The Apache Software Foundation
The Apache Software Foundation Incubator


Incubator Mailing Lists Guide

Archive Policy

Please read the Apache Public Forum Archive Policy before sending email to any list.

Incubator-wide Mailing Lists

general at

This is where general and public discussion of the Incubator takes place.

cvs at

This is the Incubator's "commits" list, named "cvs" for historical reasons. Changes made to the Incubator codebase and website and the Incubator wiki trigger automatic notifications to this list. Replies go to the general list.

podlings at

This mail alias is for all of the dev lists for all active podlings. It is used for incubator wide announcements so that podlings don't need to be subscribed to general for all information. Emails to podlings at incubator should be done as a BCC, with general in the to, in order to avoid spamming all of the podlings.

Podling Mailing Lists

Each podling under incubation has its own mailing lists, which should be easily discovered via the podling website or via the podling status pages. These are the right place to get involved with a particular project or to ask project specific questions. They form the public record of the development of the project. All lists are archived.

Foundation-wide Mailing Lists

Many ASF-wide lists will also be of interest to Incubator participants. The legal discussion, infrastructure, and community lists are especially germane for PPMC members and release managers trying to develop their knowledge and stay current.