Maven PDF Plugin Settings

This properties are used by the plugin and can be redefined by the user.

PDF content customization

Property name Description Optional? Default value
maven.pdf.confidential Add a confidential text to the footer of each page. Yes false
maven.pdf.paperType Paper type for the generated PDF file. Available formats are :
  • A4 : 8.25in x 11.70in
  • US : 8.5in x 14in
  • USLetter : 8.5in x 11in
Yes A4
maven.pdf.companyIncName The company name printed on each page footer beside the copyrigth. Yes ${}
maven.pdf.copyrightYear The year for the copyright. Yes By default, gets constructed like: "${pom.inceptionYear}-build_year", or just "build_year" if the two are equal (or if ${pom.inceptionYear} is undefined).
maven.pdf.imageDpi Images resolution. Yes 75
maven.pdf.createBookmarks Add PDF bookmarks. Yes false
maven.pdf.navigationFile Filename for the navigation file used to generate the PDF. It allows to separate the content of the site and the content of the PDF documentation. Yes navigation.xml
maven.pdf.navigationFilePath The directory where the ${maven.pdf.navigationFile} can be found. This is useful to define it if this file is generated for example. Yes ${maven.xdoc.src}
maven.pdf.projectLogo Project logo URL (or relative path). Yes ${pom.url}${pom.logo}
maven.pdf.companyLogo Company logo URL (or relative path). Yes ${pom.organization.url}${pom.organization.logo}
maven.pdf.cover.projectCompany Company name printed on the cover. Yes ${}
maven.pdf.cover.projectName Project name . Yes ${}
maven.pdf.cover.type Type of documentation. Yes Project Documentation
maven.pdf.cover.version Project/Document version printed on the cover. Yes ${pom.currentVersion} The date printed on the cover. Yes Empty. The build date is used.
maven.pdf.cover.headerHeight The height of the cover header. Yes Defaults to 0.5in.
maven.pdf.cover.footerHeight The height of the cover footer. Yes Defaults to 0.3in.

Project parameters

Property name Description Optional? Default value The source directory for the user xml documentations files. Yes ${basedir}/xdocs The destination directory for PDF documentation. Images are also retreived from this directory. Yes ${}/docs/ The directory for generated xdocs used to create the pdf document. Yes ${}/generated-xdocs/
maven.pdf.pdfName The name of the generated pdf file. Yes ${pom.artifactId}.pdf

Technical parameters

Property name Description Optional? Default value
maven.pdf.debug Debug the pdf generation process. Yes false
maven.jar.jimi Jimi OR Jai libraries must be declared if you want to use PNG images in your pdf document. Jimi and Jai cannot be distributed via ibiblio, so you must add the path to one of these libraries in your project properties. For example : maven.jar.jimi=${maven.repo.local}/jimi/jars/jimi-X.Y.Z.jar Yes Empty.

Jimi OR Jai libraries must be declared if you want to use PNG images in your pdf document. Jimi and Jai cannot be distributed via ibiblio, so you must add the path to one of these libraries in your project properties. For example :


Yes Empty.