Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractFileConfiguration
org.apache.commons.configuration The Configuration main package.  

Uses of AbstractFileConfiguration in org.apache.commons.configuration

Subclasses of AbstractFileConfiguration in org.apache.commons.configuration
protected  class AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration.FileConfigurationDelegate
          A special implementation of the FileConfiguration interface that is used internally to implement the FileConfiguration methods for hierarchical configurations.
 class INIConfiguration
          Deprecated. This class has been replaced by HierarchicalINIConfiguration, which provides a superset of the functionality offered by this class.
 class PropertiesConfiguration
          This is the "classic" Properties loader which loads the values from a single or multiple files (which can be chained with "include =".
 class XMLPropertiesConfiguration
          This configuration implements the XML properties format introduced in Java 5.0, see

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