Package org.apache.commons.configuration.tree

A package with helper and utility classes used by hierarchical configurations.


Interface Summary
ConfigurationNode Definition of an interface for the nodes of a hierarchical configuration.
ConfigurationNodeVisitor Definition of a Visitor interface for a configuration node structure.
ExpressionEngine Definition of an interface for evaluating keys for hierarchical configurations.

Class Summary
ConfigurationNodeVisitorAdapter A simple adapter class that simplyfies writing custom node visitor implementations.
DefaultConfigurationKey A simple class that supports creation of and iteration on configuration keys supported by a DefaultExpressionEngine object.
DefaultConfigurationNode A default implementation of the ConfigurationNode interface.
DefaultConfigurationNode.SubNodes An internally used helper class for managing a collection of sub nodes.
DefaultExpressionEngine A default implementation of the ExpressionEngine interface providing the "native"e; expression language for hierarchical configurations.
NodeAddData A simple data class used by ExpressionEngine to store the results of the prepareAdd() operation.
NodeCombiner A base class for node combiner implementations.
OverrideCombiner A concrete combiner implementation that is able to construct an override combination.
UnionCombiner A specialized implementation of the NodeCombiner interface that constructs a union from two passed in node hierarchies.
ViewNode A specialized node implementation to be used in view configurations.

Package org.apache.commons.configuration.tree Description

A package with helper and utility classes used by hierarchical configurations.

$Id: package.html 439648 2006-09-02 20:42:10Z oheger $

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