Package org.apache.camel

The core Camel API.


Interface Summary
AsyncCallback The callback interface for an AsyncProcessor so that it can notify you when an Exchange is done.
AsyncProcessor An asynchronous processor which can process an Exchange in an asynchronous fashion and signal completion by invoking the AsyncCallback.
AsyncProducerCallback Callback for sending a exchange message to a endpoint using an AsyncProcessor capable producer.
BatchConsumer A consumer of a batch of message exchanges from an Endpoint
BinaryPredicate A predicate which evaluates a binary expression.
CamelContext Interface used to represent the context used to configure routes and the policies to use during message exchanges between endpoints.
CamelContextAware An interface to represent an object which wishes to be injected with a CamelContext such as when working with Spring or Guice
Channel Channel acts as a channel between Processors in the route graph.
Component A component is a factory of Endpoint objects.
ComponentConfiguration Represents a set of configuration values for an endpoint URI which can be created from a URI string or a base URI string and a set of parameter names and values.
Consumer A consumer of message exchanges from an Endpoint
ConsumerTemplate Template for working with Camel and consuming Message instances in an Exchange from an Endpoint.
DelegateProcessor Interface to be used for processors that delegate to the real processor
Endpoint An endpoint implements the Message Endpoint pattern and represents an endpoint that can send and receive message exchanges
EndpointConfiguration Holds an Endpoint configuration as a pojo that can be manipulated and validated.
ErrorHandlerFactory Factory for creating ErrorHandlers.
Exchange An Exchange is the message container holding the information during the entire routing of a Message received by a Consumer.
ExecutorServiceAware Is used for easy configuration of ExecutorService.
Expression An expression provides a plugin strategy for evaluating expressions on a message exchange to support things like scripting languages, XQuery or SQL as well as any arbitrary Java expression.
IsSingleton Used for defining if a given class is singleton or not.
Message Implements the Message pattern and represents an inbound or outbound message as part of an Exchange.
MessageHistory Represents the history of a Camel Message how it was routed by the Camel routing engine.
MultipleConsumersSupport Endpoint can optionally implement this interface to indicate whether or not it supports multiple consumers.
Navigate<T> Implementations support navigating a graph where you can traverse forward and each next returns a List of outputs of type T that can contain 0..n nodes.
Ordered Interface to be implemented by objects that should be orderable, such as with a Collection.
PollingConsumer Represents a Polling Consumer where the caller polls for messages when it is ready.
PollingConsumerPollingStrategy Strategy that allows Consumers to influence the PollingConsumer.
Predicate Evaluates a binary predicate on the message exchange to support things like scripting languages, XQuery or SQL as well as any arbitrary Java expression.
Processor A processor is used to implement the Event Driven Consumer and Message Translator patterns and to process message exchanges.
Producer Provides a channel on which clients can create and invoke message exchanges on an Endpoint
ProducerCallback<T> Callback for sending a exchange message to a endpoint using a producer.
ProducerTemplate Template for working with Camel and sending Message instances in an Exchange to an Endpoint.
Rejectable Reject executing or processing some task.
Route A Route defines the processing used on an inbound message exchange from a specific Endpoint within a CamelContext

Use the API from CamelContext to control the lifecycle of a route, such as starting and stopping using the CamelContext.startRoute(String) and CamelContext.stopRoute(String) methods.

RouteAware An interface to represent an object which wishes to be injected with a Route such as Consumer which is the consumer for a route.
RouteNode Represents a model of a node in the runtime route path.
RoutesBuilder A routes builder is capable of building routes using the builder and model classes.
RuntimeConfiguration Various runtime configuration options used by CamelContext and RouteContext for cross cutting functions such as tracing, delayer, stream cache and the like.
Service Represents the core lifecycle API for POJOs which can be started and stopped
ServicePoolAware Marker interface to indicate this service can be pooled using a ServicePool.
ShutdownableService A Service which is capable of being shut down.
StartupListener Allows objects to be notified when CamelContext has done all work when starting.
StatefulService A Service which has all the lifecycle events and offers details about its current state.
StaticService Marker for indicating the Service is a static service (only one instance per CamelContext).
StreamCache Tagging interface to indicate that a type is capable of caching the underlying data stream.
SuspendableService A Service which is also capable of suspending and resuming.
TimeoutMap<K,V> Represents a map of values which timeout after a period of inactivity.
TimerListener Listener for receiving timer events.
Traceable Traceable processors allowing easier tracing using constructed labels to help identify the processor and where it's defined in the route model.
TypeConverter A pluggable strategy to be able to convert objects to different types such as to and from String, InputStream/OutputStream, Reader/Writer, Document, byte[], ByteBuffer etc
WrappedFile<T> Wraps a file.

Class Summary
BytesSource A helper class which provides a JAXP Source from a byte[] which can be read as many times as required.
Main Deprecated. use org.apache.camel.main.Main instead
StringSource A helper class which provides a JAXP Source from a String which can be read as many times as required.

Enum Summary
EndpointConfiguration.UriFormat DataFormat operations.
ExchangePattern Represents the kind of message exchange pattern
LoggingLevel Used to configure the logging levels
ManagementStatisticsLevel Level of granularity for performance statistics enabled
ServiceStatus Represents the status of a Service instance
ShutdownRoute Represents the options available when shutting down routes.
ShutdownRunningTask Represents the kind of options for what to do with the current task when shutting down.
ThreadPoolRejectedPolicy Represent the kinds of options for rejection handlers for thread pools.
WaitForTaskToComplete Represent the kinds of options for wait for tasks to complete.

Exception Summary
AlreadyStoppedException Exception thrown in situations when a Service has already been stopped.
CamelAuthorizationException An exception thrown for either authentication or authorization errors occurring in a Camel exchange.
CamelException Base class for all Camel checked exceptions typically thrown by a Processor
CamelExchangeException An exception caused by a specific message Exchange
CamelExecutionException Exception occurred during execution/processing of an Exchange.
CamelUnitOfWorkException A UnitOfWork failed with a number of caused exceptions.
ExchangeTimedOutException An exception thrown if an InOut exchange times out receiving the OUT message
ExpectedBodyTypeException Thrown if the body could not be converted to the required type
ExpressionEvaluationException An exception thrown if evaluation of the expression failed.
ExpressionIllegalSyntaxException An exception thrown if the expression contains illegal syntax.
FailedToCreateConsumerException Thrown if Camel failed to create a consumer for a given endpoint.
FailedToCreateProducerException Thrown if Camel failed to create a producer for a given endpoint.
FailedToCreateRouteException Exception when failing to create a Route.
FailedToStartRouteException Exception when failing to start a Route.
InvalidPayloadException Is thrown if the payload from the exchange could not be retrieved because of being null, wrong class type etc.
InvalidPayloadRuntimeException Runtime version of the InvalidPayloadException.
InvalidPropertyException An exception caused when an invalid property name is used on an object
NoFactoryAvailableException Thrown if no factory resource is available for the given URI
NoSuchBeanException A runtime exception if a given bean could not be found in the Registry
NoSuchEndpointException A runtime exception thrown if a routing processor such as a RecipientList is unable to resolve an Endpoint from a URI.
NoSuchHeaderException An exception caused when a mandatory header is not available on a message Exchange
NoSuchLanguageException A runtime exception thrown if an attempt is made to resolve an unknown language definition.
NoSuchPropertyException An exception caused when a mandatory property is not available on a message Exchange
NoTypeConversionAvailableException An exception thrown if a value could not be converted to the required type
ProxyInstantiationException Exception indicating a failure while trying to create a proxy of a given type and on a given endpoint
ResolveEndpointFailedException A runtime exception thrown if an Endpoint cannot be resolved via URI
RollbackExchangeException Exception used for forcing an Exchange to be rolled back.
RuntimeCamelException Base class for all Camel unchecked exceptions.
RuntimeExchangeException A runtime exception caused by a specific message Exchange
RuntimeExpressionException Thrown if an expression evaluation fails
RuntimeTransformException Thrown if a message transformation fails
TypeConversionException Exception when failing during type conversion.
TypeConverterLoaderException Exception when failing to load type converters.
ValidationException The base class for any validation exception, such as SchemaValidationException so that it is easy to treat all validation errors in a similar way irrespective of the particular validation technology used.
VetoCamelContextStartException An exception to veto starting CamelContext.

Annotation Types Summary
Attachments Marks a parameter as being Map of attachments of an inbound Message
BeanInject Used to indicate an injection point of a bean obtained from the Registry, into a POJO.
Body Marks a parameter as being the body of an inbound Message
Consume Subscribes a method to an Endpoint either via its URI or via the name of the endpoint reference which is then resolved in a registry such as the Spring Application Context.
Converter An annotation used to mark classes and methods to indicate code capable of converting from a type to another type which are then auto-discovered using the Type Conversion Support
DynamicRouter Indicates that this method is to be used as a Dynamic Router routing the incoming message through a series of processing steps.
EndpointInject Used to indicate an injection point of an Endpoint, Producer or ProducerTemplate into a POJO.
ExchangeException Marks a parameter as being the exception set on an exchange
FallbackConverter An annotation used to mark methods to indicate code capable of being a fallback converter which are then auto-discovered using the Type Conversion Support.
Handler Marks a method on a POJO as being the preferred method to invoke when Camel looks for methods to invoke using the BeanEndpoint.
Header Marks a parameter as being a header on an inbound Message
Headers Marks a parameter as being an injection point of the headers of an inbound Message
InOnly Marks methods as being ExchangePattern.InOnly for one way asynchronous invocation when using Bean Integration or Spring Remoting to overload the default value which is ExchangePattern.InOut for request/reply if no annotations are used.
InOut Marks a method as being ExchangePattern.InOut when a class or interface has been annotated with InOnly when using Bean Integration or Spring Remoting.
OutHeaders Marks a parameter as being an injection point of the headers of an outbound Message
Pattern Marks a method as having a specific kind of ExchangePattern for use with Bean Integration or Spring Remoting to overload the default value which is ExchangePattern.InOut for request/reply if no annotations are used.
Produce Marks a field or property as being a producer to an Endpoint either via its URI or via the name of the endpoint reference which is then resolved in a registry such as the Spring Application Context.
Properties Marks a parameter as being an injection point of the properties of an Exchange
Property Marks a parameter as being an injection point of a property of an Exchange
PropertyInject Used to indicate an injection point of a property placeholder into a POJO.
RecipientList Indicates that this method is to be used as a Dynamic Recipient List routing the incoming message to one or more endpoints.
RoutingSlip Indicates that this method is to be used as a Routing Slip routing the incoming message through a series of processing steps.
URIField Used to indicate the field of an EndpointConfiguration.

Package org.apache.camel Description

The core Camel API.

Apache Camel