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RMI Component

The rmi: component binds Exchanges to the RMI protocol (JRMP).

Since this binding is just using RMI, normal RMI rules still apply regarding what methods can be invoked. This component supports only Exchanges that carry a method invocation from an interface that extends the Remote interface. All parameters in the method should be either Serializable or Remote objects.

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->

URI format


For example:


You can append query options to the URI in the following format, ?option=value&option=value&...



Default Value




You can set the name of the method to invoke.



Its now possible to use this option from Camel 2.7: in the XML DSL. It can be a list of interface names separated by comma.


To call out to an existing RMI service registered in an RMI registry, create a route similar to the following:


To bind an existing camel processor or service in an RMI registry, define an RMI endpoint as follows:

RmiEndpoint endpoint= (RmiEndpoint) endpoint("rmi://localhost:1099/bar");

Note that when binding an RMI consumer endpoint, you must specify the Remote interfaces exposed.

In XML DSL you can do as follows from Camel 2.7 onwards:

        <from uri="rmi://localhost:37541/helloServiceBean?remoteInterfaces=org.apache.camel.example.osgi.HelloService"/>
        <to uri="bean:helloServiceBean"/>
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