Maven Test Plugin

This plug-in provides your basic JUnit testing facilities.


Be careful, the following plugins must be installed to use version 1.8 of the test plugin:

  • maven-jar-plugin 1.8 (at least)

Backward compatibility issue with version 1.8

Version 1.8 of the test plugin removed a prereq on java:compile & java:jar-resources from the test:test goal for optimization reasons (see MPTEST-46). This introduced a backward compatibility issue (see MPTEST-66) which might affect you if the following conditions are met:

  • You either use maven.test.skip=true or your project has no unit tests.
  • Either your project, or a plugin that you use, relies on java sources to be compiled by calling the test:test goal.

An illustration of the problem is provided by the javaapp sourceforge plugin, whose javaapp:jar goal has a prereq on test:test, relying on the java sources to be compiled by this call. If you are calling this goal now with a project that has no tests, the build will fail.

The problem should really be fixed in the corresponding plugin, but a simple workaround is to add the missing goals as a preGoal in your maven.xml:

<preGoal name="javaapp:jar">
  <j:if test="${unitTestSourcesPresent != 'true' or context.getVariable('maven.test.skip') == 'true'}">
    <attainGoal name="java:compile"/>
    <attainGoal name="java:jar-resources"/>

If you don't know the goal that is causing the trouble, you may add the preGoal to test:test, but this might lead to double compilation.