Release History

1.4.1 2007-04-18
1.4 2005-12-12
1.3 2004-08-10
1.2 2004-07-08
1.1 2004-05-15
1.0 2004-03-10

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Release 1.4.1 - 2007-04-18

add Add a link to the issue tracking system (if defined). aheritier
update Update dependencies to unify them between plugins. The following dependencies are updated : commons-net v1.4.0 to v1.4.1 aheritier

Release 1.4 - 2005-12-12

add Added property maven.announcement.lenient . Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-19. felipeal
update Update dependencies to match ones in maven 1.1 core and to unify them between plugins. The following dependencies are updated :
  • commons-net v1.2.1 - > v1.4.0
  • commons-jelly-tags-xml v1.0 - > v1.1
Fixes MAVEN-1712.
add Support new format of < action > eleme nt in changes.xml . Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-18. ltheussl
fix CR-LF generated do not match the platform. Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-3. ltheussl
fix Xml entities transformed in wrong direction. Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-10. ltheussl
add Modified the announcement text " The ${pom.groupId} team is pleased... " in favor of " We are pleased... " and changed the signature from " The ${pom.groupId} team " to " The ${} development team ". Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-15. vmassol
add Add information about the Maven remote repo to use in the generated download instructions. Added a maven.announcement.repo.remote property that can be used to specify from which Maven remote repository the artifact for this project can be found. Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-16. vmassol

Release 1.3 - 2004-08-10

add Added check to verify that the POM has a version element for the announcement to be generated. Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-14. Thanks to Felipe Leme. vmassol
add Added new optional maven.announcement.encoding property that defines which charset encoding to use to generate the text announcement (defaults to UTF-8). Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-13. Thanks to Felipe Leme. vmassol
add Added new announcement:mail goal to automatically send the generated announcement by email. Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-9. Thanks to Felipe Leme. vmassol
add Added new optional maven.announcement.stylesheet.path property that defines what stylesheet to use to generate the text ann ouncement. Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-11. Thanks to Felipe Leme. vmassol
fix Fixed error message when current version is not available at xdocs/changes.xml . Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-12. Thanks to Felipe Leme. vmassol

Release 1.2 - 2004-07-08

add Added new announcement:generate-all to generate announcement files for all releases. vmassol
update Generates the announcement file in ${}/announcements so that it is copied to the web site when this later is deployed. vmassol
update Default announcement file name now contains the version in its name. vmassol

Release 1.1 - 2004-05-15

update Detect whether the project is a plugin or not by the existence of plugin.jelly in the project directory, and change the wording accordingly. brett
add Added new maven.announcement.distributionUrl property which specifies where the project jars can be downloaded from. If not specified, it defaults to ${maven.repo.remote}/${pom.groupId}/plugins . Once this property makes it into the POM we'll remove it. vmassol
update The maven.announcement.version property does no longer needs to be defined. It defaults to ${pom.currentVersion} if not defined. vmassol
add Improved web site documentation. vmassol
fix Add a space after the "." of the "Issue: xxx." (which happens when you use the "issue" attribute in changes.xml). vmassol
add Added description information from the POM to the generated announcement to explain w hat the project does. vmassol
add Added information in the generated announcement to indicate from where the plugin can be downloaded. vmassol
add Added information in the generated announcement to indicate how to install the plugin using the plugin:download goal. vmassol
update Added maven.announcement.file property and echo'd it during generation dion
add Added more information when running the plugin. Also added a check to verify if the announcement version matches an entry in the changes.xml file. Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-2. Thanks to Fabrizio Giustina. vmassol
add Several new additions that makes the plugin more generic: the team name is now taken from pom.groupId , "[ ] " are removed from the first line, changes are sorted by type, changes report issue number and due-to, the download link is generated from pom.distributionDirectory and the "plugin has been tested with..." line has been removed. Fixes MPANNOUNCEMENT-1. Thanks to Fabrizio Giustina. vmassol

Release 1.0 - 2004-03-10

update Update to ASL v.2 evenisse
update Remove the need for ${pom} interpolation in properties. The use of the maven:property tag is now used to glean a default property. jvanzyl
add Initial creation. vmassol