Announcement plugin properties

maven.announcement.version Yes Version for which to create a release note. ${pom.currentVersion}
maven.announcement.file Yes The file name that the announcement is generated into. ${}/announcements/announcement-${versionVariable}.txt
maven.announcement.repo.remote Yes Specify from which Maven remote repository the artifact for this project can be found. For now, this property does not exist in the POM (there's only a distributionSite and distributionDirectory which don't map to anything for the web). We'll need to remove this property once it makes it into the POM. ${maven.repo.remote}
maven.announcement.distributionUrl Yes Distribution location. ${maven.announcement.repo.remote}/${pom.groupId}/plugins
maven.announcement.stylesheet.path Yes Stylesheet to use to generate the text announcement. ${plugin.resources}/announcement.jsl
maven.announcement.mail.server Required for announcement:mail goal Address of the SMTP server used to send the email message. none
maven.announcement.mail.client Yes Name of the host/domain used to log on the SMTP server. localhost
maven.announcement.mail.subject Yes Subject of the announcement email message. [ANN] ${} %VERSION% released
maven.announcement.mail.from Yes Sender (email address) of the announcement message. First developer email found in the POM Required for announcement:mail goal Comma-separated list of To: address used as recipients of the announcement message. none
maven.announcement.encoding Yes Encoding used to generate the announcement file. UTF-8
maven.announcement.lenient Yes When set to false, the plugin will fail in the occurrence of any of the following conditions:

  • xdocs/changes.xml file is not available
  • xdocs/changes.xml has not a release entry for the current version
  • project.xml has not a version entry for the current version