Jira Report

Report all issues defined in Jira.For the latest list, please check Jira.

Type Key Summary Assignee Reporter Priority Status Created Updated Votes
Bug MPPDF-56 Some HTML in the .xml file do not translate to the PDF Unassigned Jamie Bisotti Major Open Open 9 Jun 2006 5 Jul 2006 0
Wish MPPDF-49 Allow embedding of custom fonts Unassigned Lukas Theussl Major Open Open 18 Sep 2005 18 Sep 2005 0
Improvement MPPDF-58 Upgrade to use FOP 0.93 Unassigned Arnaud Heritier Minor Open Open 8 Jan 2007 8 Jan 2007 1
Improvement MPPDF-52 Better handling of figures Unassigned Arnaud Bailly Minor Open Open 5 Oct 2005 5 Oct 2005 0
New Feature MPPDF-20 add author names to generated pdf Unassigned David Weinkauf Minor Open Open 19 Oct 2004 22 Aug 2005 0