Uses of Class

Packages that use ConversionException
org.apache.commons.configuration The Configuration main package.  

Uses of ConversionException in org.apache.commons.configuration

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration that throw ConversionException
static Boolean PropertyConverter.toBoolean(Object value)
          Convert the specified object into a Boolean.
static Byte PropertyConverter.toByte(Object value)
          Convert the specified object into a Byte.
static Short PropertyConverter.toShort(Object value)
          Convert the specified object into a Short.
static Integer PropertyConverter.toInteger(Object value)
          Convert the specified object into an Integer.
static Long PropertyConverter.toLong(Object value)
          Convert the specified object into a Long.
static Float PropertyConverter.toFloat(Object value)
          Convert the specified object into a Float.
static Double PropertyConverter.toDouble(Object value)
          Convert the specified object into a Double.
static BigInteger PropertyConverter.toBigInteger(Object value)
          Convert the specified object into a BigInteger.
static BigDecimal PropertyConverter.toBigDecimal(Object value)
          Convert the specified object into a BigDecimal.
static URL PropertyConverter.toURL(Object value)
          Convert the specified object into an URL.
static Locale PropertyConverter.toLocale(Object value)
          Convert the specified object into a Locale.
static Color PropertyConverter.toColor(Object value)
          Convert the specified object into a Color.
static Date PropertyConverter.toDate(Object value, String format)
          Convert the specified object into a Date.
static Calendar PropertyConverter.toCalendar(Object value, String format)
          Convert the specified object into a Calendar.

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