Uses of Interface

Packages that use Traceable
org.apache.camel.processor A collection of Processor implementations which are used to implement the Enterprise Integration Patterns 
org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate Helper classes for the Aggregator pattern. 
org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer Various load balancer processors 
org.apache.camel.processor.validation Performs XML validation using JAXP for validating against XSD or RelaxNG 

Uses of Traceable in org.apache.camel.processor

Subinterfaces of Traceable in org.apache.camel.processor
 interface Traceable

Classes in org.apache.camel.processor that implement Traceable
 class AOPProcessor
 class CatchProcessor
          A processor which catches exceptions.
 class ChoiceProcessor
          Implements a Choice structure where one or more predicates are used which if they are true their processors are used, with a default otherwise clause used if none match.
 class Delayer
          A Delayer which delays processing the exchange until the correct amount of time has elapsed using an expression to determine the delivery time.
 class DynamicRouter
          Implements a Dynamic Router pattern where the destination(s) is computed at runtime.
 class EvaluateExpressionProcessor
          A Processor which evaluates an Expression and stores the result as a property on the Exchange with the key Exchange.EVALUATE_EXPRESSION_RESULT.
 class FilterProcessor
          The processor which implements the Message Filter EIP pattern.
 class FinallyProcessor
          Processor to handle do finally supporting asynchronous routing engine
 class LogProcessor
          A processor which evaluates an Expression and logs it.
 class LoopProcessor
          The processor which sends messages in a loop.
 class MarshalProcessor
          Marshals the body of the incoming message using the given data format
 class MulticastProcessor
          Implements the Multicast pattern to send a message exchange to a number of endpoints, each endpoint receiving a copy of the message exchange.
 class OnCompletionProcessor
 class Pipeline
          Creates a Pipeline pattern where the output of the previous step is sent as input to the next step, reusing the same message exchanges
 class RecipientListProcessor
          Implements a dynamic Recipient List pattern where the list of actual endpoints to send a message exchange to are dependent on some dynamic expression.
 class Resequencer
          An implementation of the Resequencer which can reorder messages within a batch.
 class RollbackProcessor
          Processor for marking an Exchange to rollback.
 class RoutingSlip
          Implements a Routing Slip pattern where the list of actual endpoints to send a message exchange to are dependent on the value of a message header.
 class SendProcessor
          Processor for forwarding exchanges to an endpoint destination.
 class SetBodyProcessor
          A processor which sets the body on the IN or OUT message with an Expression
 class Splitter
          Implements a dynamic Splitter pattern where an expression is evaluated to iterate through each of the parts of a message and then each part is then send to some endpoint.
 class StreamResequencer
          A resequencer that re-orders a (continuous) stream of Exchanges.
 class Throttler
          A Throttler will set a limit on the maximum number of message exchanges which can be sent to a processor within a specific time period.
 class ThrowExceptionProcessor
          The processor which sets an Exception on the Exchange
 class TransformProcessor
          A processor which sets the body on the OUT message with an Expression
 class TryProcessor
          Implements try/catch/finally type processing
 class UnmarshalProcessor
          Unmarshals the body of the incoming message using the given data format
 class WireTapProcessor
          Processor for wire tapping exchanges to an endpoint destination.

Uses of Traceable in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate

Classes in org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate that implement Traceable
 class AggregateProcessor
          An implementation of the Aggregator pattern where a batch of messages are processed (up to a maximum amount or until some timeout is reached) and messages for the same correlation key are combined together using some kind of AggregationStrategy (by default the latest message is used) to compress many message exchanges into a smaller number of exchanges.

Uses of Traceable in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer

Classes in org.apache.camel.processor.loadbalancer that implement Traceable
 class FailOverLoadBalancer
          This FailOverLoadBalancer will failover to use next processor when an exception occurred

This implementation mirrors the logic from the Pipeline in the async variation as the failover load balancer is a specialized pipeline.


Uses of Traceable in org.apache.camel.processor.validation

Classes in org.apache.camel.processor.validation that implement Traceable
 class PredicateValidatingProcessor
          A processor which validates the content of the inbound message body against a Predicate.

Apache Camel