Jira Report

Report all issues defined in Jira.For the latest list, please check Jira.

Type Key Summary Assignee Reporter Priority Status Created Updated Votes
Bug MPTEST-53 Tests breaks when run under maven due to missing resources Unassigned Erik Mattsson Major Open Open 16 May 2005 16 May 2005 0
New Feature MPTEST-51 independent properties for skipping test:compile and test:test Unassigned kishore Major Open Open 10 May 2005 10 May 2005 2
Bug MPTEST-45 maven test plugin 1.6.2 test throws a ClassNotFound exception in a subtier level project Unassigned Daniel Flesner Major Open Open 4 Nov 2004 5 Nov 2004 0
Bug MPTEST-42 test fails when project depends on commons-logging-api Unassigned Duffy Gillman Major Open Open 10 Sep 2004 10 Sep 2004 0
Improvement MPTEST-37 When tests are run in a separate JVM, all system properties from the current JVM should be provided to the forked tests Unassigned dion gillard Major Open Open 6 Jul 2004 30 May 2006 1
Bug MPTEST-24 Stacktrace filtering Unassigned fabrizio giustina Major Open Open 22 Jan 2004 7 Jun 2004 0
Task MPTEST-65 Upgrade to Junit 4.0 Unassigned Arnaud Heritier Minor Reopened Reopened 16 Jul 2006 6 May 2007 0
Bug MPTEST-41 Handle spaces in additional parameters correctly Unassigned M.-Leander Reimer Minor Open Open 26 Aug 2004 30 May 2006 0
Improvement MPTEST-3 allow maven.build.dest to be a path instead of a single location Unassigned Dominik Dahlem Trivial Open Open 30 Sep 2003 1 Dec 2003 0