Apache Commons logo Apache Commons JEXL

JIRA Report

Fix Version Key Component Summary Type Resolution Status
3.4.0 JEXL-420 Error while comparing float and string value Bug Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-417 JexlArithmetic looses precision during arithmetic operator execution Bug Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-416 Null-valued pragma throws NPE in 3.3 Bug Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-415 incorrect template eval result Bug Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-414 SoftCache may suffer from race conditions Bug Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-412 Ambiguous syntax between namespace function call and map object definition. Bug Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-410 JexlFeatures: ctor does not enable all features Bug Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-409 Disable LEXICAL should disable LEXICAL_SHADE Bug Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-405 Recursive functions corrupt evaluation frame if reassigned Bug Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-403 Exception while evaluating template literal used in array assignment in loop. Bug Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-402 parse failed with empty return value. Bug Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-397 Dynamic proxy should not require specific permission Bug Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-421 ArrayBuilder: array type should reflect common class of its entries Improvement Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-419 Add permission syntax to allow class/method/field Improvement Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-413 Allow const capture runtime option Improvement Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-408 Using JexlFeatures is tedious Improvement Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-406 allow override Engine.createTemplateInterpreter ? Improvement Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-404 Support array-access safe navigation (x?[y]) Improvement Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-401 Captured variables should be read-only Improvement Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-396 Add explicit Java module descriptor Improvement Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-423 Add support for instanceof / !instanceof New Feature Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-422 Add strict equality (===) and inequality (!==) operators New Feature Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-418 Add try-catch support New Feature Fixed Resolved
3.4.0 JEXL-398 Allow 'trailing commas' or ellipsis while defining array, map and set literals New Feature Fixed Resolved
3.3 JEXL-394 RC1 hides most StringBuilder methods Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-393 const must not be modifiable Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-386 Non-inheritable permissions on interfaces are ignored in an inheritable sandbox Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-383 Inconsistent behavior after overriding toBoolean method in JexlArithmetic Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-378 Incremental operator and decremental operator do not honor the side-effect flag Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-376 Introspector captures methods on non-exported classes (modules, java9+) Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-375 Cannot access enums by their name when using sandbox Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-374 No exception if dereferencing null object using safe(false) and antish(false) Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-371 Override of a protected method with public visibility is not callable Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-370 Cannot check if variable is defined using ObjectContext if the value is null Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-368 Namespace functor resolution is not cached Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-364 Evaluator options not propagated in closures Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-362 JexlInfo position reporting is off Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-361 Null may be used as operand silently even in arithmetic strict(true) mode Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-358 JexlScript.curry(...) resulting scripts don't evaluate correctly Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-354 #pragma does not handle negative integer or real literals Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-353 Documentation error for not-in/not-match operator Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-223 Apache Commons JEXL Expression Execute Command Vulnerabilitity Bug Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-392 Enable namespace declaration based on scripts Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-391 Improve in/=~ operator when arguments are arrays and collections Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-390 Pragmas should not be statements Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-389 Improve parsing timings Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-385 Support disabling fortran-style relational operators syntax Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-382 Simplify grammar and lexical state management Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-381 Change default JEXL configuration to a more security-friendly behaviour Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-380 Multiple values per pragma key Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-379 Allow new to use class identifier Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-373 Add support for prefix/postfix increment/decrement operators Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-372 Add support for 'standard' for loop Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-369 Add 'let' and 'const' variable declarations Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-366 Fail to evaluate string and number comparison Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-365 Lambda expressions Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-363 Allow retrieving captured variables in script Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-360 Add missing bitshift operators ( >>, >>>, <<) Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-359 Allow per-operator arithmetic handling of null arguments Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-357 Configure accessible packages/classes/methods/fields Improvement Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-384 Improve control over JexlArithmetic null argument handling Task Fixed Closed
3.3 JEXL-367 Named function and fat-arrow (=>) lambda syntax Wish Fixed Closed
3.2.1 JEXL-352 Possible memory leak regarding parser jjtree nodes in JEXL 3.2 Bug Fixed Closed
3.2.1 JEXL-351 JXLT Template fails when using sandboxing Bug Fixed Closed
3.2.1 JEXL-350 map[null] throws "unsolvable property" when a Sandbox is used Improvement Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-349 Script valid in 3.0 no longer valid Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-348 Parsing error when mixing namespaces with conditional expressions Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-347 Missing unsolvable property exception for reference when used with equals Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-336 Escape some control characters Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-331 Please document \uXXXX escape sequence Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-330 JexlException.Parsing.getMessage() throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when parse error is in long expression Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-328 JXLT template scripts evaluation do not process pragmas Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-327 map[null] does not work in assignment context Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-326 Link to "JavaCC" on syntax reference page is broken Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-325 Potential race-condition in NumberParser.toString() Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-324 JexlEngine.createExpression("new()").getParsedText() throws NPE Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-323 Ant-style variables can throw exception when evaluated for their value Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-322 JXLT String literals cannot contain curly braces Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-321 Empty do-while loop is broken Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-320 "mvn test" fails with COMPILATION ERROR in SynchronizedArithmetic.java on Java 11 Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-319 Apache project documentation gives instructions in subversion Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-318 Annotation processing may fail in lexical mode Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-315 JxltEngine literal string strings ending in \ $ or # throw JxltEngine$Exception Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-312 @NoJexl fails to disallow method call Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-311 Jxlt template scripts fail using verbatim expressions embedded in lambdas Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-309 Line numbers are not correct when template generate errors Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-306 Ternary operator ? protects also its branches from resolution errors Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-305 Script debugger produces incorrect syntax Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-304 Error parsing overview.limit.var Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-303 Block syntax is broken Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-302 JexlScript.getVariables returns strange values for array access Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-301 Array access operator does not fail on null object in non-strict arithmetic mode Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-300 Ant-ish variables should not use safe-access operator syntax Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-296 Real literal in scientific format is not parsed without suffix Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-293 leading plus sign not recognized Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-291 Using sandbox prevents array-syntax lookup by number in Map Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-290 safe navigation fails on chained method calls Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-289 Passing undeclared function parameter can overwrite a local function variable Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-287 Wrong resolution of local variables Bug Fixed Closed
3.2 JEXL-286 'for' statement without a body should update its variable Bug Fixed Closed