 class CheckTestNgExecuteErrorIT
          Test for checking that the output from a forked suite is properly captured even if the suite encounters a severe error.
 class CheckTestNgGroupThreadParallelIT
          Test TestNG groups, together with TestNG parallelism
 class CheckTestNgJdk14IT
          Test TestNG running in the JDK 1.4 JavaDoc style
 class CheckTestNgListenerReporterIT
          Test simple TestNG listener and reporter
 class CheckTestNgPathWithSpacesIT
          Test TestNG test in a directory with spaces
 class CheckTestNgSuiteXmlIT
          Test simple TestNG suite XML file
 class CheckTestNgVersionsIT
          Basic suite test using all known versions of TestNG.
 class ClasspathFilteringIT
          Test additionalClasspathElements
 class ClassPathOrderIT
          Test for checking the order of class path elements
 class ClasspathScopeFilteringIT
          Test additionalClasspathElements
 class EnvironmentVariableIT
          Test basic default configuration, runs the JUnit 3 test in the src/test directory.
 class ForkModeIT
          Test forkMode
 class ForkModeTestNGIT
          Test forkMode
 class PlexusConflictIT
          Test library using a conflicting version of plexus-utils
 class PojoSimpleIT
          Test support for POJO tests.
 class ResultCountingIT
          Verifies that the providers get the result summary at the bottom of the run correctly, in different forkmodes SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
 class RunOrderIT
          Verifies the runOrder setting and its effect
 class SiblingAggregatorIT
          Test aggregator as a sibling to child modules; invokes modules as "../child"
 class Surefire141PluggableProvidersIT
          SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
 class TwoTestCasesIT
          Test running two test cases; confirms reporting works correctly
 class UmlautDirIT
          Test a directory with an umlaut
 class WorkingDirectoryIsInvalidPropertyIT
          Test when the configured working directory is an invalid property, SUREFIRE-715
 class WorkingDirectoryIT
          Test working directory configuration, SUREFIRE-416
 class WorkingDirectoryMissingIT
          Test when the configured working directory does not exist, SUREFIRE-607

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