Class EnvironmentConfiguration

  extended byorg.apache.commons.configuration.event.EventSource
      extended byorg.apache.commons.configuration.AbstractConfiguration
          extended byorg.apache.commons.configuration.EnvironmentConfiguration
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EnvironmentConfiguration
extends AbstractConfiguration

A Configuration implementation that reads the platform specific environment variables. On pre java5 JRE it uses Ant Execute task to read the environment. (in this case ant must be present in classpath). On java >= 5 JRE it uses java.lang.System#getenv() and ant is not required.

This configuration implementation is read-only. It allows read access to the defined OS environment variables, but their values cannot be changed.

Usage of this class is easy: After an instance has been created the get methods provided by the Configuration interface can be used for querying environment variables, e.g.:

 Configuration envConfig = new EnvironmentConfiguration();
 System.out.println("JAVA_HOME=" + envConfig.getString("JAVA_HOME");

Nicolas De Loof
See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.commons.configuration.AbstractConfiguration
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void addPropertyDirect(String key, Object value)
          Adds a property to this configuration.
 void clear()
          Removes all properties from this configuration.
 void clearProperty(String key)
          Removes a property from this configuration.
 boolean containsKey(String key)
          Check if the configuration contains the specified key.
 Iterator getKeys()
          Get the list of the keys contained in the configuration. The returned iterator can be used to obtain all defined keys. Note that the exact behavior of the iterator's remove() method is specific to a concrete implementation. It may remove the corresponding property from the configuration, but this is not guaranteed. In any case it is no replacement for calling Configuration.clearProperty(String) for this property. So it is highly recommended to avoid using the iterator's remove() method.
 Object getProperty(String key)
          Gets a property from the configuration. This is the most basic get method for retrieving values of properties. In a typical implementation of the Configuration interface the other get methods (that return specific data types) will internally make use of this method. On this level variable substitution is not yet performed. The returned object is an internal representation of the property value for the passed in key. It is owned by the Configuration object. So a caller should not modify this object. It cannot be guaranteed that this object will stay constant over time (i.e. further update operations on the configuration may change its internal state).
 boolean isEmpty()
          Check if the configuration is empty.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.configuration.AbstractConfiguration
addErrorLogListener, addProperty, append, clearPropertyDirect, copy, createInterpolator, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigInteger, getBigInteger, getBoolean, getBoolean, getBoolean, getByte, getByte, getByte, getDefaultListDelimiter, getDelimiter, getDouble, getDouble, getDouble, getFloat, getFloat, getFloat, getInt, getInt, getInteger, getInterpolator, getKeys, getList, getList, getListDelimiter, getLogger, getLong, getLong, getLong, getProperties, getProperties, getShort, getShort, getShort, getString, getString, getStringArray, getSubstitutor, interpolate, interpolate, interpolatedConfiguration, interpolateHelper, isDelimiterParsingDisabled, isThrowExceptionOnMissing, resolveContainerStore, setDefaultListDelimiter, setDelimiter, setDelimiterParsingDisabled, setListDelimiter, setLogger, setProperty, setThrowExceptionOnMissing, subset
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.configuration.event.EventSource
addConfigurationListener, addErrorListener, clearConfigurationListeners, clearErrorListeners, clone, createErrorEvent, createEvent, fireError, fireEvent, getConfigurationListeners, getErrorListeners, isDetailEvents, removeConfigurationListener, removeErrorListener, setDetailEvents
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EnvironmentConfiguration()

Method Detail


protected void addPropertyDirect(String key,
                                 Object value)
Adds a property to this configuration. Because this configuration is read-only, this operation is not allowed and will cause an exception.

Specified by:
addPropertyDirect in class AbstractConfiguration
key - the key of the property to be added
value - the property value


public boolean containsKey(String key)
Check if the configuration contains the specified key.

key - the key whose presence in this configuration is to be tested
true if the configuration contains a value for this key, false otherwise
See Also:


public Iterator getKeys()
Get the list of the keys contained in the configuration. The returned iterator can be used to obtain all defined keys. Note that the exact behavior of the iterator's remove() method is specific to a concrete implementation. It may remove the corresponding property from the configuration, but this is not guaranteed. In any case it is no replacement for calling Configuration.clearProperty(String) for this property. So it is highly recommended to avoid using the iterator's remove() method.

An Iterator.
See Also:


public Object getProperty(String key)
Gets a property from the configuration. This is the most basic get method for retrieving values of properties. In a typical implementation of the Configuration interface the other get methods (that return specific data types) will internally make use of this method. On this level variable substitution is not yet performed. The returned object is an internal representation of the property value for the passed in key. It is owned by the Configuration object. So a caller should not modify this object. It cannot be guaranteed that this object will stay constant over time (i.e. further update operations on the configuration may change its internal state).

key - property to retrieve
the value to which this configuration maps the specified key, or null if the configuration contains no mapping for this key.
See Also:


public boolean isEmpty()
Check if the configuration is empty.

true if the configuration contains no property, false otherwise.
See Also:


public void clearProperty(String key)
Removes a property from this configuration. Because this configuration is read-only, this operation is not allowed and will cause an exception.

Specified by:
clearProperty in interface Configuration
clearProperty in class AbstractConfiguration
key - the key of the property to be removed


public void clear()
Removes all properties from this configuration. Because this configuration is read-only, this operation is not allowed and will cause an exception.

Specified by:
clear in interface Configuration
clear in class AbstractConfiguration

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