Uses of Interface

Packages that use SearchExpression

Uses of SearchExpression in org.apache.maven.index

Methods in org.apache.maven.index with parameters of type SearchExpression QueryCreator.constructQuery(Field field, SearchExpression expression)
          Constructs query by parsing the query string, using field as default field. NexusIndexer.constructQuery(Field field, SearchExpression expression)
          Helper method to construct Lucene query for given field without need for knowledge (on caller side) HOW is a field indexed, and WHAT query is needed to achieve that. DefaultQueryCreator.constructQuery(Field field, SearchExpression expression)
    DefaultNexusIndexer.constructQuery(Field field, SearchExpression expression)

Uses of SearchExpression in org.apache.maven.index.expr

Classes in org.apache.maven.index.expr that implement SearchExpression
 class SearchTypedStringSearchExpression
          A search typed implementation of string backed search expression.
 class SourcedSearchExpression
          SourcedSearchExpression is a search expression usually "sourced" or backed from some programmatic source (drop down with pre-filled values, values from previous searches, etc), and we already know it is complete, exact value that we want to search for.
 class StringSearchExpression
          A simple string based implementation of SearchExpression that is immutable.
 class UserInputSearchExpression
          UserInputSearchExpression is a search expression usually coming from user input (like some UI dialogue, UI element or CLI).

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