Class XPathExpressionEngine

  extended byorg.apache.commons.configuration.tree.xpath.XPathExpressionEngine
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XPathExpressionEngine
extends Object
implements ExpressionEngine

A specialized implementation of the ExpressionEngine interface that is able to evaluate XPATH expressions.

This class makes use of Commons JXPath for handling XPath expressions and mapping them to the nodes of a hierarchical configuration. This makes the rich and powerful XPATH syntax available for accessing properties from a configuration object.

For selecting properties arbitrary XPATH expressions can be used, which select single or multiple configuration nodes. The associated Configuration instance will directly pass the specified property keys into this engine. If a key is not syntactically correct, an exception will be thrown.

For adding new properties, this expression engine uses a specific syntax: the "key" of a new property must consist of two parts that are separated by whitespace:

  1. An XPATH expression selecting a single node, to which the new element(s) are to be added. This can be an arbitrary complex expression, but it must select exactly one node, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
  2. The name of the new element(s) to be added below this parent node. Here either a single node name or a complete path of nodes (separated by the "/" character or "@" for an attribute) can be specified.
Some examples for valid keys that can be passed into the configuration's addProperty() method follow:

 "/tables/table[1] type"

This will add a new type node as a child of the first table element.

 "/tables/table[1] @type"

Similar to the example above, but this time a new attribute named type will be added to the first table element.

 "/tables table/fields/field/name"

This example shows how a complex path can be added. Parent node is the tables element. Here a new branch consisting of the nodes table, fields, field, and name will be added.

 "/tables table/fields/field@type"

This is similar to the last example, but in this case a complex path ending with an attribute is defined.

Note: This extended syntax for adding properties only works with the addProperty() method. setProperty() does not support creating new nodes this way.

$Id: 656402 2008-05-14 20:15:23Z oheger $
Oliver Heger

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext createContext(ConfigurationNode root, String key)
          Creates the JXPathContext used for executing a query.
protected  void initNodeAddData(NodeAddData data, String path)
          Initializes most properties of a NodeAddData object.
 String nodeKey(ConfigurationNode node, String parentKey)
          Returns a (canonic) key for the given node based on the parent's key.
 NodeAddData prepareAdd(ConfigurationNode root, String key)
          Prepares an add operation for a configuration property.
 List query(ConfigurationNode root, String key)
          Executes a query.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XPathExpressionEngine()
Method Detail


public List query(ConfigurationNode root,
                  String key)
Executes a query. The passed in property key is directly passed to a JXPath context.

Specified by:
query in interface ExpressionEngine
root - the configuration root node
key - the query to be executed
a list with the nodes that are selected by the query


public String nodeKey(ConfigurationNode node,
                      String parentKey)
Returns a (canonic) key for the given node based on the parent's key. This implementation will create an XPATH expression that selects the given node (under the assumption that the passed in parent key is valid). As the nodeKey() implementation of DefaultExpressionEngine this method will not return indices for nodes. So all child nodes of a given parent whith the same name will have the same key.

Specified by:
nodeKey in interface ExpressionEngine
node - the node for which a key is to be constructed
parentKey - the key of the parent node
the key for the given node


public NodeAddData prepareAdd(ConfigurationNode root,
                              String key)
Prepares an add operation for a configuration property. The expected format of the passed in key is explained in the class comment.

Specified by:
prepareAdd in interface ExpressionEngine
root - the configuration's root node
key - the key describing the target of the add operation and the path of the new node
a data object to be evaluated by the calling configuration object


protected org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext createContext(ConfigurationNode root,
                                                                String key)
Creates the JXPathContext used for executing a query. This method will create a new context and ensure that it is correctly initialized.

root - the configuration root node
key - the key to be queried
the new context


protected void initNodeAddData(NodeAddData data,
                               String path)
Initializes most properties of a NodeAddData object. This method is called by prepareAdd() after the parent node has been found. Its task is to interpret the passed in path of the new node.

data - the data object to initialize
path - the path of the new node

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