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Parameter Binding Annotationscamel-core Annotations can be used to define an Expression or to extract various headers, properties or payloads from a Message when invoking a bean method (see Bean Integration for more detail of how to invoke bean methods) together with being useful to help disambiguate which method to invoke. If no annotations are used then Camel assumes that a single parameter is the body of the message. Camel will then use the Type Converter mechanism to convert from the expression value to the actual type of the parameter. The core annotations are as follows
The follow annotations ExampleIn this example below we have a @Consume consumer (like message driven) that consumes JMS messages from the activemq queue. We use the @Header and @Body parameter binding annotations to bind from the JMSMessage to the method parameters. public class Foo { @Consume(uri = "activemq:my.queue") public void doSomething(@Header("JMSCorrelationID") String correlationID, @Body String body) { // process the inbound message here } } In the above Camel will extract the value of Message.getJMSCorrelationID(), then using the Type Converter to adapt the value to the type of the parameter if required - it will inject the parameter value for the correlationID parameter. Then the payload of the message will be converted to a String and injected into the body parameter. You don't necessarily need to use the @Consume annotation if you don't want to as you could also make use of the Camel DSL to route to the bean's method as well. Using the DSL to invoke the bean methodHere is another example which does not use POJO Consuming annotations but instead uses the DSL to route messages to the bean method public class Foo { public void doSomething(@Header("JMSCorrelationID") String correlationID, @Body String body) { // process the inbound message here } } The routing DSL then looks like this from("activemq:someQueue"). to("bean:myBean"); Here myBean would be looked up in the Registry (such as JNDI or the Spring ApplicationContext), then the body of the message would be used to try figure out what method to call. If you want to be explicit you can use from("activemq:someQueue"). to("bean:myBean?methodName=doSomething"); And here we have a nifty example for you to show some great power in Camel. You can mix and match the annotations with the normal parameters, so we can have this example with annotations and the Exchange also: public void doSomething(@Header("user") String user, @Body String body, Exchange exchange) { exchange.getIn().setBody(body + "MyBean"); } Annotation Based Expression LanguageYou can also use any of the Languages supported in Camel to bind expressions to method parameters when using Bean Integration. For example you can use any of these annotations:
Example:public class Foo { @MessageDriven(uri = "activemq:my.queue") public void doSomething(@XPath("/foo/bar/text()") String correlationID, @Body String body) { // process the inbound message here } } Advanced example using @BeanAnd an example of using the the @Bean binding annotation, where you can use a POJO where you can do whatever java code you like: public class Foo { @MessageDriven(uri = "activemq:my.queue") public void doSomething(@Bean("myCorrelationIdGenerator") String correlationID, @Body String body) { // process the inbound message here } } And then we can have a spring bean with the id myCorrelationIdGenerator where we can compute the id. public class MyIdGenerator { private UserManager userManager; public String generate(@Header(name = "user") String user, @Body String payload) throws Exception { User user = userManager.lookupUser(user); String userId = user.getPrimaryId(); String id = userId + generateHashCodeForPayload(payload); return id; } } The POJO MyIdGenerator has one public method that accepts two parameters. However we have also annotated this one with the @Header and @Body annotation to help Camel know what to bind here from the Message from the Exchange being processed. Of course this could be simplified a lot if you for instance just have a simple id generator. But we wanted to demonstrate that you can use the Bean Binding annotations anywhere. public class MySimpleIdGenerator { public static int generate() { // generate a unique id return 123; } } And finally we just need to remember to have our bean registered in the Spring Registry: <bean id="myCorrelationIdGenerator" class="com.mycompany.MySimpleIdGenerator"/> Example using GroovyIn this example we have an Exchange that has a User object stored in the in header. This User object has methods to get some user information. We want to use Groovy to inject an expression that extracts and concats the fullname of the user into the fullName parameter. public void doSomething(@Groovy("$request.header['user'].firstName $request.header['user'].familyName) String fullName, @Body String body) { // process the inbound message here } Groovy supports GStrings that is like a template where we can insert $ placeholders that will be evaluated by Groovy. |