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Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
1019 0 0 0 100% 20.67 s

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
org.apache.commons.jexl3.parser 12 0 0 0 100% 0.076 s
org.example 2 0 0 0 100% 0.229 s
org.apache.commons.jexl3.internal.introspection 34 0 0 0 100% 0.422 s
org.apache.commons.jexl3.examples 4 0 0 0 100% 0.052 s
org.apache.commons.jexl3.jexl342 4 0 0 0 100% 0.042 s
org.apache.commons.jexl3.introspection 24 0 0 0 100% 0.087 s
org.apache.commons.jexl3.junit 2 0 0 0 100% 0.018 s
org.apache.commons.jexl3.scripting 14 0 0 0 100% 0.098 s
org.apache.commons.jexl3 918 0 0 0 100% 19.63 s
org.apache.commons.jexl3.internal 5 0 0 0 100% 0.010 s

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
ParserTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.007 s
FeatureControllerTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.069 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
SomeTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.229 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
MethodKeyTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.353 s
NoJexlTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.001 s
MiscIntrospectionTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.015 s
DiscoveryTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.011 s
PermissionsTest 18 0 0 0 100% 0.042 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
MethodPropertyTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.002 s
ArrayTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.014 s
StreamTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.036 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
OptionalTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.042 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
SandboxTest 24 0 0 0 100% 0.087 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
AsserterTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.018 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
JexlScriptEngineOptionalTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.015 s
JexlScriptEngineTest 11 0 0 0 100% 0.083 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
RangeTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.017 s
Issues100Test 31 0 0 0 100% 0.127 s
CollectionLiteralTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.017 s
ArrayTypeTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.011 s
AntishCallTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.019 s
SynchronizedOverloadsTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.038 s
CacheTest 12 0 0 0 100% 1.970 s
DoWhileTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.041 s
ArithmeticTest 62 0 0 0 100% 0.378 s
ForEachTest 17 0 0 0 100% 0.040 s
BlockTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.040 s
JexlTest 38 0 0 0 100% 0.133 s
VarTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.088 s
ScriptCallableTest 18 0 0 0 100% 4.840 s
JXLTTest 177 0 0 0 100% 0.853 s
ClassCreatorTest 8 0 0 0 100% 5.724 s
SideEffectTest 15 0 0 0 100% 0.143 s
MapLiteralTest 10 0 0 0 100% 0.045 s
AssignTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.079 s
LexicalTest 54 0 0 0 100% 0.180 s
TryCatchFinallyTest 19 0 0 0 100% 0.067 s
ComposePermissionsTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.144 s
Issues300Test 57 0 0 0 100% 0.221 s
BuilderTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.008 s
FeaturesTest 21 0 0 0 100% 0.113 s
AnnotationTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.081 s
PublicFieldsTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.019 s
CachePerformanceTest 3 0 0 0 100% 2.214 s
ExceptionTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.026 s
ArrayLiteralTest 11 0 0 0 100% 0.022 s
PragmaTest 15 0 0 0 100% 0.449 s
LambdaTest 39 0 0 0 100% 0.095 s
BitwiseOperatorTest 23 0 0 0 100% 0.031 s
StrategyTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.021 s
PropertyAccessTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.095 s
ScriptTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.172 s
ArithmeticOperatorTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.166 s
IssuesTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.042 s
Issues200Test 38 0 0 0 100% 0.274 s
WhileTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
ParseFailuresTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.012 s
IfTest 17 0 0 0 100% 0.034 s
ContextNamespaceTest 14 0 0 0 100% 0.046 s
Issues400Test 16 0 0 0 100% 0.069 s
SetLiteralTest 10 0 0 0 100% 0.039 s
MethodTest 18 0 0 0 100% 0.111 s
ArrayAccessTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.212 s
ShiftOperatorsTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.062 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
RangeTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.010 s

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


testLongContains 0.002 s
testLongSum 0.001 s
testIntegerRange 0.001 s
testIntegerContains 0.001 s
testLongRange 0.002 s
testIntegerRangeOne 0.003 s
testIntegerSum 0.001 s


test100 0.011 s
test105 0.003 s
test106 0.004 s
test107 0.015 s
test108 0.003 s
test109 0.001 s
test110 0.001 s
test111 0.001 s
test112 0.002 s
test117 0.001 s
test125 0.001 s
test135 0.005 s
test136 0.006 s
test143 0.001 s
test144 0.005 s
test155 0.001 s
test179 0.004 s
test192 0.001 s
test199 0.001 s
test5115a 0.003 s
test5115b 0.004 s
test5115c 0.009 s
test130a 0.003 s
test130b 0.004 s
test144a 0.006 s
test147b 0.004 s
test147c 0.003 s
test148a 0.001 s
testQuestion42 0.003 s
testScaleIssue 0.001 s
testRichContext 0.001 s


testSetBuilder 0.004 s
testMapLBuilder 0.006 s
testArrayBuilder 0.005 s


testPerfKey 0.047 s
testObjectKey 0.028 s
testStringKey 0.045 s
testPerfString 0.066 s
testPerfKey2 0.055 s
testPerfStringKey2 0.061 s
testDebugString 0 s


testArrayTypes 0.010 s


testAntishArithmetic 0.007 s
testSafeAnt 0.004 s
testAntishContextVar 0.007 s


testSynchronized 0.014 s
testSynchronizer 0.014 s
testUnsafeMonitor 0.008 s


testNoJexlPermissions 0.001 s


testAssignNoCache 0.216 s
testComputeNoCache 0.611 s
testAssignListNoCache 0.094 s
testAssignBooleanCache 0.101 s
testNullAssignNoCache 0.114 s
testComputeCache 0.388 s
testAssignListCache 0.073 s
testCOMPUTENoCache 0.055 s
testAssignCache 0.083 s
testCOMPUTECache 0.058 s
testAssignBooleanNoCache 0.091 s
testNullAssignCache 0.080 s


testWhileWithBlock 0.002 s
testForEachContinueInsideFunction 0.001 s
testEmptyBody 0.001 s
testForEachBreakInsideFunction 0.001 s
testWhileExecutesExpressionWhenLooping 0.004 s
testWhileEmptyBody 0.002 s
testEmptyStmtBody 0.004 s
testWhileEmptyStmtBody 0.002 s
testForLoop0 0.006 s
testForLoop1 0.006 s
testForLoop2 0.006 s
testSimpleWhileFalse 0.002 s
testForEachLambda 0.001 s


testArrayListWrapper 0.006 s
testEmptyContext 0.001 s
testArrayIterator 0.003 s


testControlCharacters 0.001 s
testErrorAmbiguous 0.001 s
testIdentifierEscape 0 s
testParse 0.001 s
testErrorAssign 0.002 s


testNarrowBigInteger 0.010 s
testDivideEdges 0.002 s
testJexl173 0.002 s
testBigLiteralValue 0.001 s
test2DoubleLiterals 0.002 s
testEmptyFloat 0.009 s
testFailAllOperators 0.038 s
testIntegerCoercionEdges 0.007 s
testRealCoercionEdges 0.004 s
testDivideByZero 0.037 s
testMinusMinusPrefix 0.018 s
testNaN 0.005 s
testArithmeticPlusNoCache 0.018 s
testXmlArithmetic 0.031 s
testCoerceDouble 0.001 s
testBigDecimal 0.003 s
testCoerceInteger 0.002 s
testAddWithStringsLenient 0.002 s
testEmpty 0.005 s
testNullArgs 0.002 s
testRightNullOperand2 0.006 s
testRightNullOperand 0.006 s
testBigInteger 0.003 s
testPlusClass 0.001 s
testCoerceLong 0.002 s
testEmptyLong 0.008 s
testMultClass 0.001 s
testUnaryMinus 0.004 s
testNullOperand 0.001 s
testIsFloatingPointPattern 0.001 s
testLeftNullOperand 0.006 s
testOverflows 0.005 s
testLongLiterals 0.002 s
testUnaryopsEdges 0.001 s
testEmptyDouble 0.007 s
testBigLiterals 0.002 s
testInfiniteArithmetic 0.005 s
testBigExponentLiterals 0.001 s
testNullOperands 0.004 s
testAddWithStringsStrict 0.002 s
testCompare 0.010 s
testArithmeticPlus 0.021 s
testCoercions 0.006 s
testModEdge 0.001 s
testPlusPlusPrefix 0.005 s
testDivClass 0.001 s
testMinusClass 0.001 s
testAtomicBoolean 0.002 s
testBigdOp 0.001 s
testCoerceBigDecimal 0.002 s
testPlusPlusPostfix 0.006 s
testLeftNullOperand2 0.006 s
testInstanceOf0 0.002 s
testInstanceOf1 0.001 s
testOption 0.001 s
testUnaryPlus 0.005 s
testMinusMinusPostfix 0.006 s
testNarrowBigDecimal 0.004 s
testCoerceBigInteger 0.001 s
testOperatorsEdges 0.001 s
testCalculations 0.007 s
testUndefinedVar 0.001 s


testForEachWithIterator 0.001 s
testForEachWithArray 0.001 s
testForEachWithBlock 0.001 s
testForEachWithCollection 0.001 s
testForEachWithEnumeration 0.002 s
testForEachBreakBroken 0.001 s
testForEachWithProperty 0.003 s
testForLoop0b0 0.006 s
testForEachBreakMethod 0.001 s
testForEachWithIteratorMethod 0.002 s
testForEachWithEmptyStatement 0.001 s
testForLoop0a 0.006 s
testForEachContinueBroken 0.001 s
testForEachWithListExpression 0.005 s
testForEachWithEmptyList 0.001 s
testForEachContinueMethod 0.002 s
testForEachWithMap 0.001 s


testEmptyBlock 0.002 s
testBlockExecutesAll 0.002 s
testBlockLastExecuted01 0.018 s
testBlockLastExecuted02 0.004 s
testBlockSimple 0.002 s
testNestedBlock 0.002 s


testCompilable 0.001 s
testError 0.006 s
testOutput 0.004 s


testCharAtBug 0.002 s
testAntPropertiesWithMethods 0.002 s
testEmptyDottedVariableName 0.001 s
testConditions 0.010 s
testStringQuoting 0.001 s
testBlankStrings 0.002 s
testBadParse 0.001 s
testBooleanShortCircuitAnd 0.001 s
testNew 0.002 s
testStringLiterals 0.002 s
testNegativeIntComparison 0.002 s
testArray 0.002 s
testEmpty 0.002 s
testDuck 0.003 s
testNull 0.002 s
testSize 0.008 s
testVariableNames 0.001 s
testComparisons 0.002 s
testToString 0.001 s
testSizeAsProperty 0.002 s
testIntProperty 0.001 s
testBoolean 0.003 s
testProperty 0.001 s
testUnicodeSupport 0.002 s
testEmptySubListOfMap 0.001 s
testNotConditions 0.023 s
testLogicExpressions 0.006 s
testStringConcatenation 0.001 s
testAssignment 0.006 s
testCoercionWithComparisionOperators 0.004 s
testStringLit 0.001 s
testComment 0 s
testNotConditionsWithDots 0.002 s
testMapDot 0.001 s
testBooleanShortCircuitOr 0 s
testExpression 0.012 s
testNewImports 0.001 s
testCalculations 0.002 s


testLocalFor 0.003 s
testReferenceLiteral 0.003 s
testMix 0.001 s
testRefs 0.011 s
testLocalForFunc 0.002 s
testSyntacticVariations 0.001 s
testObjectContext 0.005 s
testLiteral 0.003 s
testLocalBasic 0.004 s
testLocalForFuncReturn 0.002 s
testLocalSimple 0.001 s
testVarCollectNotAll 0.001 s
testStrict 0.004 s


testCancelWaitInterrupt 0.110 s
testCancelForever 0.105 s
testTimeout 0.518 s
testCallableTimeout 0.107 s
testHangs 0.002 s
testWait 1.003 s
testInterruptSilentLenient 0.525 s
testCancelLoopWait 0.106 s
testCallableCancel 0.003 s
testInterruptVerboseLenient 0.504 s
testInterruptSilentStrict 0.508 s
testCallableCancellation 0.003 s
testCallableClosure 0.105 s
testCancelWait 0.104 s
testInterruptVerboseStrict 0.508 s
testFuture 0.103 s
testNoWait 0.002 s
testInterruptCancellable 0.520 s


testCharAtBug(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.024 s
testCharAtBug(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.015 s
testCharAtBug(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.030 s
testBadContextNested(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.004 s
testBadContextNested(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testBadContextNested(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.007 s
testInterpolation(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
testInterpolation(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.003 s
testInterpolation(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.011 s
testImmediateTemplate(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.018 s
testImmediateTemplate(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.005 s
testImmediateTemplate(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.005 s
testTemplate0(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.006 s
testTemplate0(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.005 s
testTemplate0(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.005 s
testTemplate1(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.006 s
testTemplate1(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.006 s
testTemplate1(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.005 s
testTemplate2(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.005 s
testTemplate2(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.005 s
testTemplate2(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.004 s
testSanboxedTemplate(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testSanboxedTemplate(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testSanboxedTemplate(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testOneLiner(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testOneLiner(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.003 s
testOneLiner(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.003 s
testInterpolationGlobal(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
testInterpolationGlobal(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.003 s
testInterpolationGlobal(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.003 s
testInterpolationLocal(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
testInterpolationLocal(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.003 s
testInterpolationLocal(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testInterpolationLvsG2(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
testInterpolationLvsG2(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.003 s
testInterpolationLvsG2(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testMalformed(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testMalformed(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.001 s
testMalformed(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.001 s
test315(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
test315(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.003 s
test315(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.003 s
testStatement(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.004 s
testStatement(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testStatement(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testEscapeString(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.001 s
testEscapeString(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testEscapeString(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testMalformedNested2(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testMalformedNested2(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testMalformedNested2(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testPrepareTemplate(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.005 s
testPrepareTemplate(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.005 s
testPrepareTemplate(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.005 s
test311a(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.007 s
test311a(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.004 s
test311a(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.005 s
test311b(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.004 s
test311b(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.003 s
test311b(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.003 s
test311c(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.004 s
test311c(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.005 s
test311c(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.003 s
test311d(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.005 s
test311d(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.004 s
test311d(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.004 s
test311e(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
test311e(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
test311e(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
test311f(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.004 s
test311f(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.003 s
test311f(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.003 s
test311g(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.011 s
test311g(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.003 s
test311g(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.003 s
test311h(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
test311h(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
test311h(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.003 s
test311i(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.005 s
test311i(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.004 s
test311i(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.003 s
testNestedTemplate(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
testNestedTemplate(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testNestedTemplate(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.003 s
test42(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.006 s
test42(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.004 s
test42(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.005 s
testComposite(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testComposite(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testComposite(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testDbgEscapes(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.004 s
testDbgEscapes(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.003 s
testDbgEscapes(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.004 s
testConstantTemplate(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testConstantTemplate(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.001 s
testConstantTemplate(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.001 s
testTemplateOutOfScope(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.005 s
testTemplateOutOfScope(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.003 s
testTemplateOutOfScope(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.003 s
testConstant0(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testConstant0(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.001 s
testConstant0(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.001 s
testConstant2(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
testConstant2(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testConstant2(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.001 s
testConstant3(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testConstant3(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testConstant3(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testConstant4(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
testConstant4(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testConstant4(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testPrepareEvaluate(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testPrepareEvaluate(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testPrepareEvaluate(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testCommentedTemplate0(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testCommentedTemplate0(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.001 s
testCommentedTemplate0(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.001 s
testCommentedTemplate1(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.001 s
testCommentedTemplate1(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testCommentedTemplate1(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testTemplate10(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.006 s
testTemplate10(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.005 s
testTemplate10(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.009 s
testMalformedNested(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testMalformedNested(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testMalformedNested(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.001 s
testOneLinerVar(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
testOneLinerVar(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testOneLinerVar(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testReport1(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.005 s
testReport1(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.005 s
testReport1(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.005 s
testReport2(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.005 s
testReport2(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.005 s
testReport2(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.004 s
testInterpolationLvsG(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testInterpolationLvsG(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testInterpolationLvsG(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testAssign(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
testAssign(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testAssign(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.003 s
testEscape(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.001 s
testEscape(JexlBuilder)[2] 0 s
testEscape(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.001 s
testDeferred(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.001 s
testDeferred(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.001 s
testDeferred(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.001 s
testLexicalTemplate(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.009 s
testLexicalTemplate(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.006 s
testLexicalTemplate(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.007 s
testNested(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testNested(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testNested(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testInheritedDebugger(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.002 s
testInheritedDebugger(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testInheritedDebugger(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testSanboxed311i(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
testSanboxed311i(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testSanboxed311i(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.003 s
testReport(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
testReport(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.004 s
testReport(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.004 s
testImmediate(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.001 s
testImmediate(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.001 s
testImmediate(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.001 s
testWriter(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.004 s
testWriter(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.004 s
testWriter(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.004 s
testTemplatePragmaPro50(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.004 s
testTemplatePragmaPro50(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.002 s
testTemplatePragmaPro50(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testInterpolationParameter(JexlBuilder)[1] 0.003 s
testInterpolationParameter(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.003 s
testInterpolationParameter(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.002 s
testNonEscapeString(JexlBuilder)[1] 0 s
testNonEscapeString(JexlBuilder)[2] 0.001 s
testNonEscapeString(JexlBuilder)[3] 0.001 s


testFunctor2Class 1.064 s
testOne 0.066 s
testMany 4.248 s
testBasicCtor 0.002 s
testFunctorOne 0.130 s
testContextualCtor 0.002 s
testFunctor2Name 0.109 s
testFunctorThree 0.102 s


testSideEffectBean 0.018 s
test246 0.014 s
test248 0.005 s
test246b 0.003 s
testIncrementSelfNoCache 0.008 s
testSideEffectAntishArray 0.005 s
testSideEffectArray 0.005 s
testSideEffectBeanContainer 0.007 s
testArithmeticSelf 0.012 s
testSideEffectDotArray 0.005 s
testArithmeticSelfNoCache 0.025 s
testIncrementSelf 0.014 s
testSideEffectVarDots 0.005 s
testSideEffectVar 0.005 s
testOverrideGetSet 0.005 s


testLiteralWithNumbers 0.006 s
testMapMapLiteral 0.008 s
testNotEmptySimpleMapLiteral 0.007 s
testLiteralWithStrings 0.007 s
testMapArrayLiteral 0.003 s
testLiteralWithMultipleEntries 0.002 s
testSizeOfSimpleMapLiteral 0.001 s
testCallingMethodsOnNewMapLiteral 0.001 s
testVariableMap 0.001 s
testEmptyMap 0.001 s


testAmbiguous 0.010 s
testPropertyInError0 0.023 s
testArray 0.001 s
testMini 0.001 s
testMore 0.002 s
testUtil 0.002 s
testBeanish 0.002 s
testSetInError1 0.008 s
testRejectLocal 0.003 s
testGetInError1 0.019 s
testAntish 0.002 s
testAntishInteger 0.003 s


testPragmaOptions 0.002 s
testSingleStatementDeclFail 0.003 s
testLexical1 0.003 s
testLexical3 0.004 s
testLexical4 0.002 s
testLexical5 0.001 s
testSingleStatementVarSucceed 0.001 s
testNamed 0.001 s
testLet0 0.001 s
testScopeFrame 0.001 s
testContextualOptions0 0.002 s
testContextualOptions1 0.002 s
testCaptured0 0.001 s
testCaptured1 0.001 s
testVarLoop0 0.051 s
testUndeclaredVariable 0.002 s
testConstCaptures 0.005 s
testLetFail 0.002 s
testParameter0 0.001 s
testParameter1 0.001 s
testVarFail 0.001 s
testForVariable0a 0.001 s
testForVariable0b 0.001 s
testForVariable1a 0.001 s
testForVariable1b 0.001 s
testManyLet 0 s
testPragmaNoop 0 s
testConst0a 0.001 s
testConst0b 0.001 s
testConst2a 0.004 s
testConst2b 0.003 s
testConst2c 0.007 s
testConst3a 0.002 s
testConst3b 0.003 s
testOptionsPragma 0.001 s
testManyConst 0.001 s
testLexical0a 0.006 s
testLexical0b 0.010 s
testLexical1a 0.008 s
testLexical1b 0.005 s
testLexical2a 0.001 s
testLexical2b 0 s
testLexical6a 0.003 s
testLexical6b 0.001 s
testLexical6c 0.001 s
testLexical6d 0.001 s
testInnerAccess0 0.001 s
testConst1 0.001 s
testLetSucceed 0.002 s
testLexical6a1 0 s
testAnnotation 0.001 s
testInnerAccess1a 0.001 s
testInnerAccess1b 0.001 s
testInternalLexicalFeatures 0.001 s


testGetAllow 0.003 s
testGetBlock 0.002 s
testMethodAllow 0.002 s
testMethodBlock 0.004 s
testGetNullKeyAllowed0 0.002 s
testGetNullKeyAllowed1 0.002 s
testSetNullKeyBlocked 0.004 s
testSandboxInherit0 0.016 s
testSandboxInherit1 0.007 s
testNoJexl312 0.005 s
testSetNullKeyAllowed0 0.004 s
testSetNullKeyAllowed1 0.004 s
testGetNullKeyBlocked 0.003 s
testRestrict 0.003 s
testInheritedPermission0 0.001 s
testInheritedPermission1 0 s
testNonInheritedPermission0 0.001 s
testNonInheritedPermission1 0.001 s
testCtorAllow 0.001 s
testCtorBlock 0.001 s
testCantSeeMe 0.001 s
testMethodNoJexl 0.004 s
testSetAllow 0.002 s
testSetBlock 0.002 s


testExceptionType 0.016 s
testThrowCatchThrow 0.008 s
testStandard0x2 0.002 s
testThrow0x2a 0.002 s
testThrow0x2b 0.003 s
testThrowCatchBreakFinallyContinue 0.003 s
testTryReturnFinallyReturn 0.001 s
testCloseable0x2b 0.002 s
testCloseable0x3b 0.002 s
testThrowCatchThrowFinallyThrow 0.002 s
testTryReturn 0.001 s
testThrowRecurse 0.002 s
testForm0x2a 0.002 s
testForm0x2b 0.002 s
testForm0x2c 0.001 s
testForm0x2d 0.002 s
testThrowCatchContinueFinallyBreak 0.004 s
testRedefinition0 0.001 s
testRedefinition1 0.001 s


testComposePermissions 0.133 s
testComposePermissions1 0.006 s
testComposePermissions2 0.005 s


testBackslashes 0.006 s
test302 0.006 s
test304 0.015 s
test305 0.001 s
test306 0.001 s
test314 0.006 s
test315 0.002 s
test317 0.001 s
test323 0.015 s
test324 0.001 s
test325 0.007 s
test330 0.004 s
test331 0.001 s
test347 0.002 s
test349 0.001 s
test367 0.001 s
test370 0.002 s
test374 0.001 s
test375 0.003 s
test377 0.001 s
test383 0.013 s
test390 0.005 s
test393 0.003 s
testDow 0.003 s
tests301b 0.003 s
test301a 0.002 s
test306a 0.001 s
test306b 0.001 s
test306c 0 s
test306d 0.001 s
test309a 0.001 s
test309b 0.001 s
test309c 0.001 s
test322a 0.002 s
test322b 0.001 s
test373b 0.001 s
test379a 0.001 s
test384a 0.003 s
test384b 0.004 s
test384c 0.004 s
test384d 0.003 s
testUnsolvableMethod 0.003 s
testSO20220930 0.013 s
test361_33 0.001 s
testIssue398a 0.001 s
testIssue398b 0.001 s
testIssue398c 0.003 s
testIssue394 0.015 s
testIssue397 0.009 s
testPropagateOptions 0.008 s
test361a_32 0.004 s
test361a_33 0.001 s
test361b_32 0.002 s
test361b_33 0.002 s
test361c_32 0.001 s
test361d_32 0.001 s
test361d_33 0.001 s


testFlags 0.001 s
testOther 0.006 s
testValues 0.001 s


testNoSideEffects 0.016 s
testAnnotations 0.002 s
testMethodCalls 0.004 s
testPragmaAnywhere 0.002 s
testNoNew 0.002 s
test410a 0.001 s
test410b 0.004 s
testNoSideEffectsGlobal 0.013 s
testArrayRefs 0.006 s
testStructuredLiterals 0.005 s
testConstCapture 0.005 s
testReservedVars 0.003 s
testMixedFeatures 0.004 s
testNoLambda 0.005 s
testNoLocals 0.002 s
testCreate 0.001 s
testNoScript 0.004 s
testIssue409 0 s
testNoLoop 0.002 s
testPragma 0.004 s
testNoComparatorNames 0.017 s


testNoArgStatement 0.002 s
testError 0.003 s
testNoArg 0.001 s
test197a 0.001 s
testUnknown 0.001 s
testHoistingStatement 0.001 s
testJexlSynchronized0 0.056 s
testSynchronized 0.006 s
testVarStmt 0.003 s
testMultiple 0.001 s
testOneArg 0.001 s
testNoArgExpression 0.001 s


testExample 0.002 s


testGetStaticField 0.002 s
testGetEnum 0.002 s
testSetInnerDouble 0.002 s
testSetString 0.002 s
testGetInt 0.002 s
testGetInnerDouble 0.001 s
testGetString 0.001 s
testSetInt 0.002 s


testSynchronized 0.790 s
testSpread 0.701 s
testConcurrent 0.721 s


testDuckIntrospection 0.001 s
testBeanIntrospection 0 s
testMapIntrospection 0 s
testListIntrospection 0 s
testMethodIntrospection 0.005 s


test206 0.005 s
testExVar 0.002 s
testEx 0.010 s
testWrappedExmore 0.004 s
testWrappedEx 0.002 s
testExMethod 0.001 s


testLiteralWithIntegers 0.001 s
testLiteralWithNumbers 0.001 s
testLiteralWithStrings 0.001 s
testLiteralWithElipsis 0.002 s
testLiteralWithNulls 0.002 s
testChangeThroughVariables 0.001 s
testLiteralWithOneEntry 0.001 s
testNotestCallingMethodsOnNewMapLiteral 0.001 s
testNotEmptySimpleArrayLiteral 0.001 s
testSizeOfSimpleArrayLiteral 0.001 s
testEmptyArrayLiteral 0.002 s


testPragmaModuleNoCache 0.006 s
testSafePragma 0.001 s
test354 0.005 s
testPragmaModuleCache 0.006 s
testPragmaOptions1 0.001 s
testPragmas 0 s
testImportPragmaValueSet 0.001 s
testJxltPragmas 0.004 s
testStaticNamespacePragma 0.103 s
testNamespacePragmaDisabled 0.002 s
testNamespacePragmaCtl 0.104 s
testImportPragmaDisabled 0.001 s
testNamespacePragma 0.105 s
testIssue416 0 s
testStatictNamespacePragmaCtl 0.103 s


testCompareLambdaRecurse 0.003 s
testScriptContext 0.002 s
test270 0.002 s
test271a 0.001 s
test271b 0.003 s
test271c 0.001 s
test271d 0.001 s
test271e 0.001 s
test405a 0.004 s
test405b 0.004 s
testLambdaClosure 0.003 s
testLambdaExpr10 0.001 s
testLambdaLambda 0.002 s
testScriptArguments 0.001 s
testRecurse1 0.001 s
testRecurse2 0.001 s
testRecurse3 0.002 s
testNamedFuncIsConst 0.001 s
testIdentity 0.001 s
testRecurse 0.001 s
testHoistLambda 0.001 s
testNestLambada 0.003 s
testFailParseFunc0 0.001 s
testFailParseFunc1 0.001 s
testCurry1 0.001 s
testCurry2 0 s
testCurry3 0 s
testCurry4 0 s
testCurry5 0.001 s
testLambda 0.001 s
testFatFact0 0.001 s
testFatFact1 0.006 s
testRecurse2b 0.005 s
testNamedFunc 0.005 s
testLambdaExpr0 0.003 s
testLambdaExpr1 0.002 s
testLambdaExpr2 0.002 s
testLambdaExpr3 0.001 s
testNestLambda 0.001 s


testOrWithRightNull 0.001 s
testComplementVariableStringCoercion 0.001 s
testComplementVariableNumberCoercion 0.001 s
testXorVariableStringCoercion 0.001 s
testXorSimple 0.001 s
testXorVariableNumberCoercion 0.001 s
testAndVariableStringCoercion 0.001 s
testOrWithLeftNull 0.001 s
testOrWithTwoNulls 0.001 s
testAndVariableNumberCoercion 0.001 s
testOrVariableStringCoercion 0.001 s
testOrVariableNumberCoercion 0.001 s
testXorWithRightNull 0.001 s
testAndWithRightNull 0.001 s
testComplementSimple 0.001 s
testAndSimple 0.001 s
testXorWithLeftNull 0.001 s
testAndWithLeftNull 0.001 s
testXorWithTwoNulls 0.001 s
testAndWithTwoNulls 0.001 s
testComplementWithNull 0.001 s
testOrSimple 0.001 s
testParenthesized 0.002 s


testAscIterator 0.001 s
testMisc 0.001 s
testRanges 0.005 s
testSource 0.001 s
testAscLongIterator 0.001 s


testRawResolvers 0.002 s
testJexlStrategy 0.005 s
testMapStrategy 0.005 s
testMyMapStrategy 0.007 s


testStringIdentifier 0.002 s
testErroneousIdentifier 0.013 s
testPropertyProperty 0.014 s
test250 0.017 s
test275a 0.008 s
test275b 0.010 s
testInnerProperty 0.023 s
testInnerViaArithmetic 0.005 s


testScriptEngineFactory 0.004 s
testNulls 0.011 s
testDottedNames 0.004 s
testDirectNew 0.001 s
testScriptingGetBy 0.002 s
testScriptingPermissions1 0.010 s
testCompile 0.005 s
testScriptingInstance0 0.011 s
testScripting 0.007 s
testErrors 0.016 s
testScopes 0.006 s


testScriptJsonFromFileJava 0.126 s
testScriptJsonFromFileJexl 0.029 s
testScriptFromFile 0.004 s
testSimpleScript 0.001 s
testSpacesScript 0 s
testArgScriptFromURL 0.001 s
testScriptFromURL 0.003 s
testArgScriptFromFile 0.001 s
testScriptUpdatesContext 0.002 s


test391 0.008 s
testOperatorError 0.008 s
testMatch 0.002 s
test373a 0.006 s
test373b 0.014 s
test373c 0.014 s
test373d 0.006 s
testNotStartsEndsWithStringDot 0.002 s
testIncrementOperatorOnNull 0.001 s
testDateArithmetic 0.004 s
testNotStartsEndsWith 0.005 s
testStartsEndsWithString 0.002 s
testRegexp2 0.004 s
testStartsEndsWith 0.004 s
testNotStartsEndsWithStringBuilder 0.001 s
testStartsEndsWithStringDot 0.004 s
testInterval 0.002 s
testRegexp 0.005 s
testFormatArithmeticJxlt 0.017 s
testNotStartsEndsWithString 0.010 s
testStartsEndsWithStringBuilder 0.004 s
testFormatArithmetic 0.025 s


test11 0.002 s
test40 0.001 s
test42 0.006 s
test44 0.002 s
test47 0.001 s
test48 0.002 s
test49 0.001 s
test62 0.010 s
test87 0.001 s
test90 0.006 s
test97 0.002 s
test98 0.002 s
test52base 0.001 s


test200 0.003 s
test210 0.001 s
test217 0.001 s
test221 0.004 s
test224 0.013 s
test225 0.002 s
test230 0.002 s
test241 0.002 s
test242 0.001 s
test245 0.008 s
test256 0.002 s
test265 0.002 s
test266 0.015 s
test267 0.006 s
test274 0.016 s
test278 0.009 s
test279 0.065 s
test285 0.015 s
test286 0.003 s
test287 0.003 s
test289 0.001 s
test291 0.004 s
test298 0.002 s
test200b 0.001 s
test209a 0.004 s
test209b 0.004 s
test243a 0.001 s
test275a 0.001 s
test275b 0 s
test275c 0.001 s
test275d 0.004 s
test279b 0.009 s
test285a 0.006 s
test285b 0.007 s
test290a 0.019 s
test290b 0.011 s
testTemplate6565a 0.002 s
testTemplate6565b 0.006 s


testWhileWithBlock 0.002 s
testWhileExecutesExpressionWhenLooping 0.001 s
testSimpleWhileFalse 0.001 s


testMalformedScript1 0.001 s
testMalformedScript2 0.001 s
testMalformedScript3 0.001 s
testMalformedExpression1 0.001 s
testMalformedExpression2 0.003 s


testSecurePermissions 0.001 s
testGetPackageName 0.001 s
testParsePermissions0a 0.001 s
testParsePermissions0b 0.001 s
testParsePermissions0c 0 s
testParsePermissions0d 0.001 s
testParsePermissions0e 0.001 s
testParsePermissions0f 0.001 s
testParsePermissions0g 0 s
testParsePermissionsFailures 0 s
testParsePermissions1 0.006 s
testPrivateOverload1 0.010 s
testWildCardPackages 0.001 s
testProtectedOverride0 0.002 s
testProtectedOverride1 0.007 s
testPermissions0 0.001 s
testPermissions1 0.002 s
testPermissions2 0.001 s


testSimpleElse 0.001 s
testIfWithArithmeticExpression 0.002 s
testTernary 0.002 s
testIfWithSimpleExpression 0.002 s
testNullCoaelescing 0.002 s
testSimpleIfTrue 0.002 s
testIfElseIfReturnExpression0 0.001 s
testBlockIfTrue 0.001 s
testTernaryShorthand 0.002 s
testTernaryFail 0.001 s
testIfElseIfExpression 0.001 s
testSimpleIfFalse 0.001 s
testIfWithAssignment 0.001 s
testIfElseIfReturnExpression 0.001 s
testBlockElse 0.001 s
testNullCoaelescingScript 0.003 s
testIfWithDecimalArithmeticExpression 0.001 s


testNamespacePragmaString 0.008 s
testStaticNs0 0.001 s
testStaticNs1 0.001 s
testObjectContext 0.002 s
testThreadedContext 0.001 s
testNamespacePragma 0.002 s
testNsNsContext0 0.001 s
testNsNsContext1 0.001 s
testNamespace346a 0.001 s
testNamespace346b 0.004 s
testNamespace348a 0.002 s
testNamespace348b 0.002 s
testNamespace348c 0.002 s
testNamespace348d 0.009 s


test402 0.002 s
test403 0.011 s
test407 0.002 s
test412 0.003 s
test415 0.002 s
test419 0.006 s
test404a 0.007 s
test404b 0.010 s
test406a 0.014 s
test413a 0.001 s
test413b 0.002 s
test413c 0.001 s
test413d 0.001 s
testDocBreakContinue 0.002 s
testNamespaceVsTernary0 0.001 s
testNamespaceVsTernary1 0.002 s


testNewInstanceFeatureSwitch 0.003 s
testStructuredLiteralFeatureSwitch 0.008 s
testSideEffectEnabled 0.012 s
testLoopFeatureSwitch 0.017 s
testSideEffectDisabled 0.008 s
testMethodCallFeatureSwitch 0.008 s
testAnnotationFeatureSwitch 0.007 s


testSizeOfSimpleSetLiteral 0.001 s
testSetLiteralWithNumbers 0.001 s
testSetLiteralWithStrings 0.002 s
testLiteralWithOneEntry 0.002 s
testSetLiteralWithOneEntryBlock 0.002 s
testSetLiteralWithOneEntryScript 0.002 s
testSetLiteralWithNulls 0.004 s
testNotEmptySimpleSetLiteral 0.002 s
testSetLiteralWithOneNestedSet 0.006 s
testSetLiteralWithStringsScript 0.008 s


testStaticMethodInvocationOnClasses 0.021 s
testScriptCall 0.007 s
testStringMethods 0.005 s
testVariousFunctionLocation 0.005 s
testMulti 0.002 s
testCallJexlVarArgMethod 0.003 s
testStaticMethodInvocation 0.001 s
testNamespaceCallEdge 0.006 s
testCallMixedVarArgMethod 0.003 s
testTryFailed 0.002 s
testFizzCall 0.003 s
testAmbiguousInvoke 0.001 s
testTopLevelCall 0.005 s
testInvoke 0.010 s
testMethod 0.005 s
testNamespaceCall 0.007 s
testCallVarArgMethod 0.007 s
testTryFailedScript 0.004 s


testThis 0.010 s
testVariable 0.006 s


testOptionalArgs 0.007 s
test342 0.021 s
testStream0 0.007 s
testStream1 0.004 s


testArrayArray 0.097 s
testArrayAndDottedConflict 0.026 s
testArrayAccess 0.027 s
testArrayIdentifierParsing 0.008 s
testArrayGetSet 0.007 s
testArrayProperty 0.005 s
testDoubleMaps 0.012 s
testArrayMethods 0.008 s
testDoubleArrays 0.008 s


testExample 0.014 s


testURIStream 0.028 s
testURICollection 0.007 s


testOverloadedShift 0.004 s
testLeftShiftLongValue 0.003 s
testRightShiftUnsignedIntValue 0.002 s
testRightShiftUnsignedBigValue 0.004 s
testLeftShiftIntValue 0.006 s
testPrecedence 0.022 s
testRightShiftIntValue 0.008 s
testRightShiftBigValue 0.003 s
testRightShiftLongValue 0.003 s


test406b 0.181 s
testCustomFunctionPermissions 0.017 s