Since we're on a major migration process of this website, some component documents here are out of sync right now. In the meantime you may want to look at the early version of the new website
We would very much like to receive any feedback on the new site, please join the discussion on the Camel user mailing list.

See also

If you have never used or seen Camel before, then you should start with Apache Camel Tutorial – Introduction to EIP, Routes, Components, Testing, and other Concepts - an article by Kai Wähner, where he puts EIP and Camel into the big picture and gives a run down of the important Camel concepts. Demo source code can be downloaded at github to get started with your first Camel project easily.

Camel Videos


Articles are divided into several sections. As the lists grow, further sectioning refinements may be necessary.

General Articles

These examples show usage of several different components and other concepts such as error handling.

Tooling / Combination with other Products

These examples show Camel combined with several tools (e.g. IDE), ESBs, Application Services, and other middleware products such as messaging or OSGi container.

Camel and Groovy

Camel and Scala

Camel and Clojure

Camel and the IoT (Internet of Things)

Camel and Microservices/Cloud

Comparison to Camel's Competitors

Presentations on Apache Camel



  • Camel Design Patterns by Bilgin Ibryam (LeanPub, January 2016)
  • Apache Camel Developer's Cookbook by Scott Cranton and Jakub Korab (Packt Publishing, December 2013)
  • Instant Apache Camel Messaging System by Evgeniy Sharapov (Packt Publishing, September 2013)
  • Instant Apache Camel Message Routing by Bilgin Ibryam (Packt Publishing, August 2013)
  • Camel in Action by Claus Ibsen and Jonathan Anstey (Manning, December 2010)
  • Enterprise Integration Patterns by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf (Addison Wesley, October 2003)

Online Training

  • Introduction to Apache Camel - Pluralsight online training course covering the core Camel framework, pattern implementations and 
  • Apache Camel Video Tutorial - A 3 part video series that introduces you to Apache Camel, covers an use-case, and then highlights why you should use Camel.
  • Java In Use - Apache Camel Introduction, Apace Camel Interview Questions, and other beginner related training for Apache Camel.
  • Udemy Training: Apache Camel for Beginners - Learn by Coding in Java - Learn Apache Camel framework by coding it in Java. This is purely a coding course where you will be performing ton of code throughout the course. This course will cover integrations with Kafka, Active MQ, Postgres SQL , Rest WebServices and etc.
  • Max Munus - Provides online training to many different technologies. They provide online training for Apache Camel.





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