Apache log4cxx  Version 0.10.0
XMLSocketAppender Class Reference

Sends LoggingEvent objects in XML format to a remote a log server, usually a XMLSocketNode. More...

Inheritance diagram for XMLSocketAppender:
SocketAppenderSkeleton AppenderSkeleton Appender ObjectImpl OptionHandler Object Object

Public Member Functions

 XMLSocketAppender ()
 ~XMLSocketAppender ()
 XMLSocketAppender (helpers::InetAddressPtr address, int port)
 Connects to remote server at address and port. More...
 XMLSocketAppender (const LogString &host, int port)
 Connects to remote server at host and port. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SocketAppenderSkeleton
 SocketAppenderSkeleton (int defaultPort, int reconnectionDelay)
 ~SocketAppenderSkeleton ()
 SocketAppenderSkeleton (helpers::InetAddressPtr address, int port, int reconnectionDelay)
 Connects to remote server at address and port. More...
 SocketAppenderSkeleton (const LogString &host, int port, int reconnectionDelay)
 Connects to remote server at host and port. More...
void activateOptions (log4cxx::helpers::Pool &p)
 Connect to the specified RemoteHost and Port. More...
void close ()
 Release any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, network connections, etc. More...
bool requiresLayout () const
 This appender does not use a layout. More...
void setRemoteHost (const LogString &host)
 The RemoteHost option takes a string value which should be the host name of the server where a Apache Chainsaw or compatible is running. More...
const LogStringgetRemoteHost () const
 Returns value of the RemoteHost option. More...
void setPort (int port1)
 The Port option takes a positive integer representing the port where the server is waiting for connections. More...
int getPort () const
 Returns value of the Port option. More...
void setLocationInfo (bool locationInfo1)
 The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. More...
bool getLocationInfo () const
 Returns value of the LocationInfo option. More...
void setReconnectionDelay (int reconnectionDelay1)
 The ReconnectionDelay option takes a positive integer representing the number of milliseconds to wait between each failed connection attempt to the server. More...
int getReconnectionDelay () const
 Returns value of the ReconnectionDelay option. More...
void fireConnector ()
void setOption (const LogString &option, const LogString &value)
 Set option to value. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AppenderSkeleton
 AppenderSkeleton ()
 AppenderSkeleton (const LayoutPtr &layout)
void addRef () const
void releaseRef () const
void finalize ()
 Finalize this appender by calling the derived class' close method. More...
void addFilter (const spi::FilterPtr &newFilter)
 Add a filter to end of the filter list. More...
void clearFilters ()
 Clear the filters chain. More...
const spi::ErrorHandlerPtrgetErrorHandler () const
 Return the currently set spi::ErrorHandler for this Appender. More...
spi::FilterPtr getFilter () const
 Returns the head Filter. More...
const spi::FilterPtrgetFirstFilter () const
 Return the first filter in the filter chain for this Appender. More...
LayoutPtr getLayout () const
 Returns the layout of this appender. More...
LogString getName () const
 Returns the name of this Appender. More...
const LevelPtrgetThreshold ()
 Returns this appenders threshold level. More...
bool isAsSevereAsThreshold (const LevelPtr &level) const
 Check whether the message level is below the appender's threshold. More...
void doAppend (const spi::LoggingEventPtr &event, log4cxx::helpers::Pool &pool)
 This method performs threshold checks and invokes filters before delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific AppenderSkeleton::append method. More...
void setErrorHandler (const spi::ErrorHandlerPtr &eh)
 Set the ErrorHandler for this Appender. More...
void setLayout (const LayoutPtr &layout1)
 Set the layout for this appender. More...
void setName (const LogString &name1)
 Set the name of this Appender. More...
void setThreshold (const LevelPtr &threshold)
 Set the threshold level. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Appender
virtual ~Appender ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from OptionHandler
virtual ~OptionHandler ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Object
virtual const helpers::ClassgetClass () const
virtual ~Object ()
virtual bool instanceof (const Class &clazz) const =0
virtual const void * cast (const Class &clazz) const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjectImpl
 ObjectImpl ()
virtual ~ObjectImpl ()
void addRef () const
void releaseRef () const

Static Public Attributes

static int DEFAULT_PORT
 The default port number of remote logging server (4560). More...
 The default reconnection delay (30000 milliseconds or 30 seconds). More...
static const int MAX_EVENT_LEN
 An event XML stream cannot exceed 1024 bytes. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void setSocket (log4cxx::helpers::SocketPtr &socket, log4cxx::helpers::Pool &p)
virtual void cleanUp (log4cxx::helpers::Pool &p)
virtual int getDefaultDelay () const
virtual int getDefaultPort () const
void append (const spi::LoggingEventPtr &event, log4cxx::helpers::Pool &pool)
 Subclasses of AppenderSkeleton should implement this method to perform actual logging. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Object
static const helpers::ClassgetStaticClass ()
static const log4cxx::helpers::ClassRegistrationregisterClass ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from AppenderSkeleton
LayoutPtr layout
 The layout variable does not need to be set if the appender implementation has its own layout. More...
LogString name
 Appenders are named. More...
LevelPtr threshold
 There is no level threshold filtering by default. More...
spi::ErrorHandlerPtr errorHandler
 It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. More...
spi::FilterPtr headFilter
 The first filter in the filter chain. More...
spi::FilterPtr tailFilter
 The last filter in the filter chain. More...
bool closed
 Is this appender closed? More...
log4cxx::helpers::Pool pool
log4cxx::helpers::Mutex mutex
- Protected Attributes inherited from ObjectImpl
unsigned int volatile ref

Detailed Description

Sends LoggingEvent objects in XML format to a remote a log server, usually a XMLSocketNode.

The XMLSocketAppender has the following properties:

  • If sent to a XMLSocketNode, remote logging is non-intrusive as far as the log event is concerned. In other words, the event will be logged with the same time stamp, NDC, location info as if it were logged locally by the client.
  • XMLSocketAppenders use exclusively an XMLLayout. They ship an XML stream representing a LoggingEvent object to the server side.

Remote logging uses the TCP protocol. Consequently, if the server is reachable, then log events will eventually arrive at the server.

  • If the remote server is down, the logging requests are simply dropped. However, if and when the server comes back up, then event transmission is resumed transparently. This transparent reconneciton is performed by a connector thread which periodically attempts to connect to the server.
  • Logging events are automatically buffered by the native TCP implementation. This means that if the link to server is slow but still faster than the rate of (log) event production by the client, the client will not be affected by the slow network connection. However, if the network connection is slower then the rate of event production, then the client can only progress at the network rate. In particular, if the network link to the the server is down, the client will be blocked.

    On the other hand, if the network link is up, but the server is down, the client will not be blocked when making log requests but the log events will be lost due to server unavailability.
  • Even if an XMLSocketAppender is no longer attached to any logger, it will not be destroyed in the presence of a connector thread. A connector thread exists only if the connection to the server is down. To avoid this destruction problem, you should close the the XMLSocketAppender explicitly. See also next item.

    Long lived applications which create/destroy many XMLSocketAppender instances should be aware of this destruction problem. Most other applications can safely ignore it.
  • If the application hosting the XMLSocketAppender exits before the XMLSocketAppender is closed either explicitly or subsequent to destruction, then there might be untransmitted data in the pipe which might be lost.

    To avoid lost data, it is usually sufficient to close the XMLSocketAppender either explicitly or by calling the LogManager::shutdown method before exiting the application.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XMLSocketAppender ( helpers::InetAddressPtr  address,
int  port 

Connects to remote server at address and port.

XMLSocketAppender ( const LogString host,
int  port 

Connects to remote server at host and port.

Member Function Documentation

void append ( const spi::LoggingEventPtr event,
log4cxx::helpers::Pool p 

Subclasses of AppenderSkeleton should implement this method to perform actual logging.

See also AppenderSkeleton::doAppend method.

Implements AppenderSkeleton.

virtual void cleanUp ( log4cxx::helpers::Pool p)
virtual int getDefaultDelay ( ) const
virtual int getDefaultPort ( ) const
virtual void setSocket ( log4cxx::helpers::SocketPtr &  socket,
log4cxx::helpers::Pool p 

Member Data Documentation


The default port number of remote logging server (4560).


The default reconnection delay (30000 milliseconds or 30 seconds).

const int MAX_EVENT_LEN

An event XML stream cannot exceed 1024 bytes.

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