Release History

3.1 In SVN
3.0.1 2006-03-26
3.0 2006-02-05
2.5 2004-10-12
2.4.1 2004-05-18
2.4 2004-05-15
2.3 2004-03-11
2.2 2003-12-22
2.1 Unknown
2.0 2003-09-01
1.1 2003-05-30

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Release 3.1 - In SVN

update Upgrade antlr dependency to version 2.7.6. aheritier

Release 3.0.1 - 2006-03-26

fix The links to source xref files does not honor maven.jxr.destdir and maven.jxr.destdir.test . Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-52. ltheussl
fix RSS file has incorrect links when used in multiproject build. Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-38. ltheussl
fix maven.checkstyle.header.file now defaults to ${maven.license.licenseFile} . Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-9. ltheussl
fix ClassCastException when moving from 2.5 to 3.0. Use a jsl transform instead of ant's style task. Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-53. Thanks to Bernard Durfee. ltheussl

Release 3.0 - 2006-02-05

update Upgraded to checkstyle 4.1. ltheussl
fix Do not assert ASF copyright in checkstyle.rss. Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-39. carlos
add Added new summary report as front page. carlos
update Moved reports under the checkstyle folder and renamed. carlos
update Added maven.checkstyle.dir and move output files there. carlos
add Added properties maven.checkstyle.output.xml and maven.checkstyle.output.txt carlos
update The checkstyle plugin use the maven.xdoc.locale.default to generate the report. Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-39. aheritier
add Ability to check test sources using property maven.checkstyle.check.tests Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-30. carlos
add Generate reports filtered by severity carlos
update Support for Java5 carlos
fix Fixed MemberName rule in Turbine checkstyle rules Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-29. carlos

Release 2.5 - 2004-10-12

add Added new maven.checkstyle.suppressions.file property. vmassol
add Added generation of a Checkstyle RSS feed. vmassol
fix Fix : Build failed if target directory and License file didn't exist. Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-21. aheritier

Release 2.4.1 - 2004-05-18

fix Fix checks built into plugin when not run on Windows. brett

Release 2.4 - 2004-05-15

update Allow Checkstyle plugin to access checks file from a URL. Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-7. evenisse
update Upgraded to Checkstyle 3.4. vmassol

Release 2.3 - 2004-03-11

fix Applied MPCHECKSTYLE-15. Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-15. dion
update Upgraded to Checkstyle 3.3. vmassol

Release 2.2 - 2003-12-22

fix The Checkstyle HTML report now provides information on severity. Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-2. Thanks to Henri Tremblay. vmassol
fix Prevent projects who do not use the head check from failing if they don't provide a license file. vmassol
update Upgraded to Checkstyle 3.2. vmassol

Release 2.1 - Unknown


Release 2.0 - 2003-09-01

fix Added ignoreLines 1, 6. Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-3. dion
update Update to use*/ dion
fix Add maven dependency and classes directory to classpath. This stops 'Unable to get class information for ' < classname > ' errors. dion
fix Add xml declaration to generated report. Fixed for character encoding. evenisse
fix I register reports only if source, test,... exists. So, corresponding entrys in menu will appear only if reports are registered. Fixes MPCHANGELOG-9. evenisse
fix Fixes MPCHECKSTYLE-1. evenisse
update Upgraded to Checkstyle 3.1. vmassol
update Updated documentation. vmassol
update Complete clean of the existing plugin. vmassol

Release 1.1 - 2003-05-30

add Added a new maven.checkstyle.useFile property. If false, the checkstyle task will display violations on stdout. If true, a text file will be created with the violations. Note: this is in addition to the XML result file (containing the viol ations in XML format) which is always created. vmassol