Jira Report

Report all issues defined in Jira.For the latest list, please check Jira.

Type Key Summary Assignee Reporter Priority Status Created Updated Votes
Bug MPCHECKSTYLE-25 Checkstyle does not perform on all source directories when generating source files Unassigned Guillaume Nodet Open Open 23 Jul 2004 26 Jul 2004 0
Improvement MPCHECKSTYLE-55 Possible to add "skip" capability.... Unassigned Daniel Kulp Major Open Open 19 May 2006 19 May 2006 0
Wish MPCHECKSTYLE-37 How import my own checks into plugin checkstyle-maven Unassigned Loïc Major Open Open 26 Jul 2005 27 Jul 2005 0
Bug MPCHECKSTYLE-27 checkstyle use the root classloader to instantiate checker Unassigned Zhang Yang Major Reopened Reopened 23 Sep 2004 8 Jun 2005 1
Bug MPCHECKSTYLE-20 Unable to get class information for custom exceptions Unassigned Ryan Sonnek Major Open Open 27 Mar 2004 27 Apr 2006 4
Improvement MPCHECKSTYLE-12 support for custom checks in checkstyle Unassigned Simon Matic Langford Major Open Open 23 Jul 2003 21 May 2004 0
New Feature MPCHECKSTYLE-36 Generate an Eclipse formatter profile from checkstyle config Unassigned Marc Guillemot Minor Open Open 20 Jul 2005 20 Jul 2005 0
Bug MPCHECKSTYLE-11 Checkstyle plugin can throw an OutOfMemory exception Unassigned Tim O'Brien Minor Open Open 2 Mar 2003 2 Dec 2003 0