Uses of Interface

Packages that use Reporter

Uses of Reporter in org.apache.maven.surefire.booter

Methods in org.apache.maven.surefire.booter that return Reporter
 Reporter StartupReportConfiguration.instantiateConsoleOutputFileReporterName(PrintStream originalSystemOut)

Uses of Reporter in

Classes in that implement Reporter
 class AbstractConsoleReporter
          Base class for console reporters.
 class AbstractFileReporter
          Base class for file reporters.
 class AbstractReporter
 class AbstractTextReporter
          Text based reporter.
 class BriefConsoleReporter
          Brief format console reporter.
 class BriefFileReporter
          Brief format file reporter.
 class ConsoleOutputDirectReporter
          Outputs test system out/system err directly to the console

Just a step on the road to getting the separation of reporting concerns operating properly.

 class ConsoleOutputFileReporter
          Surefire output consumer proxy that writes test output to a File for each test suite.
 class ConsoleReporter
          Console reporter.
 class DetailedConsoleReporter
          Detailed console reporter.
 class FileReporter
          Text file reporter.
 class MulticastingReporter
          A reporter that broadcasts to other reporters
 class TestSetRunListener
          Reports data for a single test set.
 class XMLReporter
          XML format reporter.

Constructors in with parameters of type Reporter
TestSetRunListener(AbstractConsoleReporter consoleReporter, AbstractFileReporter fileReporter, XMLReporter xmlReporter, Reporter reporter, RunStatistics globalStats)

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