Uses of Interface

Packages that use Language
org.apache.camel The core Camel API. 
org.apache.camel.component.controlbus The Control Bus Component which allows to manage Camel at runtime. 
org.apache.camel.component.language The Language Component to send messages to language endpoints executing the script. 
org.apache.camel.impl Default implementation classes for Camel Core 
org.apache.camel.impl.osgi Camel OSGi Activator. 
org.apache.camel.language.bean Camel Bean language. 
org.apache.camel.language.constant Camel Constant language. 
org.apache.camel.language.header Camel Header language. Camel Property language. 
org.apache.camel.language.ref Camel Ref language. 
org.apache.camel.language.simple Camel Simple language. 
org.apache.camel.language.tokenizer Camel Tokenizer language. 
org.apache.camel.language.xpath Camel XPath language support. 
org.apache.camel.spi Service Provider Interfaces used internally by the Camel runtime which are plugin strategies. Base classes that help to implement the camel API and are expected to be extended by the user 

Uses of Language in org.apache.camel

Methods in org.apache.camel that return Language
 Language CamelContext.resolveLanguage(String language)
          Resolves a language for creating expressions

Uses of Language in org.apache.camel.component.controlbus

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.controlbus that return Language
 Language ControlBusEndpoint.getLanguage()

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.controlbus with parameters of type Language
protected  void ControlBusProducer.processByLanguage(Exchange exchange, Language language)
 void ControlBusEndpoint.setLanguage(Language language)

Uses of Language in org.apache.camel.component.language

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.language that return Language
 Language LanguageEndpoint.getLanguage()

Constructors in org.apache.camel.component.language with parameters of type Language
LanguageEndpoint(String endpointUri, Component component, Language language, Expression expression, String resourceUri)

Uses of Language in org.apache.camel.impl

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl that return Language
protected  Language DefaultLanguageResolver.noSpecificLanguageFound(String name, CamelContext context)
 Language DefaultCamelContext.resolveLanguage(String language)
 Language DefaultLanguageResolver.resolveLanguage(String name, CamelContext context)

Uses of Language in org.apache.camel.impl.osgi

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl.osgi that return Language
 Language Activator.BundleLanguageResolver.resolveLanguage(String name, CamelContext context)
 Language Activator.BundleMetaLanguageResolver.resolveLanguage(String name, CamelContext context)

Uses of Language in org.apache.camel.language.bean

Classes in org.apache.camel.language.bean that implement Language
 class BeanLanguage
          A bean language which uses a simple text notation to invoke methods on beans to evaluate predicates or expressions

The notation is essentially beanName.methodName which is then invoked using the beanName to lookup in the bean integration to bind the Exchange to the method arguments.


Uses of Language in org.apache.camel.language.constant

Classes in org.apache.camel.language.constant that implement Language
 class ConstantLanguage
          A language for constant expressions.

Uses of Language in org.apache.camel.language.header

Classes in org.apache.camel.language.header that implement Language
 class HeaderLanguage
          A language for header expressions.

Uses of Language in

Classes in that implement Language
 class PropertyLanguage
          A language for property expressions.

Uses of Language in org.apache.camel.language.ref

Classes in org.apache.camel.language.ref that implement Language
 class RefLanguage
          A language for referred expressions.

Uses of Language in org.apache.camel.language.simple

Classes in org.apache.camel.language.simple that implement Language
 class FileLanguage
 class SimpleLanguage
          A simple language which maps simple property style notations to access headers and bodies.

Uses of Language in org.apache.camel.language.tokenizer

Classes in org.apache.camel.language.tokenizer that implement Language
 class TokenizeLanguage
          A language for tokenizer expressions.

Uses of Language in org.apache.camel.language.xpath

Classes in org.apache.camel.language.xpath that implement Language
 class XPathLanguage
          XPath language.

Uses of Language in org.apache.camel.spi

Methods in org.apache.camel.spi that return Language
 Language LanguageResolver.resolveLanguage(String name, CamelContext context)
          Resolves the given language.

Uses of Language in

Classes in that implement Language
 class LanguageSupport
          Base language for Language implementations.

Apache Camel