Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConfigurationNode
org.apache.commons.configuration The Configuration main package. 
org.apache.commons.configuration.beanutils In this package a Configuration implementation can be found that implements the DynaBean interface. 
org.apache.commons.configuration.plist Configuration classes supporting NeXT / OpenStep /GNUStep style configuration. 
org.apache.commons.configuration.tree A package with helper and utility classes used by hierarchical configurations. 
org.apache.commons.configuration.tree.xpath This package contains the implementation of the XPathExpressionEngine class, which enables XPATH support for querying configuration properties. 

Uses of ConfigurationNode in org.apache.commons.configuration

Classes in org.apache.commons.configuration that implement ConfigurationNode
static class HierarchicalConfiguration.Node
          A data class for storing (hierarchical) property information.

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration that return ConfigurationNode
 ConfigurationNode SubnodeConfiguration.getRootNode()
          Returns the root node for this configuration.
 ConfigurationNode HierarchicalConfiguration.getRootNode()
          Returns the root node of this hierarchical configuration.
 ConfigurationNode CombinedConfiguration.getRootNode()
          Returns the configuration root node of this combined configuration.

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration with parameters of type ConfigurationNode
protected  void HierarchicalConfiguration.clearNode(ConfigurationNode node)
          Clears the value of the specified node.
protected static void HierarchicalConfiguration.clearReferences(ConfigurationNode node)
          Clears all reference fields in a node structure.
protected  SubnodeConfiguration SubnodeConfiguration.createSubnodeConfiguration(ConfigurationNode node)
          Returns a hierarchical configuration object for the given sub node.
protected  SubnodeConfiguration HierarchicalConfiguration.createSubnodeConfiguration(ConfigurationNode node)
          Creates a subnode configuration for the specified node.
protected  SubnodeConfiguration SubnodeConfiguration.createSubnodeConfiguration(ConfigurationNode node, String subnodeKey)
          Returns a hierarchical configuration object for the given sub node that is aware of structural changes of its parent.
protected  SubnodeConfiguration HierarchicalConfiguration.createSubnodeConfiguration(ConfigurationNode node, String subnodeKey)
          Creates a new subnode configuration for the specified node and sets its construction key.
protected  boolean DefaultConfigurationBuilder.ConfigurationDeclaration.isReservedNode(ConfigurationNode nd)
          Checks whether the given node is reserved.
protected  boolean HierarchicalConfiguration.nodeDefined(ConfigurationNode node)
          Checks if the specified node is defined.
protected  void HierarchicalConfiguration.removeNode(ConfigurationNode node)
          Removes the specified node from this configuration.
 void HierarchicalConfiguration.setRootNode(ConfigurationNode rootNode)
          Sets the root node of this hierarchical configuration.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.configuration with parameters of type ConfigurationNode
HierarchicalConfiguration.Node(ConfigurationNode src)
          Creates a new instance of Node based on the given source node.
SubnodeConfiguration(HierarchicalConfiguration parent, ConfigurationNode root)
          Creates a new instance of SubnodeConfiguration and initializes it with the parent configuration and the new root node.

Uses of ConfigurationNode in org.apache.commons.configuration.beanutils

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration.beanutils that return ConfigurationNode
 ConfigurationNode XMLBeanDeclaration.getNode()
          Returns the node that contains the bean declaration.

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration.beanutils with parameters of type ConfigurationNode
protected  boolean XMLBeanDeclaration.isReservedNode(ConfigurationNode nd)
          Checks if the specified node is reserved and thus should be ignored.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.configuration.beanutils with parameters of type ConfigurationNode
XMLBeanDeclaration(SubnodeConfiguration config, ConfigurationNode node)
          Creates a new instance of XMLBeanDeclaration and initializes it with the configuration node that contains the bean declaration.

Uses of ConfigurationNode in org.apache.commons.configuration.plist

Classes in org.apache.commons.configuration.plist that implement ConfigurationNode
static class XMLPropertyListConfiguration.ArrayNode
          Container for array elements.
static class XMLPropertyListConfiguration.PListNode
          Node extension with addXXX methods to parse the typed data passed by the SAX handler.

Uses of ConfigurationNode in org.apache.commons.configuration.tree

Classes in org.apache.commons.configuration.tree that implement ConfigurationNode
 class DefaultConfigurationNode
           A default implementation of the ConfigurationNode interface.
 class ViewNode
           A specialized node implementation to be used in view configurations.

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration.tree that return ConfigurationNode
protected  ConfigurationNode OverrideCombiner.canCombine(ConfigurationNode node1, ConfigurationNode node2, ConfigurationNode child)
          Tests if a child node of the second node can be combined with the given child node of the first node.
 ConfigurationNode UnionCombiner.combine(ConfigurationNode node1, ConfigurationNode node2)
          Combines the given nodes to a new union node.
 ConfigurationNode OverrideCombiner.combine(ConfigurationNode node1, ConfigurationNode node2)
          Constructs an override combination for the passed in node structures.
abstract  ConfigurationNode NodeCombiner.combine(ConfigurationNode node1, ConfigurationNode node2)
          Combines the hierarchies represented by the given root nodes.
protected  ConfigurationNode UnionCombiner.findCombineNode(ConfigurationNode node1, ConfigurationNode node2, ConfigurationNode child, List children)
           Tries to find a child node of the second source node, with whitch a child of the first source node can be combined.
protected  ConfigurationNode DefaultExpressionEngine.findLastPathNode(DefaultConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyIt, ConfigurationNode node)
          Finds the last existing node for an add operation.
 ConfigurationNode DefaultConfigurationNode.getAttribute(int index)
          Returns the attribute with the given index.
 ConfigurationNode ConfigurationNode.getAttribute(int index)
          Returns the attribute node with the given index.
 ConfigurationNode DefaultConfigurationNode.getChild(int index)
          Returns the child node with the given index.
 ConfigurationNode ConfigurationNode.getChild(int index)
          Returns the child node with the given index.
 ConfigurationNode DefaultConfigurationNode.SubNodes.getNode(int index)
          Returns the node with the given index.
 ConfigurationNode NodeAddData.getParent()
          Returns the parent node.
 ConfigurationNode DefaultConfigurationNode.getParentNode()
          Returns a reference to this node's parent.
 ConfigurationNode ConfigurationNode.getParentNode()
          Returns this node's parent.

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration.tree with parameters of type ConfigurationNode
 void ViewNode.addAttribute(ConfigurationNode attr)
          Adds an attribute to this view node.
 void DefaultConfigurationNode.addAttribute(ConfigurationNode attr)
          Adds the specified attribute to this node.
 void ConfigurationNode.addAttribute(ConfigurationNode attr)
          Adds the specified attribute to this node
protected  void OverrideCombiner.addAttributes(ViewNode result, ConfigurationNode node1, ConfigurationNode node2)
          Handles the attributes during a combination process.
 void ViewNode.addChild(ConfigurationNode child)
          Adds a child node to this view node.
 void DefaultConfigurationNode.addChild(ConfigurationNode child)
          Adds a new child to this node.
 void ConfigurationNode.addChild(ConfigurationNode node)
          Adds a child to this node.
 void DefaultConfigurationNode.SubNodes.addNode(ConfigurationNode node)
          Adds a new sub node.
 void ViewNode.appendAttributes(ConfigurationNode source)
          Adds all attribute nodes of the given source node to this view node.
 void ViewNode.appendChildren(ConfigurationNode source)
          Adds all child nodes of the given source node to this view node.
protected  ConfigurationNode OverrideCombiner.canCombine(ConfigurationNode node1, ConfigurationNode node2, ConfigurationNode child)
          Tests if a child node of the second node can be combined with the given child node of the first node.
 ConfigurationNode UnionCombiner.combine(ConfigurationNode node1, ConfigurationNode node2)
          Combines the given nodes to a new union node.
 ConfigurationNode OverrideCombiner.combine(ConfigurationNode node1, ConfigurationNode node2)
          Constructs an override combination for the passed in node structures.
abstract  ConfigurationNode NodeCombiner.combine(ConfigurationNode node1, ConfigurationNode node2)
          Combines the hierarchies represented by the given root nodes.
protected  void DefaultConfigurationNode.SubNodes.detachNode(ConfigurationNode subNode)
          This method is called whenever a sub node is removed from this object.
protected  ConfigurationNode UnionCombiner.findCombineNode(ConfigurationNode node1, ConfigurationNode node2, ConfigurationNode child, List children)
           Tries to find a child node of the second source node, with whitch a child of the first source node can be combined.
protected  ConfigurationNode DefaultExpressionEngine.findLastPathNode(DefaultConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyIt, ConfigurationNode node)
          Finds the last existing node for an add operation.
protected  void DefaultExpressionEngine.findNodesForKey(DefaultConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyPart, ConfigurationNode node, Collection nodes)
          Recursive helper method for evaluating a key.
 boolean NodeCombiner.isListNode(ConfigurationNode node)
          Checks if a node is a list node.
 String ExpressionEngine.nodeKey(ConfigurationNode node, String parentKey)
          Returns the key for the specified node in the expression language supported by an implementation.
 String DefaultExpressionEngine.nodeKey(ConfigurationNode node, String parentKey)
          Determines the key of the passed in node.
 NodeAddData ExpressionEngine.prepareAdd(ConfigurationNode root, String key)
          Returns information needed for an add operation.
 NodeAddData DefaultExpressionEngine.prepareAdd(ConfigurationNode root, String key)
           Prepares Adding the property with the specified key.
 List ExpressionEngine.query(ConfigurationNode root, String key)
          Finds the node(s) that is (are) matched by the specified key.
 List DefaultExpressionEngine.query(ConfigurationNode root, String key)
          Evaluates the given key and returns all matching nodes.
 boolean DefaultConfigurationNode.removeAttribute(ConfigurationNode node)
          Removes the specified attribute.
 boolean ConfigurationNode.removeAttribute(ConfigurationNode node)
          Removes the specified attribute from this node.
 boolean DefaultConfigurationNode.removeChild(ConfigurationNode child)
          Removes the specified child node from this node.
 boolean ConfigurationNode.removeChild(ConfigurationNode child)
          Removes the given node from this node's children.
 boolean DefaultConfigurationNode.SubNodes.removeNode(ConfigurationNode node)
          Removes a sub node.
 void NodeAddData.setParent(ConfigurationNode parent)
          Sets the parent node.
 void DefaultConfigurationNode.setParentNode(ConfigurationNode parent)
          Sets the parent of this node.
 void ConfigurationNode.setParentNode(ConfigurationNode parent)
          Sets the parent of this node.
 void ConfigurationNodeVisitorAdapter.visitAfterChildren(ConfigurationNode node)
          Empty dummy implementation of this interface method.
 void ConfigurationNodeVisitor.visitAfterChildren(ConfigurationNode node)
          Visits the specified node.
 void ConfigurationNodeVisitorAdapter.visitBeforeChildren(ConfigurationNode node)
          Empty dummy implementation of this interface method.
 void ConfigurationNodeVisitor.visitBeforeChildren(ConfigurationNode node)
          Visits the specified node.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.configuration.tree with parameters of type ConfigurationNode
NodeAddData(ConfigurationNode parent, String nodeName)
          Creates a new instance of NodeAddData and sets the most important data fields.

Uses of ConfigurationNode in org.apache.commons.configuration.tree.xpath

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration.tree.xpath with parameters of type ConfigurationNode
protected  org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext XPathExpressionEngine.createContext(ConfigurationNode root, String key)
          Creates the JXPathContext used for executing a query.
 String XPathExpressionEngine.nodeKey(ConfigurationNode node, String parentKey)
          Returns a (canonic) key for the given node based on the parent's key.
 NodeAddData XPathExpressionEngine.prepareAdd(ConfigurationNode root, String key)
          Prepares an add operation for a configuration property.
 List XPathExpressionEngine.query(ConfigurationNode root, String key)
          Executes a query.

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