Since we're on a major migration process of this website, some component documents here are out of sync right now. In the meantime you may want to look at the early version of the new website
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What is a router?

We often talk about that Camel is a mediation and routing framework; so what exactly is a router and what does it do?

Basically a router just consumes Message exchanges from some Endpoint, then sends them on to some other Endpoint using some kind of Enterprise Integration Patterns.

For example a router could implement the Content Based Router pattern, to route from an endpoint to one or more destination endpoints using a Predicate based on the message content.

Typically a route or router consists of one or more consumers; either an Event Driven Consumer or a Polling Consumer or possibly a Transactional Client. Then there are one or more Processor instances which could send the message to one or more endpoints.

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