Interface NettySharedHttpServer

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public interface NettySharedHttpServer
extends org.apache.camel.Service

A single interface to easily configure and setup a shared Netty HTTP server to be re-used among other Camel applications.

To use this, just define a NettyServerBootstrapConfiguration configuration, and set this using setNettyServerBootstrapConfiguration(NettySharedHttpServerBootstrapConfiguration). Then call the Service.start() to initialize this shared server.

Method Summary
 HttpServerConsumerChannelFactory getConsumerChannelFactory()
          Gets the HttpServerConsumerChannelFactory to use.
 int getConsumersSize()
          Number of consumers using this shared Netty HTTP server.
 int getPort()
          Gets the port number this Netty HTTP server uses.
 org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyServerBootstrapFactory getServerBootstrapFactory()
          Gets the NettyServerBootstrapFactory to use.
 void setClassResolver(org.apache.camel.spi.ClassResolver classResolver)
          To use a custom ClassResolver for loading resource on the classpath.
 void setNettyServerBootstrapConfiguration(NettySharedHttpServerBootstrapConfiguration configuration)
          Sets the bootstrap configuration to use by this shared Netty HTTP server.
 void setStartServer(boolean startServer)
          Whether to start the Netty HTTP server eager and bind to the port, or wait on first demand
 void setThreadNamePattern(String pattern)
          Sets a custom thread name pattern to be used for naming the Netty HTTP server threads.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.Service
start, stop

Method Detail


void setNettyServerBootstrapConfiguration(NettySharedHttpServerBootstrapConfiguration configuration)
Sets the bootstrap configuration to use by this shared Netty HTTP server.


void setClassResolver(org.apache.camel.spi.ClassResolver classResolver)
To use a custom ClassResolver for loading resource on the classpath.


void setStartServer(boolean startServer)
Whether to start the Netty HTTP server eager and bind to the port, or wait on first demand


void setThreadNamePattern(String pattern)
Sets a custom thread name pattern to be used for naming the Netty HTTP server threads.


int getPort()
Gets the port number this Netty HTTP server uses.


HttpServerConsumerChannelFactory getConsumerChannelFactory()
Gets the HttpServerConsumerChannelFactory to use.


org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyServerBootstrapFactory getServerBootstrapFactory()
Gets the NettyServerBootstrapFactory to use.


int getConsumersSize()
Number of consumers using this shared Netty HTTP server.

Apache Camel