
Interface Summary
ConsoleLogger Allows providers to write console messages on the running maven process.
ConsoleOutputReceiver A receiver of stdout/sterr output from running tests.
Reporter Persists reports somewhere

An instance of a reporter is not guaranteed to be thread-safe and concurrent test frameworks must request an instance of a reporter per-thread from the ReporterFactory.

RunListener Used by providers to report results.
StackTraceWriter Ability to write a stack trace, filtered to omit locations inside Surefire and Maven.

Class Summary
AbstractConsoleReporter Base class for console reporters.
AbstractFileReporter Base class for file reporters.
AbstractTextReporter Text based reporter.
AsynchRunListener Transfers further processing of the request to a different thread, returning immediately to calling code.
BriefConsoleReporter Brief format console reporter.
BriefFileReporter Brief format file reporter.
ConsoleOutputCapture Deals with system.out/err.
ConsoleOutputDirectReporter Outputs test system out/system err directly to the console

Just a step on the road to getting the separation of reporting concerns operating properly.

ConsoleOutputFileReporter Surefire output consumer proxy that writes test output to a File for each test suite.
ConsoleReporter Console reporter.
DetailedConsoleReporter Detailed console reporter.
FileReporter Text file reporter.
MulticastingReporter A reporter that broadcasts to other reporters
PojoStackTraceWriter Write the trace out for a POJO test.
ReporterConfiguration Bits and pieces of reporting configuration that seem to be necessary on the provider side.
TestConsoleOutputRunListener Attaches the currently executing test method to the thread, allowing test output to be directed to the proper test set.
TestSetRunListener Reports data for a single test set.
TestSetStatistics Run-statistics for a testset
ThreadLocalRunListener Ensures that the current thread has a RunListener instance attached, and forwards calls to it.
XMLReporter XML format reporter.

Exception Summary
ReporterException Exception occurring during report generation.

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