Since we're on a major migration process of this website, some component documents here are out of sync right now. In the meantime you may want to look at the early version of the new website
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Queue Component


To avoid confusion with JMS queues, this component is now deprecated in 1.1 onwards. Please use the SEDA component instead

The queue: component provides asynchronous SEDA behaviour so that messages are exchanged on a BlockingQueue and consumers are invoked in a seperate thread pool to the producer.

Note that queues are only visible within a single CamelContext. If you want to communicate across CamelContext instances such as to communicate across web applications, see the VM component.

Note also that this component has nothing to do with JMS, if you want a distributed SEA then try using either JMS or ActiveMQ or even MINA

URI format


Where someName can be any string to uniquely identify the endpoint within the current CamelContext

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