Uses of Class

Packages that use NoFactoryAvailableException
org.apache.camel The core Camel API. 
org.apache.camel.impl Default implementation classes for Camel Core 
org.apache.camel.spi Service Provider Interfaces used internally by the Camel runtime which are plugin strategies. 

Uses of NoFactoryAvailableException in org.apache.camel

Methods in org.apache.camel that throw NoFactoryAvailableException
 FactoryFinder CamelContext.getFactoryFinder(String path)
          Gets the FactoryFinder which will be used for the loading the factory class from META-INF in the given path

Uses of NoFactoryAvailableException in org.apache.camel.impl

Methods in org.apache.camel.impl that throw NoFactoryAvailableException
 FactoryFinder DefaultCamelContext.getFactoryFinder(String path)
 Object DefaultFactoryFinder.newInstance(String key)

Uses of NoFactoryAvailableException in org.apache.camel.spi

Methods in org.apache.camel.spi that throw NoFactoryAvailableException
 Object FactoryFinder.newInstance(String key)
          Creates a new class instance using the key to lookup

Apache Camel