Package org.apache.camel.component.netty.http

Interface Summary
ContextPathMatcher A matcher used for selecting the correct HttpServerChannelHandler to handle an incoming HttpRequest when you use multiple routes on the same port.
HttpServerConsumerChannelFactory Factory for setting up Netty ChannelHandler bound to a given Netty port.
NettyHttpBinding To bind Netty http codec with the Camel Message api.
NettySharedHttpServer A single interface to easily configure and setup a shared Netty HTTP server to be re-used among other Camel applications.
SecurityAuthenticator A SecurityAuthenticator allows to plugin custom authenticators, such as JAAS based or custom implementations.

Class Summary
DefaultContextPathMatcher A default ContextPathMatcher which supports the matchOnUriPrefix option.
DefaultNettyHttpBinding Default NettyHttpBinding.
DefaultNettySharedHttpServer A default NettySharedHttpServer to make sharing Netty server in Camel applications easier.
HttpClientPipelineFactory ClientPipelineFactory for the Netty HTTP client.
HttpPrincipal Http Principal.
HttpServerPipelineFactory ServerPipelineFactory for the Netty HTTP server.
HttpServerSharedPipelineFactory A shared ServerPipelineFactory for a shared Netty HTTP server.
JAASSecurityAuthenticator A JAAS based SecurityAuthenticator implementation.
NettyChannelBufferStreamCache A ChannelBuffer which is exposed as an InputStream which makes it very easy to use by Camel and other Camel components.
NettyHttpComponent Netty HTTP based component.
NettyHttpConfiguration Extended configuration for using HTTP with Netty.
NettyHttpConstants Netty HTTP constants.
NettyHttpConsumer HTTP based NettyConsumer
NettyHttpEndpoint HTTP based NettyEndpoint
NettyHttpHeaderFilterStrategy Default Netty HeaderFilterStrategy used when binding with NettyHttpBinding.
NettyHttpHelper Helpers.
NettyHttpMessage Netty HTTP based Message.
NettyHttpProducer HTTP based NettyProducer.
NettyHttpSecurityConfiguration Security configuration for the NettyHttpConsumer.
SecurityAuthenticatorSupport A base class for SecurityAuthenticator.
SecurityAuthenticatorSupport.HttpPrincipalCallbackHandler CallbackHandler that provides the username and password.
SecurityConstraintMapping A default SecurityConstraint which can be used to define a set of mappings to as constraints.

Exception Summary
NettyHttpOperationFailedException Exception when a Netty HTTP operation failed.

Apache Camel