Jira Report

Report all issues defined in Jira.For the latest list, please check Jira.

Type Key Summary Assignee Reporter Priority Status Created Updated Votes
New Feature MPCRUISECONTROL-31 Distinguish between <email> and <htmlemail> in config.xml Unassigned Jamie Bisotti Major Open Open 28 Jun 2005 28 Jun 2005 0
Bug MPCRUISECONTROL-28 Doing a multiproject:goal -Dcruisecontrol:configure, where all the projects point to the same config.xml only results in the last project being included in the config.xml. Unassigned Jamie Bisotti Major Open Open 27 Jun 2005 27 Jun 2005 0
New Feature MPCRUISECONTROL-22 Support deploying the generated cruisecontrol.xml file to a remote location Unassigned Vincent Massol Major Open Open 30 Mar 2005 30 Mar 2005 0
Improvement MPCRUISECONTROL-18 Maven properties to control plugin Unassigned Brendan Donovan Major Open Open 27 Jan 2005 30 Jun 2005 0
New Feature MPCRUISECONTROL-17 Support for <mavensnapshotdependency> in CruiseControl v2.2 Unassigned Paul Spencer Major Open Open 2 Dec 2004 3 Dec 2004 0
New Feature MPCRUISECONTROL-24 Corrected the baseUrl Unassigned Philip Dodds Minor Open Open 4 May 2005 5 May 2006 0
New Feature MPCRUISECONTROL-21 Need to be able to support two branches of the same artifact Unassigned David Eric Pugh Minor Open Open 17 Mar 2005 22 Jun 2005 0