Since we're on a major migration process of this website, some component documents here are out of sync right now. In the meantime you may want to look at the early version of the new website
We would very much like to receive any feedback on the new site, please join the discussion on the Camel user mailing list.
Running ExamplesThis section walks you through running the examples which are shipped with a binary distribution. Before you startFirst you need to Download a binary distribution. To run the demos with maven, you need to download and install Apache Maven. To test your Maven install, change directory to the examples directory and type: mvn -v You should see something like: camel-rider:/tmp/camel/examples$ mvn -v Maven version: 3.0.3 Running the examples in MavenTo run the first example using Maven, change directory to the example you want to run then issue the following command: mvn exec:java To run the other Spring-based examples such as the Spring Example, use the Camel Maven Plugin. For example: cd camel-example-spring mvn camel:run Running the examples in your IDEIn each example you can run the main() from your IDE. To create an IDEA project, run mvn idea:idea If you are an Eclipse user, run mvn eclipse:eclipse You should now be able to open the project(s) in your IDE and run any main() method you wish. |