Apache log4cxx  Version 0.10.0
LoggingEvent Class Reference

The internal representation of logging events. More...

Inheritance diagram for LoggingEvent:
ObjectImpl Object

Public Member Functions

 LoggingEvent ()
 For serialization only. More...
 LoggingEvent (const LogString &logger, const LevelPtr &level, const LogString &message, const log4cxx::spi::LocationInfo &location)
 Instantiate a LoggingEvent from the supplied parameters. More...
 ~LoggingEvent ()
const LevelPtrgetLevel () const
 Return the level of this event. More...
const LogStringgetLoggerName () const
 Return the name of the logger. More...
const LogStringgetMessage () const
 Return the message for this logging event. More...
const LogStringgetRenderedMessage () const
 Return the message for this logging event. More...
const LogStringgetThreadName () const
 Return the threadName of this event. More...
log4cxx_time_t getTimeStamp () const
 The number of microseconds elapsed from 01.01.1970 until logging event was created. More...
const log4cxx::spi::LocationInfogetLocationInformation () const
bool getNDC (LogString &dest) const
 This method appends the NDC for this event to passed string. More...
void write (helpers::ObjectOutputStream &os, helpers::Pool &p) const
 Writes the content of the LoggingEvent in a format compatible with log4j's serialized form. More...
bool getMDC (const LogString &key, LogString &dest) const
 Appends the the context corresponding to the key parameter. More...
 LOG4CXX_LIST_DEF (KeySet, LogString)
KeySet getMDCKeySet () const
 Returns the set of of the key values in the MDC for the event. More...
void getMDCCopy () const
 Obtain a copy of this thread's MDC prior to serialization or asynchronous logging. More...
bool getProperty (const LogString &key, LogString &dest) const
 Return a previously set property. More...
KeySet getPropertyKeySet () const
 Returns the set of of the key values in the properties for the event. More...
void setProperty (const LogString &key, const LogString &value)
 Set a string property using a key and a string value. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjectImpl
 ObjectImpl ()
virtual ~ObjectImpl ()
void addRef () const
void releaseRef () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Object
virtual const helpers::ClassgetClass () const
virtual ~Object ()
virtual bool instanceof (const Class &clazz) const =0
virtual const void * cast (const Class &clazz) const =0

Static Public Member Functions

static log4cxx_time_t getStartTime ()
 Returns the time when the application started, in microseconds elapsed since 01.01.1970. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Object
static const helpers::ClassgetStaticClass ()
static const log4cxx::helpers::ClassRegistrationregisterClass ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from ObjectImpl
unsigned int volatile ref

Detailed Description

The internal representation of logging events.

When an affirmative decision is made to log then a LoggingEvent instance is created. This instance is passed around to the different log4cxx components.

This class is of concern to those wishing to extend log4cxx.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

For serialization only.

LoggingEvent ( const LogString logger,
const LevelPtr level,
const LogString message,
const log4cxx::spi::LocationInfo location 

Instantiate a LoggingEvent from the supplied parameters.

Except timeStamp all the other fields of LoggingEvent are filled when actually needed.

loggerThe logger of this event.
levelThe level of this event.
messageThe message of this event.
locationlocation of logging request.

Member Function Documentation

const LevelPtr& getLevel ( ) const

Return the level of this event.

const log4cxx::spi::LocationInfo& getLocationInformation ( ) const
const LogString& getLoggerName ( ) const

Return the name of the logger.

bool getMDC ( const LogString key,
LogString dest 
) const

Appends the the context corresponding to the key parameter.

If there is a local MDC copy, possibly because we are in a logging server or running inside AsyncAppender, then we search for the key in MDC copy, if a value is found it is returned. Otherwise, if the search in MDC copy returns an empty result, then the current thread's MDC is used.

Note that both the local MDC copy and the current thread's MDC are searched.

deststring to which value, if any, is appended.
true if key had a corresponding value.
void getMDCCopy ( ) const

Obtain a copy of this thread's MDC prior to serialization or asynchronous logging.

KeySet getMDCKeySet ( ) const

Returns the set of of the key values in the MDC for the event.

The returned set is unmodifiable by the caller.

Set an unmodifiable set of the MDC keys.
const LogString& getMessage ( ) const

Return the message for this logging event.

bool getNDC ( LogString dest) const

This method appends the NDC for this event to passed string.

It will return the correct content even if the event was generated in a different thread or even on a different machine. The NDC::get method should never be called directly.

destdestination for NDC, unchanged if NDC is not set.
true if NDC is set.
bool getProperty ( const LogString key,
LogString dest 
) const

Return a previously set property.

deststring to which value, if any, is appended.
true if key had a corresponding value.
KeySet getPropertyKeySet ( ) const

Returns the set of of the key values in the properties for the event.

The returned set is unmodifiable by the caller.

Set an unmodifiable set of the property keys.
const LogString& getRenderedMessage ( ) const

Return the message for this logging event.

static log4cxx_time_t getStartTime ( )

Returns the time when the application started, in microseconds elapsed since 01.01.1970.

const LogString& getThreadName ( ) const

Return the threadName of this event.

log4cxx_time_t getTimeStamp ( ) const

The number of microseconds elapsed from 01.01.1970 until logging event was created.

void setProperty ( const LogString key,
const LogString value 

Set a string property using a key and a string value.

since 1.3

void write ( helpers::ObjectOutputStream os,
helpers::Pool p 
) const

Writes the content of the LoggingEvent in a format compatible with log4j's serialized form.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: