Maven CruiseControl properties

Property Optional? Description Yes The cruisecontrol build directory. Default value is ${}/cruisecontrol.
maven.cruisecontrol.config Yes Config file to update/create. Default value is ${}/config.xml.
maven.cruisecontrol.home No Location where CC is installed. No default value. Yes Location of the CC work directory that will be used at runtime. Default value is ${}.
maven.cruisecontrol.checkout.dir Yes Location where to checkout/update code at runtime. Default value is ${}/checkout.
maven.cruisecontrol.logs.dir Yes Location where CC logs will be generated at runtime. Default value is ${}/logs
maven.cruisecontrol.mavenhome Yes The home directory of your Maven installation. Default value is ${maven.home}.
maven.cruisecontrol.schedule.type Yes Defines the schedule type: interval or time. Default value is interval.
maven.cruisecontrol.schedule.interval Yes Seconds in between builds for this project. Default value is 300.
maven.cruisecontrol.schedule.time Yes Time when builds this project, in the form HHmm (execute every day). Default value is 1900.
maven.cruisecontrol.logs.encodingtype Yes Encoding type for logs files. Default value is ISO-8859-1.
maven.cruisecontrol.logs.merge Yes Set true if you want to add others reports files at the end of the Cruisecontrol report file. Default value is true.
maven.cruisecontrol.logs.mergedirectory Yes Directory containing .xml reports files to merge. Default value is ${maven.cruisecontrol.checkout.dir}/${pom.artifactId}/${}/test-reports.
maven.cruisecontrol.logs.pattern Yes The pattern of files to merge. Default value is TEST-*.xml.
maven.cruisecontrol.currentbuildstatus.filename Yes The filename to write the current build status. Default value is status.txt.
maven.cruisecontrol.goals Yes Default value is scm:update|clean test|site:deploy.
maven.cruisecontrol.template Yes Template file to use in generating the cruisecontrol.xml file. Default value is ${plugin.resources}/cruisecontrol.jsl.
maven.cruisecontrol.trigger.projects Yes A comma separated list of projects that should trigger this project to build when they are built. Allows you to build a project whose dependencies have changed.

NOTE: You may need to edit the config file to ensure that dependent project appear prior to the project. This is because CruiseControl builds projects in the order that appear in the config file. Failure to order the project properly may results in continuious rebuilding of project and/or avoidable build failures. Yes The root of the cruisecontrol site used in generating the link to CC Default value is ${pom.url}/cruisecontrol. While not required, typically you will need to set this.
maven.cruisecontrol.buildresults.url Yes

The url of the cruisecontrol site used in generating the link to CruiseControl. By default this is ${}/buildresults/${pom.artifactId}.

Note: Since the cruisecontrol report is not one of the defaults reports, you must add the cruisecontrol report to see a link to the Cruise Control Build Results under Project Reports.

Maven Cruise Control Plug-in Mail Settings Yes

Default value is localhost.

NOTE: It may be more appropriate to set this in on the CruiseControl server since the value may differ from developer to developer.

maven.cruisecontrol.mail.subjectprefix Yes

Default value is [BUILD].

maven.cruisecontrol.mail.skipusers Yes

Controls if the users who made changes in this build get email. Default value is false.

maven.cruisecontrol.mail.usemap Yes

if true, puts developers email address (find in project.xml), so they can receive email if skipusers is false. Default value is true.

maven.cruisecontrol.mail.reportsuccess Yes

Valid values : always (mails results on every successful build), never(only mails on failed builds ), fixes(mails results only on the first successful build and the first successful build after a failed build). Default value is always.

maven.cruisecontrol.mail.spamwhilebroken Yes

Whether or not e-mail reports on failed builds will continue for subsequent failed builds. Default value is false.

maven.cruisecontrol.mail.defaultsuffix Yes

Default value is the domain name of the first email in ${}.

maven.cruisecontrol.mail.buildresultsurl Yes

URL to the build results JSP. Default value is ${maven.cruisecontrol.buildresults.url}.

maven.cruisecontrol.mail.css Yes

Path to cruisecontrol.css. Default value is ${maven.cruisecontrol.home}/reporting/jsp/webcontent/css/cruisecontrol.css.

maven.cruisecontrol.mail.xsldir Yes

Directory where standard CruiseControl xsl files are located. Default value is ${maven.cruisecontrol.home}/reporting/jsp/webcontent/xsl.

maven.cruisecontrol.mail.failureaddress Yes

Mail address to be emailed notification after failed builds. Default value is ${}.

maven.cruisecontrol.mail.successaddress Yes

Mail address to be emailed notification after successful builds. Default value is ${}.

maven.cruisecontrol.mail.maps Yes

Maps a source control user id to an email address. Given by a comma-separated list of aliases, each of which should be accompanied by an address of the form${alias}. Default value is the empty string.

Maven Cruise Control Plug-in Jabber Settings

maven.cruisecontrol.jabberpublisher Yes

Control whether to include publishing to a Jabber server. Default value is false. No

Default value is

maven.cruisecontrol.jabber.username No

The username to use to connect to the Jabber server

maven.cruisecontrol.jabber.password No

The password to use to connect to the Jabber server

maven.cruisecontrol.jabber.recipient No

The recipient that you wish to send the notification to

maven.cruisecontrol.jabber.chatroom Yes

Whether the recipient is a chatroom. Default value is false.

maven.cruisecontrol.jabber.ssl Yes

Whether to use SSL to connect to the Jabber server. Default value is false.

maven.cruisecontrol.jabber.buildresultsurl Yes

Whether to include the build results URL. Default value is false.

Maven Cruise Control Plug-in FTP Publisher Settings

maven.cruisecontrol.ftp.targetHost Yes

Host name of the FTP server.

NOTE: This property doesn't have any default value, a value is required if maven.cruisecontrol.currentbuildstatusftppublisher property or maven.cruisecontrol.ftppublisher property is set to true.

maven.cruisecontrol.ftp.targetUser Yes

The user used for logging into the FTP site. Default value is anonymous.

maven.cruisecontrol.ftp.targetPasswd Yes

The password used during FTP log in for the maven.cruisecontrol.ftp.targetUser. Default value is anonymous.

maven.cruisecontrol.ftp.targetPort Yes

Port number of the FTP server. Default value is 21.

maven.cruisecontrol.ftp.targetDir Yes

Base directory in the FTP server to put the files. Default value is '.'.

maven.cruisecontrol.ftp.targetSeparator Yes

Directory separator character used by the FTP server. Default value is /.

maven.cruisecontrol.currentbuildstatusftppublisher Yes

Copies the file containing the current build status in a remote directory onto the FTP server. Default value is false.

NOTE: To use this CruiseControl property you need to add this line currentbuildstatusftppublisher=net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.publishers.CurrentBuildStatusFTPPublisher in the file before building CruiseControl (you can find it, in INSTALL_DIR/main/src/net/sourceforge/cruisecontrol/).

maven.cruisecontrol.currentbuildstatusftppublisher.file Yes

The filename to write.

NOTE: This property doesn't have any default value, a value is required if maven.cruisecontrol.currentbuildstatusftppublisher property is set to true.

maven.cruisecontrol.currentbuildstatusftppublisher.destDir Yes

The remote directory to write the file.

NOTE: This property doesn't have any default value, a value is required if maven.cruisecontrol.currentbuildstatusftppublisher property is set to true.

maven.cruisecontrol.ftppublisher Yes

Copies the XML log file from the build onto the FTP server. Default value is false.

NOTE: To use this CruiseControl property you need to add this line ftppublisher=net.sourceforge.cruisecontrol.publishers.FTPPublisher in the file before building CruiseControl (you can find it, in INSTALL_DIR/main/src/net/sourceforge/cruisecontrol/).

maven.cruisecontrol.ftppublisher.destDir Yes

The remote directory to publish the files.

NOTE: This property doesn't have any default value, a value is required if maven.cruisecontrol.ftppublisher property is set to true.

maven.cruisecontrol.ftppublisher.srcDir Yes

To publish the XML log file, this must be the same as maven.cruisecontrol.logs.dir. Default value is ${maven.cruisecontrol.logs.dir}.

maven.cruisecontrol.ftppublisher.deleteArtifacts Yes

If yes, then all files successfully sent to the FTP server will be deleted locally. Default value is no.

Maven Cruise Control Plug-in SCP Publisher Settings

maven.cruisecontrol.scppublisher Yes

Copies the XML log file from the build with a SCP command onto a remote host. Default value is false.

maven.cruisecontrol.scp.sourcedir Yes

The directory to copy from. Default value is ${maven.cruisecontrol.logs.dir}/${pom.artifactId}.

maven.cruisecontrol.scp.targetuser Yes

Log in to the target machine as this user.

NOTE: This property doesn't have any default value, a value is required if maven.cruisecontrol.scppublisher property is set to true.

maven.cruisecontrol.scp.targethost Yes

SCP to this machine.

NOTE: This property doesn't have any default value, a value is required if maven.cruisecontrol.scppublisher property is set to true.

maven.cruisecontrol.scp.targetlogdir Yes

The directory to copy the log files. Default value is '.'.

maven.cruisecontrol.scp.targetstatusfiledir Yes

The directory to copy the currentstatusfile. Default value is '.'.

maven.cruisecontrol.scp.targetseparator Yes

The file separator on the target machine. Default value is /.

maven.cruisecontrol.scp.ssh Yes

The ssh application. Default value is ssh.

maven.cruisecontrol.scp.file Yes

The filename to copy. Default value is the current log file.

maven.cruisecontrol.scp.statusfile Yes

The statusfilename to copy. Default value is ${maven.cruisecontrol.currentbuildstatus.filename}.

Maven Cruise Control Plug-in Artifact Publisher Settings

maven.cruisecontrol.artifactspublisher Yes

Copies the build artifacts from to a given local location. Default value is false.

maven.cruisecontrol.artifacts.dir Yes

The directory to copy from. Default value is ${maven.cruisecontrol.logs.dir}.

maven.cruisecontrol.artifacts.dest Yes

The directory to copy to. Default value is ${}/artifacts}.

maven.cruisecontrol.artifactsPublisher.publishOnFailure Yes

Whether to publish the artifacts on a failed build. Default value is true.