Uses of Interface

Packages that use Producer
org.apache.camel The core Camel API. 
org.apache.camel.component.bean The Bean Component which will look up the bean name in the Spring ApplicationContext and use that to dispatch messages to a POJO 
org.apache.camel.component.binding The Binding Component which is a way of wrapping an Endpoint in a contract; such as a Data Format, a Content Enricher or validation step. 
org.apache.camel.component.browse The Browse Component which is a simple in memory component which maintains a list of all message exchanges which can be useful for debugging, tooling or visualistion. 
org.apache.camel.component.controlbus The Control Bus Component which allows to manage Camel at runtime. 
org.apache.camel.component.dataformat The DataFormat Component allows to use Data Format as a Camel Component. The Direct Component which synchronously invokes all the consumers when a producer sends an exchange to the endpoint. 
org.apache.camel.component.directvm The Direct VM Component which synchronously invokes the consumer when a producer sends an exchange to the endpoint. 
org.apache.camel.component.file The File Component for working with file systems. 
org.apache.camel.component.language The Language Component to send messages to language endpoints executing the script. 
org.apache.camel.component.log The Log Component uses Jakarta Commons Logging to log message exchanges. 
org.apache.camel.component.mock The Mock Component which is used for testing of routing and mediation rules. 
org.apache.camel.component.seda The SEDA Component for asynchronous SEDA exchanges on a BlockingQueue within a single CamelContext 
org.apache.camel.component.timer The Timer Component extends the POJO component to provide a simple timer 
org.apache.camel.impl Default implementation classes for Camel Core Camel management Camel management JMX MBeans 
org.apache.camel.processor A collection of Processor implementations which are used to implement the Enterprise Integration Patterns 
org.apache.camel.spi Service Provider Interfaces used internally by the Camel runtime which are plugin strategies. 

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel

Methods in org.apache.camel that return Producer
 Producer Endpoint.createProducer()
          Creates a new producer which is used send messages into the endpoint

Methods in org.apache.camel that return types with arguments of type Producer
 ServicePool<Endpoint,Producer> CamelContext.getProducerServicePool()
          Gets the service pool for Producer pooling.

Methods in org.apache.camel with parameters of type Producer
 boolean AsyncProducerCallback.doInAsyncProducer(Producer producer, AsyncProcessor asyncProducer, Exchange exchange, ExchangePattern exchangePattern, AsyncCallback callback)
          Performs operation on the given producer to send the given exchange.
 T ProducerCallback.doInProducer(Producer producer, Exchange exchange, ExchangePattern exchangePattern)
          Performs operation on the given producer to send the given exchange.

Method parameters in org.apache.camel with type arguments of type Producer
 void CamelContext.setProducerServicePool(ServicePool<Endpoint,Producer> servicePool)
          Sets a pluggable service pool to use for Producer pooling.

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.component.bean

Fields in org.apache.camel.component.bean declared as Producer
protected  Producer AbstractCamelInvocationHandler.producer

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.bean with parameters of type Producer
<T> T
ProxyHelper.createProxy(Endpoint endpoint, Producer producer, Class<T>... interfaceClasses)
          Creates a Proxy which sends the exchange to the endpoint.
<T> T
ProxyHelper.createProxy(Endpoint endpoint, Producer producer, Class<T> interfaceClass)
          Creates a Proxy which sends the exchange to the endpoint.
<T> T
ProxyHelper.createProxyObject(Endpoint endpoint, Producer producer, ClassLoader classLoader, Class<T>[] interfaces, MethodInfoCache methodCache)
          Creates a Proxy which sends the exchange to the endpoint.

Constructors in org.apache.camel.component.bean with parameters of type Producer
AbstractCamelInvocationHandler(Endpoint endpoint, Producer producer)
CamelInvocationHandler(Endpoint endpoint, Producer producer, MethodInfoCache methodInfoCache)
PojoMessageInvocationHandler(Endpoint endpoint, Producer producer)

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.component.binding

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.binding that implement Producer
 class BindingProducer
          A Producer which applies a Binding before invoking the underlying Producer on the Endpoint

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.binding that return Producer
 Producer BindingEndpoint.createProducer()

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.component.browse

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.browse that return Producer
 Producer BrowseEndpoint.createProducer()

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.component.controlbus

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.controlbus that implement Producer
 class ControlBusProducer
          The control bus producer.

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.controlbus that return Producer
 Producer ControlBusEndpoint.createProducer()

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.component.dataformat

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.dataformat that return Producer
 Producer DataFormatEndpoint.createProducer()

Uses of Producer in

Classes in that implement Producer
 class DirectBlockingProducer
          The direct producer.
 class DirectProducer
          The direct producer.

Methods in that return Producer
 Producer DirectEndpoint.createProducer()

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.component.directvm

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.directvm that implement Producer
 class DirectVmBlockingProducer
          The direct producer.
 class DirectVmProducer
          The direct-vm producer

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.directvm that return Producer
 Producer DirectVmEndpoint.createProducer()

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.component.file

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.file that implement Producer
 class GenericFileProducer<T>
          Generic file producer

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.component.language

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.language that implement Producer
 class LanguageProducer
          Language producer.

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.language that return Producer
 Producer LanguageEndpoint.createProducer()

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.component.log

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.log that implement Producer
 class LogProducer
          Log producer.

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.log that return Producer
 Producer LogEndpoint.createProducer()

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.component.mock

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.mock that return Producer
 Producer MockEndpoint.createProducer()

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.component.seda

Classes in org.apache.camel.component.seda that implement Producer
 class CollectionProducer
          Deprecated. will be removed in a future Camel release
 class SedaProducer

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.seda that return Producer
 Producer SedaEndpoint.createProducer()

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.component.timer

Methods in org.apache.camel.component.timer that return Producer
 Producer TimerEndpoint.createProducer()

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.impl

Classes in org.apache.camel.impl that implement Producer
 class DefaultAsyncProducer
          A default implementation of Producer for implementation inheritance, which can process Exchanges asynchronously.
 class DefaultProducer
          A default implementation of Producer for implementation inheritance.
 class SynchronousDelegateProducer
          To process the delegated producer in synchronous mode.

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl that return Producer
 Producer ProducerCache.acquireProducer(Endpoint endpoint)
          Acquires a pooled producer which you must release back again after usage using the ProducerCache.releaseProducer(org.apache.camel.Endpoint, org.apache.camel.Producer) method.
protected  Producer CamelPostProcessorHelper.createInjectionProducer(Endpoint endpoint, Object bean, String beanName)
          A Factory method to create a started Producer to be injected into a POJO
 Producer ProcessorEndpoint.createProducer()
 Producer InterceptSendToEndpoint.createProducer()
protected  Producer ProducerCache.doGetProducer(Endpoint endpoint, boolean pooled)
protected  Producer InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy.onInterceptEndpoint(String uri, Endpoint endpoint, MockEndpoint mockEndpoint, Producer mockProducer)
          Callback when an endpoint was intercepted with the given mock endpoint

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl that return types with arguments of type Producer
protected static LRUCache<String,Producer> ProducerCache.createLRUCache(int cacheSize)
          Creates the LRUCache to be used.
 ServicePool<Endpoint,Producer> DefaultCamelContext.getProducerServicePool()

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl with parameters of type Producer
protected  Producer InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy.onInterceptEndpoint(String uri, Endpoint endpoint, MockEndpoint mockEndpoint, Producer mockProducer)
          Callback when an endpoint was intercepted with the given mock endpoint
 void ProducerCache.releaseProducer(Endpoint endpoint, Producer producer)
          Releases an acquired producer back after usage.

Method parameters in org.apache.camel.impl with type arguments of type Producer
 void DefaultCamelContext.setProducerServicePool(ServicePool<Endpoint,Producer> producerServicePool)

Constructors in org.apache.camel.impl with parameters of type Producer
SynchronousDelegateProducer(Producer producer)

Constructor parameters in org.apache.camel.impl with type arguments of type Producer
ProducerCache(Object source, CamelContext camelContext, Map<String,Producer> cache)
ProducerCache(Object source, CamelContext camelContext, ServicePool<Endpoint,Producer> producerServicePool, Map<String,Producer> cache)
ProducerCache(Object source, CamelContext camelContext, ServicePool<Endpoint,Producer> producerServicePool, Map<String,Producer> cache)

Uses of Producer in

Methods in with parameters of type Producer
 Object DefaultManagementObjectStrategy.getManagedObjectForProducer(CamelContext context, Producer producer)
 ObjectName DefaultManagementNamingStrategy.getObjectNameForProducer(CamelContext context, Producer producer)

Uses of Producer in

Methods in that return Producer
 Producer ManagedProducer.getProducer()

Constructors in with parameters of type Producer
ManagedProducer(CamelContext context, Producer producer)

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.processor

Classes in org.apache.camel.processor that implement Producer
 class UnitOfWorkProducer
          Ensures a Producer is executed within an UnitOfWork.

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor that return Producer
 Producer ProcessorExchangePair.getProducer()

Methods in org.apache.camel.processor with parameters of type Producer
protected  ProcessorExchangePair RecipientListProcessor.createProcessorExchangePair(int index, Endpoint endpoint, Producer producer, Exchange exchange)
          This logic is similar to MulticastProcessor but we have to return a RecipientProcessorExchangePair instead

Constructors in org.apache.camel.processor with parameters of type Producer
Enricher(AggregationStrategy aggregationStrategy, Producer producer)
          Creates a new Enricher.
Enricher(Producer producer)
          Creates a new Enricher.
UnitOfWorkProducer(Producer producer)
          The producer which should be executed within an UnitOfWork.

Uses of Producer in org.apache.camel.spi

Methods in org.apache.camel.spi with parameters of type Producer
 Object ManagementObjectStrategy.getManagedObjectForProducer(CamelContext context, Producer producer)
 ObjectName ManagementNamingStrategy.getObjectNameForProducer(CamelContext context, Producer producer)

Apache Camel