Class XMLPropertyListConfiguration.PListNode

  extended byorg.apache.commons.configuration.tree.DefaultConfigurationNode
      extended byorg.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration.Node
          extended byorg.apache.commons.configuration.plist.XMLPropertyListConfiguration.PListNode
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, ConfigurationNode, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public static class XMLPropertyListConfiguration.PListNode
extends HierarchicalConfiguration.Node

Node extension with addXXX methods to parse the typed data passed by the SAX handler. Do not use this class ! It is used internally by XMLPropertyConfiguration to parse the configuration file, it may be removed at any moment in the future.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class org.apache.commons.configuration.tree.DefaultConfigurationNode
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addDataValue(String value)
          Parse the specified string as a byte array in base 64 format and add it to the values of the node.
 void addDateValue(String value)
          Parse the specified string as a date and add it to the values of the node.
 void addFalseValue()
          Add a boolean value 'false' to the values of the node.
 void addIntegerValue(String value)
          Parse the specified string as an Interger and add it to the values of the node.
 void addList(XMLPropertyListConfiguration.ArrayNode node)
          Add a sublist to the values of the node.
 void addRealValue(String value)
          Parse the specified string as a Double and add it to the values of the node.
 void addTrueValue()
          Add a boolean value 'true' to the values of the node.
 void addValue(Object value)
          Update the value of the node.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration.Node
addChild, getParent, hasChildren, remove, remove, setParent, visit
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.configuration.tree.DefaultConfigurationNode
addAttribute, addChild, checkState, clone, createSubNodes, getAttribute, getAttributeCount, getAttributeCount, getAttributes, getAttributes, getChild, getChildren, getChildren, getChildrenCount, getChildrenCount, getName, getParentNode, getReference, getValue, isAttribute, isDefined, removeAttribute, removeAttribute, removeAttributes, removeChild, removeChild, removeChildren, removeReference, setAttribute, setName, setParentNode, setReference, setValue, visit
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XMLPropertyListConfiguration.PListNode()
Method Detail


public void addValue(Object value)
Update the value of the node. If the existing value is null, it's replaced with the new value. If the existing value is a list, the specified value is appended to the list. If the existing value is not null, a list with the two values is built.

value - the value to be added


public void addDateValue(String value)
Parse the specified string as a date and add it to the values of the node.

value - the value to be added


public void addDataValue(String value)
Parse the specified string as a byte array in base 64 format and add it to the values of the node.

value - the value to be added


public void addIntegerValue(String value)
Parse the specified string as an Interger and add it to the values of the node.

value - the value to be added


public void addRealValue(String value)
Parse the specified string as a Double and add it to the values of the node.

value - the value to be added


public void addTrueValue()
Add a boolean value 'true' to the values of the node.


public void addFalseValue()
Add a boolean value 'false' to the values of the node.


public void addList(XMLPropertyListConfiguration.ArrayNode node)
Add a sublist to the values of the node.

node - the node whose value will be added to the current node value

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