Interface ConsoleOutputReceiver

All Known Implementing Classes:
AsynchRunListener, ForkingRunListener, TestConsoleOutputRunListener, TestConsoleOutputRunListener.OneThreadPerClassConsoleOutputRunListener, TestConsoleOutputRunListener.UnknownThreadPerClassConsoleOutputRunListener, TestSetRunListener

public interface ConsoleOutputReceiver

A receiver of stdout/sterr output from running tests. This receiver knows how to associate the output with a given testset.

Method Summary
 void writeTestOutput(byte[] buf, int off, int len, boolean stdout)
          Forwards process output from the running test-case into the reporting system

Method Detail


void writeTestOutput(byte[] buf,
                     int off,
                     int len,
                     boolean stdout)
Forwards process output from the running test-case into the reporting system

buf - the buffer to write
off - offset
len - len
stdout - Indicates if this is stdout

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