Package org.apache.commons.configuration.reloading

The reloading package contains the definition of the ReloadingStrategy interface, which provides automatic reloading facilities for file based configurations.


Interface Summary
ManagedReloadingStrategyMBean MBean definition for managing configuration reload.
ReloadingStrategy A strategy to decide if a configuration should be reloaded.

Class Summary
FileChangedReloadingStrategy A reloading strategy that will reload the configuration every time its underlying file is changed.
InvariantReloadingStrategy A strategy that never triggers a reloading.
ManagedReloadingStrategy A strategy to reload configuration based on management requests.

Package org.apache.commons.configuration.reloading Description

The reloading package contains the definition of the ReloadingStrategy interface, which provides automatic reloading facilities for file based configurations. There are also some concrete implementations of this interface that can be used out of the box.

$Id: package.html 439648 2006-09-02 20:42:10Z oheger $

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